Developer and Consultant specialized in Dev- ,DevOps-, Communications- and Security technologies
Aktualisiert am 06.01.2025
Mitarbeiter eines Dienstleisters
Verfügbar ab: 02.05.2025
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davon vor Ort: 50%
Skill-Profil eines fest angestellten Mitarbeiters des Dienstleisters
A2 planned in December 2021



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



Software Developer, IT Consultant, System Operator

In search of new experiences and challenges, [Name on request] moved to Europe in 2021. With the desire to get to know the German market and expand his career in the areas of consulting, communications, development, and security, he joined BAMAC Group GmbH as a lead developer of research and development and lead consultant for communications solutions and infrastructure projects.

CEO, Software Developer, IT Consultant, Security Consultant, Speaker, Coach, DevOps Engineer
Beginning in the early 2020s, his work was heavily influenced by the business environment created by the Coronavirus. As a certified consultant for mobile, desktop, web, and remote platforms, he advised companies in remote work and integrated various open-source collaboration platforms including Mattermost, Rocket.Chat, and GitLab. He has also focused on IT security consulting for remote office platforms and upgrading outdated infrastructures and legacy IT solutions for companies in all business sectors.

open-source Mattermost Rocket.Chat and GitLab IT security remote office platforms IT Consulting IT Security
CEO, Software Developer, IT Consultant, Speaker, Coach, DevOps Engineer
Since 2017, [Name on request] has established contacts with various companies in Silicon Valley and was trained at various conferences including Apple?s Worldwide Developer Conference. In doing so, [Name on request] has been able to deepen his skills in DevOps, team management, business consulting, rapid software prototyping, app marketing, community management, security consulting, and communication technology in an enterprise context

Between early 2017 - late 2019, [Name on request] developed a conditional software licensing architecture for the distribution of open-source augmented reality and accompanying technologies. Conditional on his exceptional achievements and visionary projects, [Name on request] has been invited as a keynote speaker at conferences since the beginning of 2017 and was advised by various startup accelerator programs in California. [Name on request] was selected by the State of Mississippi in 2017 to represent the state at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show and was the only American founder selected to participate in an international startup mentoring program

Starting in early 2019, inspired by his experiences in Silicon Valley, [Name on request] has shifted his focus to modern communication technologies, functional programming such as Swift and Kotlin, and remote technology consulting. In addition to working on the implementation of several transition technologies from ISDN to SIP, assisting and consulting on the implementation of SIP and modern communication platforms in legal and distribution businesses.

DevOps team management business consulting rapid software prototyping app marketing community management security consulting and communication technology keynote speaker Coach Business Consultant communication technologies SWIFT Kotlin Spring Boot ISDN SIP Android iOS functional programming Driver Development
CEO, Software Developer, Security Consultant
Despite beginning his computer science studies at Mississippi State University in 2014,[Name on request] has expanded the scope of his skills to include AI and augmented reality. He worked with companies and teams assisting with various projects including AI-based image recognition, Python 3-based CPU multicore interaction test software to validate execution time management, and open-source iOS jailbreak pipeline libraries for the distribution of core console packages. Additionally, [Name on request] worked in deployment of SIP technologies for various businesses in his area

In 2015, he founded a startup and transitioned to part-time study at the University of Mississippi's Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship with the goal of being able to focus on building his business and network. Assisted by Innovate Mississippi, the focus of the venture's work was on developing AI solutions and hardware/software augmented reality pipelines based on Linux and C++ software pipelines.

In 2016, [Name on request] company started development of ReflektOS, an operating system for Linuxbased augmented reality devices. This was followed by the development and prototyping of Myra, an augmented reality smart mirror platform. [Name on request] wrote a patent for ReflekOS and designed the hardware and software models used to prototype the device. Additionally, [Name on request] developed an R-based statistical analysis utility used for producing real-time visualizations of US election data.

AI Augmented Reality image recognition Python iOS SIP Linux C++ ReflektOS R embedded
Software Developer, Security Consultant, System Operator
Via an Eagle Scout project with the goal of infrastructure development and digitalization of retirement and nursing homes, his commercial entry into management consulting took place in 2010. Initially focusing on Linux and/or Windows based infrastructures, his fields quickly expanded to include IT security, open-source Mac OS X and iOS jailbroken package development, web development, and UI/UX design. [Name on request] has collaborated with international programmers on various projects since 2010. Standouts include research and development in KEXT (macOS kernel module) for Hackintosh (macOS on non-Apple platforms), macOS internals intrusion, and various UI themes for Apple platforms.
Mac OS X Open Source Open Source Frameworks iOS KEXT Hacking IT Security Web Development UI/UX Linux MS Windows HTML CSS JavaScript
Software Developer, Security Consultant, System Operator
[Name on request] started his career in 2001 by assembling hardware components for his family?s PC systems. In 2004, [Name on request] began developing Flash-based online games and participated as a key member in the development of popular open-source project for the video game Garry?s Mod. Through modding of the C-family and LUA based engine Half Life 2/Source, [Name on request] developed his interest in IT security and has been advising public institutions as a white-hat or ethical hacker since 2008. 
C C++ LUA Adobe Flash Builder Adobe Flash HTML Hacking IT Security Linux MS Windows CSS JavaScript

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

- Team management

  • Rapid prototyping
  • Developer/PR pipelining

- Communications technology

  • SIP
  • Collaboration software

- Desktop and mobile development

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • iOS
  • Android

- Server-side management

- UI/UX Design 

University of Mississippi
Mississippi State University




Software Development
Object oriented programing
Functional programming
IT Security
IT Consulting
Ethical hacking
Mobile Development
Web Development
Desktop Development
Linux Admin
Windows Server Admin
System Operator
Business Develpoment
Business Consulting
Communication Technologies
AI Development
Augmented Reality
Image Recocnition
Team Management
Rapid Prototyping
Security Consulting
Keynote Speaker
Visual Studio


MS Windows
Mac OS


Spring Boot
Adobe Flash
Shell Language


Network Infrastructure


Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich


Software Developer, IT Consultant, System Operator

In search of new experiences and challenges, [Name on request] moved to Europe in 2021. With the desire to get to know the German market and expand his career in the areas of consulting, communications, development, and security, he joined BAMAC Group GmbH as a lead developer of research and development and lead consultant for communications solutions and infrastructure projects.

CEO, Software Developer, IT Consultant, Security Consultant, Speaker, Coach, DevOps Engineer
Beginning in the early 2020s, his work was heavily influenced by the business environment created by the Coronavirus. As a certified consultant for mobile, desktop, web, and remote platforms, he advised companies in remote work and integrated various open-source collaboration platforms including Mattermost, Rocket.Chat, and GitLab. He has also focused on IT security consulting for remote office platforms and upgrading outdated infrastructures and legacy IT solutions for companies in all business sectors.

open-source Mattermost Rocket.Chat and GitLab IT security remote office platforms IT Consulting IT Security
CEO, Software Developer, IT Consultant, Speaker, Coach, DevOps Engineer
Since 2017, [Name on request] has established contacts with various companies in Silicon Valley and was trained at various conferences including Apple?s Worldwide Developer Conference. In doing so, [Name on request] has been able to deepen his skills in DevOps, team management, business consulting, rapid software prototyping, app marketing, community management, security consulting, and communication technology in an enterprise context

Between early 2017 - late 2019, [Name on request] developed a conditional software licensing architecture for the distribution of open-source augmented reality and accompanying technologies. Conditional on his exceptional achievements and visionary projects, [Name on request] has been invited as a keynote speaker at conferences since the beginning of 2017 and was advised by various startup accelerator programs in California. [Name on request] was selected by the State of Mississippi in 2017 to represent the state at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show and was the only American founder selected to participate in an international startup mentoring program

Starting in early 2019, inspired by his experiences in Silicon Valley, [Name on request] has shifted his focus to modern communication technologies, functional programming such as Swift and Kotlin, and remote technology consulting. In addition to working on the implementation of several transition technologies from ISDN to SIP, assisting and consulting on the implementation of SIP and modern communication platforms in legal and distribution businesses.

DevOps team management business consulting rapid software prototyping app marketing community management security consulting and communication technology keynote speaker Coach Business Consultant communication technologies SWIFT Kotlin Spring Boot ISDN SIP Android iOS functional programming Driver Development
CEO, Software Developer, Security Consultant
Despite beginning his computer science studies at Mississippi State University in 2014,[Name on request] has expanded the scope of his skills to include AI and augmented reality. He worked with companies and teams assisting with various projects including AI-based image recognition, Python 3-based CPU multicore interaction test software to validate execution time management, and open-source iOS jailbreak pipeline libraries for the distribution of core console packages. Additionally, [Name on request] worked in deployment of SIP technologies for various businesses in his area

In 2015, he founded a startup and transitioned to part-time study at the University of Mississippi's Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship with the goal of being able to focus on building his business and network. Assisted by Innovate Mississippi, the focus of the venture's work was on developing AI solutions and hardware/software augmented reality pipelines based on Linux and C++ software pipelines.

In 2016, [Name on request] company started development of ReflektOS, an operating system for Linuxbased augmented reality devices. This was followed by the development and prototyping of Myra, an augmented reality smart mirror platform. [Name on request] wrote a patent for ReflekOS and designed the hardware and software models used to prototype the device. Additionally, [Name on request] developed an R-based statistical analysis utility used for producing real-time visualizations of US election data.

AI Augmented Reality image recognition Python iOS SIP Linux C++ ReflektOS R embedded
Software Developer, Security Consultant, System Operator
Via an Eagle Scout project with the goal of infrastructure development and digitalization of retirement and nursing homes, his commercial entry into management consulting took place in 2010. Initially focusing on Linux and/or Windows based infrastructures, his fields quickly expanded to include IT security, open-source Mac OS X and iOS jailbroken package development, web development, and UI/UX design. [Name on request] has collaborated with international programmers on various projects since 2010. Standouts include research and development in KEXT (macOS kernel module) for Hackintosh (macOS on non-Apple platforms), macOS internals intrusion, and various UI themes for Apple platforms.
Mac OS X Open Source Open Source Frameworks iOS KEXT Hacking IT Security Web Development UI/UX Linux MS Windows HTML CSS JavaScript
Software Developer, Security Consultant, System Operator
[Name on request] started his career in 2001 by assembling hardware components for his family?s PC systems. In 2004, [Name on request] began developing Flash-based online games and participated as a key member in the development of popular open-source project for the video game Garry?s Mod. Through modding of the C-family and LUA based engine Half Life 2/Source, [Name on request] developed his interest in IT security and has been advising public institutions as a white-hat or ethical hacker since 2008. 
C C++ LUA Adobe Flash Builder Adobe Flash HTML Hacking IT Security Linux MS Windows CSS JavaScript

Aus- und Weiterbildung

- Team management

  • Rapid prototyping
  • Developer/PR pipelining

- Communications technology

  • SIP
  • Collaboration software

- Desktop and mobile development

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • iOS
  • Android

- Server-side management

- UI/UX Design 

University of Mississippi
Mississippi State University



Software Development
Object oriented programing
Functional programming
IT Security
IT Consulting
Ethical hacking
Mobile Development
Web Development
Desktop Development
Linux Admin
Windows Server Admin
System Operator
Business Develpoment
Business Consulting
Communication Technologies
AI Development
Augmented Reality
Image Recocnition
Team Management
Rapid Prototyping
Security Consulting
Keynote Speaker
Visual Studio


MS Windows
Mac OS


Spring Boot
Adobe Flash
Shell Language


Network Infrastructure

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