Vasile stands out as a Full Stack Senior Software Developer with a deep-seated expertise in back-end development.
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Mitarbeiter eines Dienstleisters
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Deutschland, Österreich



7 months
2024-02 - now

AI/ML engineering for document intelligence

Software Developer Python PyTorch LLM Models ...
Software Developer
  • Technologies Used: Python, PyTorch, Huggingface models, several LLMs; DRF
  • Contributed to the engineering of ML models for document data extraction in PyTorch. Tested and fine-tuned some models by training with custom data. Pre-processed training data.
  • Created a REST API service with DRF and optimize models for inference via API.
  • Contributed to an Angular UI for Document display and interaction with the AI related API.
Python PyTorch LLM Models Huggingface Models
Biberach an der Riß
8 years 8 months
2016-01 - now

Agricultural commodities online trading platform

Software Developer Java Spring Boot Hibernate ...
Software Developer
  • Technologies Used: Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, MySQL, Thymleaf, JS and AWS cloud services.
  • Description: Co-founder of - a leading online grains trading platform in Romania. Technical implications: Product ownership and implementation of the WEB application and Android.
  • Also managed Marketing campaigns, PR, press releases, sales strategies;
Java Spring Boot Hibernate MySQL Tymleaf AWS
1 year 5 months
2022-10 - 2024-02

Grain Trading application

Software Developer Flutter Kotlin Spring Boot ...
Software Developer
  • Technologies Used:
    • Flutter and Dart for mobile app;
    • Kotlin, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Keycloack for backend services;
    • Firebase SDK, Google Analytics SDK
  • Role: Design and implementation of the mobile app in Flutter and major contributor to the architecture and back-end in Kotlin + Spring Boot.
Flutter Kotlin Spring Boot Keycloak SDK
1 year 10 months
2021-01 - 2022-10

Whitelabel mobile applications for various TV shows

Software Developer Keycloak OAuth Java ...
Software Developer
  • Technologies Used: Keycloack, OAuth, Java, NestJs and Typescript.
  • Role: Major contributions to to customizing Keycloak OAuth Server, with custom providers (written in JAVA) and custom templates. Also contributed to some micro-services written in NestJs and Typescript.
Keycloak OAuth Java NestJs TypeScript
1 year 1 month
2020-01 - 2021-01

Banking Application

Software Developer Java Spring Boot Docker ...
Software Developer
  • Technologies Used: Java, SpringBoot, PosgreSQL, Docker
  • Role: Major contributions to the implementation of backend services for a mobile banking application focusing on data security and reliability including code audits, integration testing.
Java Spring Boot Docker PostgreSQL
2 years 1 month
2018-01 - 2020-01

Car Sharing Application

Software Developer Ionic Java Spring Boot ...
Software Developer
  • Technologies Used: Ionic, Java, Spring Boot, Docker, Micro-services
  • Role: Design and led the development of a hybrid mobile app for car sharing and major contributions to the back-end part of the app.
Ionic Java Spring Boot Docker Microservices
8 months
2017-06 - 2018-01

CMS Web Application for the Car Industry

Software Developer Angular TypeScript Java ...
Software Developer
  • Technologies Used: Angular, TypeScript, Java, Spring, MSSQL
  • Description: Developed a HTML5 web application to manage media content for Daimler, enhancing digital content delivery and management.
Angular TypeScript Java Spring MS SQL Server
4 years 1 month
2011-01 - 2015-01

Real Time Trading applications suite

Software Developer - Team Lead Java Swing
Software Developer - Team Lead
  • Technologies Used: Java, Swing, FIX protocol
  • Description: Team Leader - coordinated a small team responsible for Order Entry module. Wrote 3rd parties trading adapters; Implemented testing policies, wrote custom protocols (based on FIX protocol);
Java Swing







Deutschland, Österreich



7 months
2024-02 - now

AI/ML engineering for document intelligence

Software Developer Python PyTorch LLM Models ...
Software Developer
  • Technologies Used: Python, PyTorch, Huggingface models, several LLMs; DRF
  • Contributed to the engineering of ML models for document data extraction in PyTorch. Tested and fine-tuned some models by training with custom data. Pre-processed training data.
  • Created a REST API service with DRF and optimize models for inference via API.
  • Contributed to an Angular UI for Document display and interaction with the AI related API.
Python PyTorch LLM Models Huggingface Models
Biberach an der Riß
8 years 8 months
2016-01 - now

Agricultural commodities online trading platform

Software Developer Java Spring Boot Hibernate ...
Software Developer
  • Technologies Used: Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, MySQL, Thymleaf, JS and AWS cloud services.
  • Description: Co-founder of - a leading online grains trading platform in Romania. Technical implications: Product ownership and implementation of the WEB application and Android.
  • Also managed Marketing campaigns, PR, press releases, sales strategies;
Java Spring Boot Hibernate MySQL Tymleaf AWS
1 year 5 months
2022-10 - 2024-02

Grain Trading application

Software Developer Flutter Kotlin Spring Boot ...
Software Developer
  • Technologies Used:
    • Flutter and Dart for mobile app;
    • Kotlin, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Keycloack for backend services;
    • Firebase SDK, Google Analytics SDK
  • Role: Design and implementation of the mobile app in Flutter and major contributor to the architecture and back-end in Kotlin + Spring Boot.
Flutter Kotlin Spring Boot Keycloak SDK
1 year 10 months
2021-01 - 2022-10

Whitelabel mobile applications for various TV shows

Software Developer Keycloak OAuth Java ...
Software Developer
  • Technologies Used: Keycloack, OAuth, Java, NestJs and Typescript.
  • Role: Major contributions to to customizing Keycloak OAuth Server, with custom providers (written in JAVA) and custom templates. Also contributed to some micro-services written in NestJs and Typescript.
Keycloak OAuth Java NestJs TypeScript
1 year 1 month
2020-01 - 2021-01

Banking Application

Software Developer Java Spring Boot Docker ...
Software Developer
  • Technologies Used: Java, SpringBoot, PosgreSQL, Docker
  • Role: Major contributions to the implementation of backend services for a mobile banking application focusing on data security and reliability including code audits, integration testing.
Java Spring Boot Docker PostgreSQL
2 years 1 month
2018-01 - 2020-01

Car Sharing Application

Software Developer Ionic Java Spring Boot ...
Software Developer
  • Technologies Used: Ionic, Java, Spring Boot, Docker, Micro-services
  • Role: Design and led the development of a hybrid mobile app for car sharing and major contributions to the back-end part of the app.
Ionic Java Spring Boot Docker Microservices
8 months
2017-06 - 2018-01

CMS Web Application for the Car Industry

Software Developer Angular TypeScript Java ...
Software Developer
  • Technologies Used: Angular, TypeScript, Java, Spring, MSSQL
  • Description: Developed a HTML5 web application to manage media content for Daimler, enhancing digital content delivery and management.
Angular TypeScript Java Spring MS SQL Server
4 years 1 month
2011-01 - 2015-01

Real Time Trading applications suite

Software Developer - Team Lead Java Swing
Software Developer - Team Lead
  • Technologies Used: Java, Swing, FIX protocol
  • Description: Team Leader - coordinated a small team responsible for Order Entry module. Wrote 3rd parties trading adapters; Implemented testing policies, wrote custom protocols (based on FIX protocol);
Java Swing





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