UX Design, UX Research, Human Centered Design, Italienisch
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UX Design
Design Thinking
UX research
User Experience Design
Human-Centered design
Mother tongue



Hamburg (+50km)



1 Jahr 3 Monate
2020-05 - 2021-07

Human Centered Design

Team lead, UX researcher, Low fid. Mockup
Team lead, UX researcher, Low fid. Mockup
Human-Centered Design advanced training.

Project background
The project is a personal project developed within a Human centered Design method. It is a service platform that wants to help women who are in a current state of flux by allowing them: 
  • to actively participate in the world around them
  • to change the perception of those who don?t understand or won?t accept this new stage of their development
  • to introduce them to other life experiences which are equally fulfilling
  • to create a new environment to grow
  • to network with experts and users alike in order to become a more complete individual
  • to become their true selves 

Design Challenge 
  • Our scope was to create a "tool" for girls, women who want to improve their education about topics like eating disorders, sex workers, transgenders, etc. The Idea was born thanks to another idea: a sort of a documentary format, wherein each episode we talk about a topic, treated by a person who has experienced it. a kind of testimony.
  • In order to get started on the right foot, we have revised and refined our question. After a series of steps, we managed to get the right frame for our challenge.

  • In the inspiration phase, we learned how to better understand people, in this phase the team started with the knowledges ?collection in order to understand what we know or not about our challenge, and afterward planed the research.
  • Since the team members were located in different geographic locations, we used Miro as tool for the whiteboard and shared our reflection on it.
  • We chose our 4 research methods for the interviews and subsequently we identified our objectives and defined the questions.
  • After the Interviews (the last step of the Ideation Phase) we shared our impression and illustrated new ideas.

Research Plan
  • In the HCD framework the research is the crucial step, while the research, we understand people and create a solid base for the follow steps.
  • We plan 4 research types: People to learn from, Experts speak to, context immersion and analogous inspiration. 
  • The team members brainstormed in order to create questions and observe other places to learn. 

Interviews and Insights 
  • The last step of the inspiration phase is the interview.
  • We defined as a team the interview guide in order to identify the objectives, to think about the kind of feedback that?s going to be most useful and inspiring.
  • We learned more about our challenge through conversation and observation. We conducted the interviews and collected shares our thoughts and impressions with the teammates immediately after the interview or observation. 

  • The Ideation phase begins with synthesis, one of the most challenging parts of the human-centered design process. The team spent several hours translate learnings into opportunities. 
  •  We began by making a sense of what we?ve learned from our design research. Then, we identified key themes and insights that helped us define opportunities for a design that are differentiated and generative. 
  • The 3 steps of this phase are the following: 
  • 1. talk about what we?ve learned. 
  • 2. identify patterns and themes. 
  • 3. generate inspiring new ideas: the HMW questions

Capture learnings
  • We started the 2.Phase with the collection a huge amount of notes, impressions and quote. In order to make sense of ast amount of data, we wrote data on post-it and described who we met.
  • We made a list of everyone we spoke to. For each person, we created a card with pictures, personal detail, motivations, interesting stories, barriers interactions, and remaining questions. They help us to share their stories.  

Search for meaning 
  • From the quotes and notes, each of the team member chose the 5 gems: each person chose the five they found most interesting or insightful.
  • As a Group, we clustered the selected gems and we organized them into similar groups or categories, then we found additional notes that supported the clusters created and for each theme, we created the headline. 

Create ?How Might We? questions
A critical piece of the Ideation phase was plucking the insights that drove our design out of the huge body of information we gathered. Translate our insight statements into opportunities for design by reframing them as ?How Might We? questions was the last step of our ideation phase By Finding Themes and Creating Insight Statements, we identified problem areas that pose challenges to the people we?re designing for.

  • In the last phase first, we brainstormed lots of new ideas and selected a few of the most promising to move forward with.
  • Then, we built prototypes to test these concepts in the community and continue to gather feedback and improve on our ideas.
  • This cycle of prototyping and iterating ultimately helped shape a more innovative, effective solution.

Generate ideas 
  • The intention of brainstorming was to leverage the creative power of the group by engaging with the full design team, listening carefully, and building on each others? ideas.
  • We used the three HMW questions defined in to brainstorm around. vote for :
  • 1. the Most Innovative Idea 
  • 2. the Most Successful Idea 

Create a storyboard 
  • In this step the watchword was ?Get Visual!?
  • We needed to visualize who will use it, where, and how.
  • A Storyboard was the perfect tool to show how a customer would learn about the the service platform, the actions she would need to take to get it, and how it would impact her life.  

Rapid Prototyping and tests
  • In order to make our idea tangible, to learn through making, and to quickly get feedback from the people we designing for, we built a mock-up of our digital tool.
  • We created the mock-up with the Adobe XD tool and we tested in a mobile device.
  • The result above was the latter after 2 iterations with the usability test and it was necessary to improve the main menu for better navigation. 

Key learning points
  • What I would do differently from now on is to have a more holistic approach: start with the field work and personal feedback which can in turn shape the product we want to create. 
  • What surprised me is how much fun it is to interact with people who have a different background than you.
  • The approach to creativity and the creative work through this Framework greatly improved the analytical part of my thinking. It also taught me that second guessing some initial ideas can actually have a positive outcome.  
  • The most unexpected moment in the process came when we had to formulate the HMW questions: the initial idea changed completely as a result.  
Acumen Academy & IDEO
5 Monate
2020-11 - 2021-03

UX Design, Research, Prototyping, UI Design

UX Designer
UX Designer
User experience designer advanced training. 

Project background 
  • This is a Case Study for a School Project.
  • The scope is to develop a responsive Website for Smartberg, a fictional city. 
  • It is a major German city caught between history, cultural traditions, and a modern ecologically oriented Smart City with digital management. 

Task and Mission
  • The Task was to create a Service Portal for the city Smartberg.
  • The product must be a showcase of the services available for the daily life of the common residents but also to help and encourage the tourist.
  • My Task was not only to design a product, which would make some bureaucratic tasks easier (such as applying for a passport or a car license plate) but also to try to make the city attractive for visitors as well.

  • I started with researching and creating documentation on important notions, which are included in the business requirements.
  • Smart city, tradition and modernity, ecological city, student city etc...
  • The various social networks, field studies taken from the web and interviews were the materials of this discovery phase.

Discovery & Explore
  • Research
  • I started to understand the defined target groups: ?Sozoialökologische Milieu?
  • From those results, I determined who would use this service - using current travel sites as a starting point. I also found out what the users? pain points are when booking conventional travel.
  • Furthermore, I validated (or invalidated) the assumptions and came up with a hypothesis and a problem statement. (How to make everyday life easier for the citizen and tourists?)
  • For the Target Group, I used the Study of Sinus-Institut and the GFS Limbic-Partner, which can be seen on the left.

  • After researching and asking questions (Interviews), I dealt with the data, namely, I wrote down the data that I had collected from the research and interviews in an empathy map.
  • On the one hand, we have Jenny, a citizen who lives and works in Smartberg, who has different objectives to those from a visitor like Judith, who as a tourist looking for original and authentic places. Yet, both have Smartberg in common - a city with a thousand faces and which is adaptable to every need.

on request

Product analysis 
  • The product?s analysis started with a question: how can Smartberg make an efficient and pleasant service for people?
  • To resolve the question, I applied the following method: Journey Map, User scenario, Value Proposition Canvas and User Story.
  • Previously created Personas were the beacon that illuminated all decision making during the design process. 
  • To get into Judith or Jenny?s head it was necessary to create a real scenario in order to understand if the idea was functional and if it could work well.

Customer Journey Map 
  • One day, Judith decides to spend her free time in a new place. Somewhere where she can interrupt her daily routine. A place where she can feel free and where she can find a special activity like a cultural event, or a singular restaurant.
  • This Map illustrates a specific scenario where Judith might utilize Smartberg?s tourist website.
  • I have integrated possible wishes, emotions, or requirements of the persona into my user scenario. 

User Scenario
  • To develop this user scenario, it was necessary to think of a story in which Judith could reach her main task.
  • I tried to design a complete user scenario from the homepage to book a service.
  • In this scenario Judith visits Smartberg and buys a ticket for an EXPO.
  • How can I make it better? The Ideas, comments, and questions detailed above helped me to have a better solution/idea of how to proceed. 
  • From competitors? analysis and user tests (Think-Aloud), some significant indications emerged that allowed me to find an idea for the solution to navigation and also for the user flow process for the most requested administration services (such as the application for a passport, registration of a car license or ticket booking services, etc?)
  • Most city websites have huge navigation menus and the User does not know where he/she can find the information. Therefore, while browsing, the person feels lost without any reference points. For this reason, after the AI and card sorting, which recovers user content, I came up with the solution of designing an efficient navigation menu.

Navigation Desktop
  • When the user opens the homepage, the menu is at the top, and clicking on a section will open the page with the subsections in the body of the page.
  • The following User Criterias are met: 
  • What page am I on? (page title)
  • What are the main sections of the site? (sections and subsections)
  • Where am I now? (breadcrumb and side navigation )
  • How can I go back?

Navigation mobile
  • The Wireframes above come from the following issue: 
  • The user wants to see an overview of the larger set of available content.
  • The solution: The navigation in form of Cards to render a summary or highlight the content in full.
  • Discover: Previously the idea was that the tourist sector was separated from the city website, but after the interviews and user behavior analysis, and the Card Sorting Method, I changed my mind when I noticed that the user representing the tourists? target group (Judith) searched for attractions within the main site. For this reason the tourist page does not stand alone as an autonomous site and is now contained within the culture menu. The solution has the potential to benefit a large number of users: both citizens and tourists.

Car license Registration
  • The city eases the citizens' bureaucratic activities through online services. 
  • In the personal area, the user can find a list of services like car license registration, passport applications or tickets booking... 

The result
  • The city of Smartberg wants to make and maintain a better and easier life for its visitors and citizens, for this reason, it is vital to create a relationship in which the most important users? needs are covered.
  • An example of interaction was the Chatbot, a helpful tool for Smartberg visitors and citizens.
  • If Judith was unexpectedly delayed or in doubt, she could quickly ask, for example, about the location of the event or a hotel booking.

  • The interaction above is another helpful tool for the user experience.  
  • If Jenny is in the middle of a passport application, and she needs to know how it works, she doesn?t need to go back to find information - because the information comes after clicking the ?InfoIcon?. Also, the ?Quick Links? are available in every page in case the user needs to visit one of the most requested topics right away.

  • I spent a lot of time on research, because, initially, I was engulfed by the amount of information available - to such a degree - that I almost lost the point of reference. But, thanks to the community students, the mentor and the thematic readings, by sharing my process with them and then confronting my own thoughts, I was able to overcome this phase and put myself on the right path to reach a satisfying conclusion to this journey.
  • Yet, concurrently, I believe that the first phase - research and discovery - gives me a solid basis and the ability to face and solve the subsequent problems of the UX Flow. 

Key learning points
  • Implements and experiments with prototyping was a very crucial step to develop and carry out a practical test, which I enjoyed a lot. Here I could understand if my ideas had worked well or not.
  • Putting myself in someone else's shoes and creating scenarios, designing the user flow while translating and solving complex problems by using a creative vision and proper management (Design Thinking) - all of this was something I already knew, but in this project it was even more challenging due to the fictional nature of the city.
  • What I would have done differently?
  • If the project had been real, I might've used the Iteration Design Method - because of the cyclical process of prototyping and testing. Also, the analysis would have made the product more refined and qualitatively better. 
XDi - Experience Design Institut GmbH
6 Monate
2020-04 - 2020-09

Development automation test

Development automation test (Selenium, Codeception ,PHP) and manual testing.
Surf-Media GmbH
2 Jahre 4 Monate
2017-12 - 2020-03

Quality Assurance, Control and Testing

QA Lead, Tester for E-Shop (SAP Commerce Cloud), Automated Regressiontest (Serenity BDD), Automated Visualregressiontest (puppeteer), Manual testing.
Medienwerft GmbH
11 Monate
2017-02 - 2017-12


Create Newsletter, Quality assurance, Landing pages HTML, CSS.
Medienwerft GmbH
4 Monate
2016-10 - 2017-01


Learn and Improve Javascript (Ecma 6) programming.  
Cellular GmbH
1 Jahr 9 Monate
2013-10 - 2015-06

Sony Technical Support

Customer consult-SYKES
Customer consult-SYKES
Enterprise Berlin GmbH & Co.
4 Monate
2013-09 - 2013-12

Lightplan, control lights, setting and lighting

Lighting technician
Lighting technician
Neue Berliner Scala Berlin
2 Jahre 9 Monate
2011-01 - 2013-09

setting and lighting

Lighting technician
Lighting technician
Volksbühne Theater am Rosa Luxemburg Platz Berlin
1 Jahr
2011-07 - 2012-06

Camera / Lighting / Soand

Camera operator, Director?s cut, Lighting technician, Soand technician 
Juwelo Tv Service GmbH Berlin

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

5 Monate
2020-11 - 2021-03

Weiterbildung - User experience designer

Certified User experience designer, XDI - Experience Design Institut GmbH
Certified User experience designer
XDI - Experience Design Institut GmbH
User Experience & Usability, Research, Analyse & Testing, Design Thinking, Strategie, Requirement and design, Structures & Processes, Informations- & Interaction design, User Interface Design & Visual design
3 Jahre
2016-01 - 2018-12

Specialist in Application development (IHK)

CBW College Berufliche Weiterbildung GmbH Hamburg
CBW College Berufliche Weiterbildung GmbH Hamburg
Specialisation: HTML5, Javascript, and CSS3; Java 8, SQL, UML, PHP Programming.
9 Jahre 11 Monate
2000-09 - 2010-07

Literary- and Theatre Studies

Master Degree, Final grade: 92/110., University of La Sapienza, Roma/ Italy
Master Degree, Final grade: 92/110.
University of La Sapienza, Roma/ Italy
Specialisation: History of theatre and of performance art, Italian and Englisch literature, Drama, History of scenography, History and criticism of film.
1 Monat
2006-06 - 2006-06

Workshop Light design

Accademia della Luce, Orvieto, Italy
Accademia della Luce, Orvieto, Italy
Specialisation: Techniken des Lichtdesigns, Produktion von einem Lichtprojekt
5 Monate
2005-02 - 2005-06

Vocational qualification Camera operator and Cut

Graduation: Professional qualification, Centro di formazione professionale Emanuela Mezzelani Rome / Italy
Graduation: Professional qualification
Centro di formazione professionale Emanuela Mezzelani Rome / Italy
Specialisation: Photography, Cut, Camera operation, Soand, Light.




Italienisch UX Design Design Thinking UX research User Experience Design Human-Centered design

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

About me
  • I am fascinated by the creation and development of a project. I?m also interested in plunging into new worlds because of the opportunity one has to gather knowledge along the way, which in turn is put to use in order to find creative, forward-looking and simple solutions. 
  • My humanistic and technical education has allowed me to develop flexibility and open-mindedness towards different work dynamics.
  • My role as a Quality Assurance specialist has helped me hone my analytical and time management skills and I?ve been able to help the companies I?ve worked for to improve the output of their production. Being an active part of the growth of a company or a project, such as creating the Quality department from scratch - which I?m proud of having done - gives me not only true professional fulfillment, but also provides the joy of teamwork, which is a fundamental aspect of any successful product development.
  • My interest has expanded to user experience design which completes the training for a full career. Due to the multidisciplinary level of this job, in this role, I can express myself fully and more creatively. 

Skills and Competences
  • Storytelling
  • Video editing
  • User Experience
  • Quality Assurance

Computer Skills 
Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, Miro, Premier, Final Cut Photoshop

HTML, CSS, Bootsrap 

Tools and CMS 
Jira, TesFlo, Confluence, Typo3(cms), Wordpress, SAP Hybris(C4Hana), Kibana


Serenity BDD



Hamburg (+50km)



1 Jahr 3 Monate
2020-05 - 2021-07

Human Centered Design

Team lead, UX researcher, Low fid. Mockup
Team lead, UX researcher, Low fid. Mockup
Human-Centered Design advanced training.

Project background
The project is a personal project developed within a Human centered Design method. It is a service platform that wants to help women who are in a current state of flux by allowing them: 
  • to actively participate in the world around them
  • to change the perception of those who don?t understand or won?t accept this new stage of their development
  • to introduce them to other life experiences which are equally fulfilling
  • to create a new environment to grow
  • to network with experts and users alike in order to become a more complete individual
  • to become their true selves 

Design Challenge 
  • Our scope was to create a "tool" for girls, women who want to improve their education about topics like eating disorders, sex workers, transgenders, etc. The Idea was born thanks to another idea: a sort of a documentary format, wherein each episode we talk about a topic, treated by a person who has experienced it. a kind of testimony.
  • In order to get started on the right foot, we have revised and refined our question. After a series of steps, we managed to get the right frame for our challenge.

  • In the inspiration phase, we learned how to better understand people, in this phase the team started with the knowledges ?collection in order to understand what we know or not about our challenge, and afterward planed the research.
  • Since the team members were located in different geographic locations, we used Miro as tool for the whiteboard and shared our reflection on it.
  • We chose our 4 research methods for the interviews and subsequently we identified our objectives and defined the questions.
  • After the Interviews (the last step of the Ideation Phase) we shared our impression and illustrated new ideas.

Research Plan
  • In the HCD framework the research is the crucial step, while the research, we understand people and create a solid base for the follow steps.
  • We plan 4 research types: People to learn from, Experts speak to, context immersion and analogous inspiration. 
  • The team members brainstormed in order to create questions and observe other places to learn. 

Interviews and Insights 
  • The last step of the inspiration phase is the interview.
  • We defined as a team the interview guide in order to identify the objectives, to think about the kind of feedback that?s going to be most useful and inspiring.
  • We learned more about our challenge through conversation and observation. We conducted the interviews and collected shares our thoughts and impressions with the teammates immediately after the interview or observation. 

  • The Ideation phase begins with synthesis, one of the most challenging parts of the human-centered design process. The team spent several hours translate learnings into opportunities. 
  •  We began by making a sense of what we?ve learned from our design research. Then, we identified key themes and insights that helped us define opportunities for a design that are differentiated and generative. 
  • The 3 steps of this phase are the following: 
  • 1. talk about what we?ve learned. 
  • 2. identify patterns and themes. 
  • 3. generate inspiring new ideas: the HMW questions

Capture learnings
  • We started the 2.Phase with the collection a huge amount of notes, impressions and quote. In order to make sense of ast amount of data, we wrote data on post-it and described who we met.
  • We made a list of everyone we spoke to. For each person, we created a card with pictures, personal detail, motivations, interesting stories, barriers interactions, and remaining questions. They help us to share their stories.  

Search for meaning 
  • From the quotes and notes, each of the team member chose the 5 gems: each person chose the five they found most interesting or insightful.
  • As a Group, we clustered the selected gems and we organized them into similar groups or categories, then we found additional notes that supported the clusters created and for each theme, we created the headline. 

Create ?How Might We? questions
A critical piece of the Ideation phase was plucking the insights that drove our design out of the huge body of information we gathered. Translate our insight statements into opportunities for design by reframing them as ?How Might We? questions was the last step of our ideation phase By Finding Themes and Creating Insight Statements, we identified problem areas that pose challenges to the people we?re designing for.

  • In the last phase first, we brainstormed lots of new ideas and selected a few of the most promising to move forward with.
  • Then, we built prototypes to test these concepts in the community and continue to gather feedback and improve on our ideas.
  • This cycle of prototyping and iterating ultimately helped shape a more innovative, effective solution.

Generate ideas 
  • The intention of brainstorming was to leverage the creative power of the group by engaging with the full design team, listening carefully, and building on each others? ideas.
  • We used the three HMW questions defined in to brainstorm around. vote for :
  • 1. the Most Innovative Idea 
  • 2. the Most Successful Idea 

Create a storyboard 
  • In this step the watchword was ?Get Visual!?
  • We needed to visualize who will use it, where, and how.
  • A Storyboard was the perfect tool to show how a customer would learn about the the service platform, the actions she would need to take to get it, and how it would impact her life.  

Rapid Prototyping and tests
  • In order to make our idea tangible, to learn through making, and to quickly get feedback from the people we designing for, we built a mock-up of our digital tool.
  • We created the mock-up with the Adobe XD tool and we tested in a mobile device.
  • The result above was the latter after 2 iterations with the usability test and it was necessary to improve the main menu for better navigation. 

Key learning points
  • What I would do differently from now on is to have a more holistic approach: start with the field work and personal feedback which can in turn shape the product we want to create. 
  • What surprised me is how much fun it is to interact with people who have a different background than you.
  • The approach to creativity and the creative work through this Framework greatly improved the analytical part of my thinking. It also taught me that second guessing some initial ideas can actually have a positive outcome.  
  • The most unexpected moment in the process came when we had to formulate the HMW questions: the initial idea changed completely as a result.  
Acumen Academy & IDEO
5 Monate
2020-11 - 2021-03

UX Design, Research, Prototyping, UI Design

UX Designer
UX Designer
User experience designer advanced training. 

Project background 
  • This is a Case Study for a School Project.
  • The scope is to develop a responsive Website for Smartberg, a fictional city. 
  • It is a major German city caught between history, cultural traditions, and a modern ecologically oriented Smart City with digital management. 

Task and Mission
  • The Task was to create a Service Portal for the city Smartberg.
  • The product must be a showcase of the services available for the daily life of the common residents but also to help and encourage the tourist.
  • My Task was not only to design a product, which would make some bureaucratic tasks easier (such as applying for a passport or a car license plate) but also to try to make the city attractive for visitors as well.

  • I started with researching and creating documentation on important notions, which are included in the business requirements.
  • Smart city, tradition and modernity, ecological city, student city etc...
  • The various social networks, field studies taken from the web and interviews were the materials of this discovery phase.

Discovery & Explore
  • Research
  • I started to understand the defined target groups: ?Sozoialökologische Milieu?
  • From those results, I determined who would use this service - using current travel sites as a starting point. I also found out what the users? pain points are when booking conventional travel.
  • Furthermore, I validated (or invalidated) the assumptions and came up with a hypothesis and a problem statement. (How to make everyday life easier for the citizen and tourists?)
  • For the Target Group, I used the Study of Sinus-Institut and the GFS Limbic-Partner, which can be seen on the left.

  • After researching and asking questions (Interviews), I dealt with the data, namely, I wrote down the data that I had collected from the research and interviews in an empathy map.
  • On the one hand, we have Jenny, a citizen who lives and works in Smartberg, who has different objectives to those from a visitor like Judith, who as a tourist looking for original and authentic places. Yet, both have Smartberg in common - a city with a thousand faces and which is adaptable to every need.

on request

Product analysis 
  • The product?s analysis started with a question: how can Smartberg make an efficient and pleasant service for people?
  • To resolve the question, I applied the following method: Journey Map, User scenario, Value Proposition Canvas and User Story.
  • Previously created Personas were the beacon that illuminated all decision making during the design process. 
  • To get into Judith or Jenny?s head it was necessary to create a real scenario in order to understand if the idea was functional and if it could work well.

Customer Journey Map 
  • One day, Judith decides to spend her free time in a new place. Somewhere where she can interrupt her daily routine. A place where she can feel free and where she can find a special activity like a cultural event, or a singular restaurant.
  • This Map illustrates a specific scenario where Judith might utilize Smartberg?s tourist website.
  • I have integrated possible wishes, emotions, or requirements of the persona into my user scenario. 

User Scenario
  • To develop this user scenario, it was necessary to think of a story in which Judith could reach her main task.
  • I tried to design a complete user scenario from the homepage to book a service.
  • In this scenario Judith visits Smartberg and buys a ticket for an EXPO.
  • How can I make it better? The Ideas, comments, and questions detailed above helped me to have a better solution/idea of how to proceed. 
  • From competitors? analysis and user tests (Think-Aloud), some significant indications emerged that allowed me to find an idea for the solution to navigation and also for the user flow process for the most requested administration services (such as the application for a passport, registration of a car license or ticket booking services, etc?)
  • Most city websites have huge navigation menus and the User does not know where he/she can find the information. Therefore, while browsing, the person feels lost without any reference points. For this reason, after the AI and card sorting, which recovers user content, I came up with the solution of designing an efficient navigation menu.

Navigation Desktop
  • When the user opens the homepage, the menu is at the top, and clicking on a section will open the page with the subsections in the body of the page.
  • The following User Criterias are met: 
  • What page am I on? (page title)
  • What are the main sections of the site? (sections and subsections)
  • Where am I now? (breadcrumb and side navigation )
  • How can I go back?

Navigation mobile
  • The Wireframes above come from the following issue: 
  • The user wants to see an overview of the larger set of available content.
  • The solution: The navigation in form of Cards to render a summary or highlight the content in full.
  • Discover: Previously the idea was that the tourist sector was separated from the city website, but after the interviews and user behavior analysis, and the Card Sorting Method, I changed my mind when I noticed that the user representing the tourists? target group (Judith) searched for attractions within the main site. For this reason the tourist page does not stand alone as an autonomous site and is now contained within the culture menu. The solution has the potential to benefit a large number of users: both citizens and tourists.

Car license Registration
  • The city eases the citizens' bureaucratic activities through online services. 
  • In the personal area, the user can find a list of services like car license registration, passport applications or tickets booking... 

The result
  • The city of Smartberg wants to make and maintain a better and easier life for its visitors and citizens, for this reason, it is vital to create a relationship in which the most important users? needs are covered.
  • An example of interaction was the Chatbot, a helpful tool for Smartberg visitors and citizens.
  • If Judith was unexpectedly delayed or in doubt, she could quickly ask, for example, about the location of the event or a hotel booking.

  • The interaction above is another helpful tool for the user experience.  
  • If Jenny is in the middle of a passport application, and she needs to know how it works, she doesn?t need to go back to find information - because the information comes after clicking the ?InfoIcon?. Also, the ?Quick Links? are available in every page in case the user needs to visit one of the most requested topics right away.

  • I spent a lot of time on research, because, initially, I was engulfed by the amount of information available - to such a degree - that I almost lost the point of reference. But, thanks to the community students, the mentor and the thematic readings, by sharing my process with them and then confronting my own thoughts, I was able to overcome this phase and put myself on the right path to reach a satisfying conclusion to this journey.
  • Yet, concurrently, I believe that the first phase - research and discovery - gives me a solid basis and the ability to face and solve the subsequent problems of the UX Flow. 

Key learning points
  • Implements and experiments with prototyping was a very crucial step to develop and carry out a practical test, which I enjoyed a lot. Here I could understand if my ideas had worked well or not.
  • Putting myself in someone else's shoes and creating scenarios, designing the user flow while translating and solving complex problems by using a creative vision and proper management (Design Thinking) - all of this was something I already knew, but in this project it was even more challenging due to the fictional nature of the city.
  • What I would have done differently?
  • If the project had been real, I might've used the Iteration Design Method - because of the cyclical process of prototyping and testing. Also, the analysis would have made the product more refined and qualitatively better. 
XDi - Experience Design Institut GmbH
6 Monate
2020-04 - 2020-09

Development automation test

Development automation test (Selenium, Codeception ,PHP) and manual testing.
Surf-Media GmbH
2 Jahre 4 Monate
2017-12 - 2020-03

Quality Assurance, Control and Testing

QA Lead, Tester for E-Shop (SAP Commerce Cloud), Automated Regressiontest (Serenity BDD), Automated Visualregressiontest (puppeteer), Manual testing.
Medienwerft GmbH
11 Monate
2017-02 - 2017-12


Create Newsletter, Quality assurance, Landing pages HTML, CSS.
Medienwerft GmbH
4 Monate
2016-10 - 2017-01


Learn and Improve Javascript (Ecma 6) programming.  
Cellular GmbH
1 Jahr 9 Monate
2013-10 - 2015-06

Sony Technical Support

Customer consult-SYKES
Customer consult-SYKES
Enterprise Berlin GmbH & Co.
4 Monate
2013-09 - 2013-12

Lightplan, control lights, setting and lighting

Lighting technician
Lighting technician
Neue Berliner Scala Berlin
2 Jahre 9 Monate
2011-01 - 2013-09

setting and lighting

Lighting technician
Lighting technician
Volksbühne Theater am Rosa Luxemburg Platz Berlin
1 Jahr
2011-07 - 2012-06

Camera / Lighting / Soand

Camera operator, Director?s cut, Lighting technician, Soand technician 
Juwelo Tv Service GmbH Berlin

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

5 Monate
2020-11 - 2021-03

Weiterbildung - User experience designer

Certified User experience designer, XDI - Experience Design Institut GmbH
Certified User experience designer
XDI - Experience Design Institut GmbH
User Experience & Usability, Research, Analyse & Testing, Design Thinking, Strategie, Requirement and design, Structures & Processes, Informations- & Interaction design, User Interface Design & Visual design
3 Jahre
2016-01 - 2018-12

Specialist in Application development (IHK)

CBW College Berufliche Weiterbildung GmbH Hamburg
CBW College Berufliche Weiterbildung GmbH Hamburg
Specialisation: HTML5, Javascript, and CSS3; Java 8, SQL, UML, PHP Programming.
9 Jahre 11 Monate
2000-09 - 2010-07

Literary- and Theatre Studies

Master Degree, Final grade: 92/110., University of La Sapienza, Roma/ Italy
Master Degree, Final grade: 92/110.
University of La Sapienza, Roma/ Italy
Specialisation: History of theatre and of performance art, Italian and Englisch literature, Drama, History of scenography, History and criticism of film.
1 Monat
2006-06 - 2006-06

Workshop Light design

Accademia della Luce, Orvieto, Italy
Accademia della Luce, Orvieto, Italy
Specialisation: Techniken des Lichtdesigns, Produktion von einem Lichtprojekt
5 Monate
2005-02 - 2005-06

Vocational qualification Camera operator and Cut

Graduation: Professional qualification, Centro di formazione professionale Emanuela Mezzelani Rome / Italy
Graduation: Professional qualification
Centro di formazione professionale Emanuela Mezzelani Rome / Italy
Specialisation: Photography, Cut, Camera operation, Soand, Light.




Italienisch UX Design Design Thinking UX research User Experience Design Human-Centered design

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

About me
  • I am fascinated by the creation and development of a project. I?m also interested in plunging into new worlds because of the opportunity one has to gather knowledge along the way, which in turn is put to use in order to find creative, forward-looking and simple solutions. 
  • My humanistic and technical education has allowed me to develop flexibility and open-mindedness towards different work dynamics.
  • My role as a Quality Assurance specialist has helped me hone my analytical and time management skills and I?ve been able to help the companies I?ve worked for to improve the output of their production. Being an active part of the growth of a company or a project, such as creating the Quality department from scratch - which I?m proud of having done - gives me not only true professional fulfillment, but also provides the joy of teamwork, which is a fundamental aspect of any successful product development.
  • My interest has expanded to user experience design which completes the training for a full career. Due to the multidisciplinary level of this job, in this role, I can express myself fully and more creatively. 

Skills and Competences
  • Storytelling
  • Video editing
  • User Experience
  • Quality Assurance

Computer Skills 
Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, Miro, Premier, Final Cut Photoshop

HTML, CSS, Bootsrap 

Tools and CMS 
Jira, TesFlo, Confluence, Typo3(cms), Wordpress, SAP Hybris(C4Hana), Kibana


Serenity BDD

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