Integrationsentwicklung mit Apache Camel
Spring Boot in TomEE plus Umgebung
Anwendungsentwicklung in Java unter JEE
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps
User Management (Sicherheit, http)
Integration SAP ECC mit SAP PO 7.5
Verwendung ABAP SPROXY
Verwendung http-Adapter, XI-Adapter und EBICS-Adapter
Nachrichtentypen CCU, RFT, STA, BKA, VML, VMK, HAC
Message Transformation XML mit java und XSLT
Integration SAP ECC mit SAP Netweaver 7.5
Verwendung BAPI für Finanzgeschäften mit JCo 3
REST-Webservices mit JEE 5
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps
Integration SAP ECC mit SAP PO 7.5
Analyse Realisierung
Integration SAP ECC mit SAP PO 7.5
Implementierung eines REST Service
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps zum Upload von Währungskursen
Verwendung SOAP Adapter und IDOC Adapter
Message Mapping von xls Dateien nach XML
Integration SAP ERP SD mit SAP PO 7.5
Verwendung AS2, EDI Separator Adapter (SAP B2B), HTTP Adapter
Message Transformation mit ESR XSL Mapping
Entwicklung CDS Views
Generierung ODATA Services
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps zum Anzeigen der Zahlläufen
Integration SAP ECC mit SAP PO 7.5
Verwendung SFTP Adapter und RFC Adapter
Message Transformation Microsoft XLS nach RFC XML mit XSLT
Integration SAP ECC mit SAP PO 7.5
Verwendung SFTP Adapter
Message Transformation XML nach CSV mit XSLT
Integration SAP ERP / BCM mit SAP PO 7.5
Verwendung SFTP Adapter
Verwendung HTTP Adapter
Message Transformation mit ESR XSL Mapping
Verwendung EBICS Adapter
Integration SAP ERP mit SAP PO 7.5
Entwicklung eines REST Services
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps um Nachrichten zu selektieren, anzuzeigen und zu versenden
Entwicklung eines SAP PI/PO Adapters (ExtraNet der Bundesbank) um Web Services mit Plain Https zu orchestrieren
Verwendung des SFTP und SOAP Adapter
Vorverarbeitung von Textnachrichten mit EJB Modulen
Message Transformation ESR Java Mapping
Nachrichten Transformation mit einem XSL Mapping
Verwendung des IDOC Inbound Adapter und JDBC Outbound Adapter
Integration SAP ERP
Entwicklung eines REST Service
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps zum Anzeigen und Bestätigung von Transaktionen
Verwendung des SFTP Adapter
Verwendung des IDOC Adapter
Verwendung des SOAP Adaptor
Vorverarbeitung von Textnachrichten mit Modulen
Message Transformation von xls nach XML mit ESR Java Mapping
Message Transformation von Text nach XML mit ESR Java Mapping
Handel / Treasury
Entwicklung eines ODATA Service mit Apache Olingo und JPA
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps um Foreign Exchange Nachrichten anzuzeigen
Entwicklung eines Java Mapping
IDOC Outbound Adapter
Entwicklung einer SAPUI5 CRUD App
Vorverarbeitung von Textnachrichten mit EJB Modulen
Message Mapping von Text Dateien nach XML
Message Mapping von xls Dateien nach XML
SFTP Adapter
Data Base Adapter
Entwicklung eines ODATA Service mit Apache Olingo and JPA
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps um verschiedene Nachrichten anzuzeigen
Entwicklung eines SAP PI/PO Adapters (RegisTr) um SOAP Web Services zu orchestrieren
Content spezifisches Nachrichten Routing
Verwendung des SFTP Adapter
Creating, Deploying, and managing Google Cloud Run Services and Jobs
Integrating Google Cloud Run Services to Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, Eventarc, Cloud SQL etc.
Building images using Cloud Build
What is the DAO pattern, and how to implement it using JDBC, Spring's JDBCTemplate, and Hibernate
Relational Database Principles
Schema Creation in MySQL
Schema Generation using Hibernate
Database Migrations using Liquibase
Database Migrations using Flyway
Database Integration Testing using Spring Boot and JUnit 5
Defining Primary Key's with Hibernate
Hibernate Criteria Queries
Named JPA Queries
Spring Data JPA query methods
Spring Data JPA @Query Annotation
Entity Relationships - One to One, One to Many, Many to One, Many to Many
Embedded Types
Natural Keys
Composite Keys
Spring Data JPA Query Methods
Paging and Sorting
Database Transaction Management
Database Fetch Operations
Data Validation
JPA Inheritance
Hibernate Interceptors and Listeners
JPA Callbacks
Legacy Database Mapping
Using Multiple Data Sources
Spring Data REST
gCTS Basics and Preparation
Use gCTS Basics
Leverage Git Capabilities in ABAP
Tailor gCTS to Your Needs
gCTS in CI/CD Processes
Perform each OAuth 2 authorization flow,
Authorization Code,
PKCE-enhanced authorization code,
Client credentials,
Password credentials.
Startup and configure the Keycloak server,
Configure OAuth 2 Resource Server,
Startup multiple Resource Servers on random port numbers,
Configure Spring Cloud API Gateway,
Configure and use Eureka Registry and Discovery Service,
Build a simple Spring MVC Web Application that fetches data from a protected Resource Server running behind Spring Cloud API Gateway.
Implement a simple JavaScript application that uses PKCE-Enhanced authorization code to acquire JWT access tokens and communicate with protected Resource Server,
Learn how to refresh an expired JWT Access token,
Learn to implement Scope-base access control,
Learn how to implement Role-based access control,
OAuth social login with Facebook, Google, and Okta accounts,
Implement Keycloak Remote User Authentication(User Storage SPI)
New Spring Authorization Server version 0.2.2
Basics of SAP BTP and Microsoft Azure
Building Integration Scenarios
Building Extension Scenarios
Building Data-to-Value Scenarios
Design Thinking in a Nutshell
Introduction to ABAP in the Cloud
Expand Your Skills
Dive Deeper
Broaden Your Horizon
SAP Business Technology Platform in a Nutshell
Introducing SAP Fiori Elements
Building Your First SAP Fiori Elements App
Using More SAP Fiori Elements Capabilities
Extending a Standard SAP Fiori App
Build Spring Boot microservices that consume Google Cloud managed services
Send and receive messages with Pub/Sub and Spring Integration.
Use Cloud SQL as a managed relational database for your Java applications, and migrate to Cloud Spanner
Implement distributed tracing by using Cloud Trace
Introduction to DevOps
CI/CD with ABAP (On-Premise)
Delivery with SAP Cloud Platform
Hybrid Change Management
Operation of Your Solution and Summary
Assess Your Integration Strategy
Design Your Hybrid Integration Platform
Define Integration Best Practices
Enable a Practice of Empowerment
Introduction and High-Level Overview
End-to-End Business Scenarios
Suite Qualities
Products and Best Practices
Introduction - ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model
Developing a Read-Only List Report App
Enabling the Transactional Behavior of an App
Dealing with Existing Code
Service Consumption and Web APIs
Introduction to SAP Cloud Platform Extension Suite
SAP Fiori Overview
Designing SAP Fiori Apps
Developing SAP Fiori Apps
Managing SAP Fiori
Plan ? SAP Fiori UX for SAP S/4HANA
Deliver - SAP Fiori UX for SAP S/4HANA
Innovate - Creating Intelligent UX
Introducing SAP Cloud Application Programming Model
Development Tasks
Add Enterprise Qualities
Extend the Digital Core and Other Topics
The Internet of Things with SAP
SAP Data Intelligence for Data Scientists An Introduction
Introduction and Overview
Mobile Back End
Micro Apps
Cross-Platform Native App Development
Native App Development
Intelligent Enterprise User Experience with SAP Fiori 3
Integrate Anything Anywhere
Orchestrate Your Scenarios
Experience the Services in Action
Design Thinking and Challenge Management
Get Ready!
(Re-)Discover SAPUI5 Essentials
Accelerate Your App Development
Finish with Quality and Style
Simplify, Integrate, and Adapt
Kyma ? A Flexible Way to Connect and Extend Applications
Your First Cloud Application
SAP Cloud Application Programming Model
Additional Services
What?s New in SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 03
New Programming Model
Open Technologies and Concepts
Introducing Intelligent ERP
Building Side-by-Side Extensions
Delivering High Quality Extensions
Advanced Extensibility
Integration ? The Key to the Intelligent Enterprise
An Introduction to SAP Leonardo Machine Learning Foundation
SAP Leonardo ? An Introduction to Blockchain
Value Proposition, Options, & Methodology
Integration Lifecycle
Overview and Data Preparation
SAP Analytics Cloud
Additional Analytics Services
Git Basics
Combining Branches
Working with Remotes
Service-to-Service Communication
Additional Topics
Identity Management
Lifecycle Management Basics
Lifecycle Management Hybrid Scenarios
Continuous Integration and Delivery
Usage of SAP Fiori Launchpad
Integrationsentwicklung mit Apache Camel
Spring Boot in TomEE plus Umgebung
Anwendungsentwicklung in Java unter JEE
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps
User Management (Sicherheit, http)
Integration SAP ECC mit SAP PO 7.5
Verwendung ABAP SPROXY
Verwendung http-Adapter, XI-Adapter und EBICS-Adapter
Nachrichtentypen CCU, RFT, STA, BKA, VML, VMK, HAC
Message Transformation XML mit java und XSLT
Integration SAP ECC mit SAP Netweaver 7.5
Verwendung BAPI für Finanzgeschäften mit JCo 3
REST-Webservices mit JEE 5
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps
Integration SAP ECC mit SAP PO 7.5
Analyse Realisierung
Integration SAP ECC mit SAP PO 7.5
Implementierung eines REST Service
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps zum Upload von Währungskursen
Verwendung SOAP Adapter und IDOC Adapter
Message Mapping von xls Dateien nach XML
Integration SAP ERP SD mit SAP PO 7.5
Verwendung AS2, EDI Separator Adapter (SAP B2B), HTTP Adapter
Message Transformation mit ESR XSL Mapping
Entwicklung CDS Views
Generierung ODATA Services
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps zum Anzeigen der Zahlläufen
Integration SAP ECC mit SAP PO 7.5
Verwendung SFTP Adapter und RFC Adapter
Message Transformation Microsoft XLS nach RFC XML mit XSLT
Integration SAP ECC mit SAP PO 7.5
Verwendung SFTP Adapter
Message Transformation XML nach CSV mit XSLT
Integration SAP ERP / BCM mit SAP PO 7.5
Verwendung SFTP Adapter
Verwendung HTTP Adapter
Message Transformation mit ESR XSL Mapping
Verwendung EBICS Adapter
Integration SAP ERP mit SAP PO 7.5
Entwicklung eines REST Services
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps um Nachrichten zu selektieren, anzuzeigen und zu versenden
Entwicklung eines SAP PI/PO Adapters (ExtraNet der Bundesbank) um Web Services mit Plain Https zu orchestrieren
Verwendung des SFTP und SOAP Adapter
Vorverarbeitung von Textnachrichten mit EJB Modulen
Message Transformation ESR Java Mapping
Nachrichten Transformation mit einem XSL Mapping
Verwendung des IDOC Inbound Adapter und JDBC Outbound Adapter
Integration SAP ERP
Entwicklung eines REST Service
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps zum Anzeigen und Bestätigung von Transaktionen
Verwendung des SFTP Adapter
Verwendung des IDOC Adapter
Verwendung des SOAP Adaptor
Vorverarbeitung von Textnachrichten mit Modulen
Message Transformation von xls nach XML mit ESR Java Mapping
Message Transformation von Text nach XML mit ESR Java Mapping
Handel / Treasury
Entwicklung eines ODATA Service mit Apache Olingo und JPA
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps um Foreign Exchange Nachrichten anzuzeigen
Entwicklung eines Java Mapping
IDOC Outbound Adapter
Entwicklung einer SAPUI5 CRUD App
Vorverarbeitung von Textnachrichten mit EJB Modulen
Message Mapping von Text Dateien nach XML
Message Mapping von xls Dateien nach XML
SFTP Adapter
Data Base Adapter
Entwicklung eines ODATA Service mit Apache Olingo and JPA
Entwicklung von SAPUI5 Apps um verschiedene Nachrichten anzuzeigen
Entwicklung eines SAP PI/PO Adapters (RegisTr) um SOAP Web Services zu orchestrieren
Content spezifisches Nachrichten Routing
Verwendung des SFTP Adapter
Creating, Deploying, and managing Google Cloud Run Services and Jobs
Integrating Google Cloud Run Services to Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, Eventarc, Cloud SQL etc.
Building images using Cloud Build
What is the DAO pattern, and how to implement it using JDBC, Spring's JDBCTemplate, and Hibernate
Relational Database Principles
Schema Creation in MySQL
Schema Generation using Hibernate
Database Migrations using Liquibase
Database Migrations using Flyway
Database Integration Testing using Spring Boot and JUnit 5
Defining Primary Key's with Hibernate
Hibernate Criteria Queries
Named JPA Queries
Spring Data JPA query methods
Spring Data JPA @Query Annotation
Entity Relationships - One to One, One to Many, Many to One, Many to Many
Embedded Types
Natural Keys
Composite Keys
Spring Data JPA Query Methods
Paging and Sorting
Database Transaction Management
Database Fetch Operations
Data Validation
JPA Inheritance
Hibernate Interceptors and Listeners
JPA Callbacks
Legacy Database Mapping
Using Multiple Data Sources
Spring Data REST
gCTS Basics and Preparation
Use gCTS Basics
Leverage Git Capabilities in ABAP
Tailor gCTS to Your Needs
gCTS in CI/CD Processes
Perform each OAuth 2 authorization flow,
Authorization Code,
PKCE-enhanced authorization code,
Client credentials,
Password credentials.
Startup and configure the Keycloak server,
Configure OAuth 2 Resource Server,
Startup multiple Resource Servers on random port numbers,
Configure Spring Cloud API Gateway,
Configure and use Eureka Registry and Discovery Service,
Build a simple Spring MVC Web Application that fetches data from a protected Resource Server running behind Spring Cloud API Gateway.
Implement a simple JavaScript application that uses PKCE-Enhanced authorization code to acquire JWT access tokens and communicate with protected Resource Server,
Learn how to refresh an expired JWT Access token,
Learn to implement Scope-base access control,
Learn how to implement Role-based access control,
OAuth social login with Facebook, Google, and Okta accounts,
Implement Keycloak Remote User Authentication(User Storage SPI)
New Spring Authorization Server version 0.2.2
Basics of SAP BTP and Microsoft Azure
Building Integration Scenarios
Building Extension Scenarios
Building Data-to-Value Scenarios
Design Thinking in a Nutshell
Introduction to ABAP in the Cloud
Expand Your Skills
Dive Deeper
Broaden Your Horizon
SAP Business Technology Platform in a Nutshell
Introducing SAP Fiori Elements
Building Your First SAP Fiori Elements App
Using More SAP Fiori Elements Capabilities
Extending a Standard SAP Fiori App
Build Spring Boot microservices that consume Google Cloud managed services
Send and receive messages with Pub/Sub and Spring Integration.
Use Cloud SQL as a managed relational database for your Java applications, and migrate to Cloud Spanner
Implement distributed tracing by using Cloud Trace
Introduction to DevOps
CI/CD with ABAP (On-Premise)
Delivery with SAP Cloud Platform
Hybrid Change Management
Operation of Your Solution and Summary
Assess Your Integration Strategy
Design Your Hybrid Integration Platform
Define Integration Best Practices
Enable a Practice of Empowerment
Introduction and High-Level Overview
End-to-End Business Scenarios
Suite Qualities
Products and Best Practices
Introduction - ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model
Developing a Read-Only List Report App
Enabling the Transactional Behavior of an App
Dealing with Existing Code
Service Consumption and Web APIs
Introduction to SAP Cloud Platform Extension Suite
SAP Fiori Overview
Designing SAP Fiori Apps
Developing SAP Fiori Apps
Managing SAP Fiori
Plan ? SAP Fiori UX for SAP S/4HANA
Deliver - SAP Fiori UX for SAP S/4HANA
Innovate - Creating Intelligent UX
Introducing SAP Cloud Application Programming Model
Development Tasks
Add Enterprise Qualities
Extend the Digital Core and Other Topics
The Internet of Things with SAP
SAP Data Intelligence for Data Scientists An Introduction
Introduction and Overview
Mobile Back End
Micro Apps
Cross-Platform Native App Development
Native App Development
Intelligent Enterprise User Experience with SAP Fiori 3
Integrate Anything Anywhere
Orchestrate Your Scenarios
Experience the Services in Action
Design Thinking and Challenge Management
Get Ready!
(Re-)Discover SAPUI5 Essentials
Accelerate Your App Development
Finish with Quality and Style
Simplify, Integrate, and Adapt
Kyma ? A Flexible Way to Connect and Extend Applications
Your First Cloud Application
SAP Cloud Application Programming Model
Additional Services
What?s New in SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 03
New Programming Model
Open Technologies and Concepts
Introducing Intelligent ERP
Building Side-by-Side Extensions
Delivering High Quality Extensions
Advanced Extensibility
Integration ? The Key to the Intelligent Enterprise
An Introduction to SAP Leonardo Machine Learning Foundation
SAP Leonardo ? An Introduction to Blockchain
Value Proposition, Options, & Methodology
Integration Lifecycle
Overview and Data Preparation
SAP Analytics Cloud
Additional Analytics Services
Git Basics
Combining Branches
Working with Remotes
Service-to-Service Communication
Additional Topics
Identity Management
Lifecycle Management Basics
Lifecycle Management Hybrid Scenarios
Continuous Integration and Delivery
Usage of SAP Fiori Launchpad