Mein fachlicher Schwerpunkt liegt in der Frontend-Entwicklung mit Angular und React.
Aktualisiert am 02.10.2024
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Kreuzlingen (+75km)
Deutschland, Schweiz



7 Monate
2024-08 - heute


Senior Software Engineer TypeScript JavaScript Angular ...
Senior Software Engineer
  • Software Optimization: Focus on software development and optimization.
  • UI Implementation: Specialization in user interface implementation.
  • Use-Focused Design: Ensuring user-friendly and high-quality applications.
  • Client Consultation: Tailored solutions through close collaboration with clients
  • UX Development: Started focusing on delivering high-quality user experience (UX)
  • alongside development tasks.
TypeScript JavaScript Angular HTML5 RXJS NgRX Figma Formly Java Spring Boot Docker Scrum SQL
4 Monate
2024-04 - 2024-07

Blockchain Platform

Senior Software Engineer Vue.js Go TypeScript ...
Senior Software Engineer
  • Collaborated with stakeholders to define technical requirements.
  • Using Docker to containerize the application services, improving scalability and ease
  • of deloyment.
  • Developing and consuming RESTful APIs and integrating with other services or
  • components.
  • Working in an Agile environment, following Scrum methodologies.

Frontend Development with Vue.js 3

  • Developing dynamic and responsive user interfaces using Vue.js 3 with TypeScript.
  • Styling components with Tailwind and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.
  • Development of Services for seamless communication with the backend via REST API.
  • Collection, processing and provision of data for visualization and further processing in
  • the application.
  • Writing unit tests to ensure the robustness and functionality of the application and to
  • guarantee a reliable code.

Backend Development with Golang

  • Building robust and scalable microservices with Golang.
  • Writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code in Golang.
  • Implementing PostgresSQL for effective database management.

Vue.js Go TypeScript HTML5 TailwindCSS PostgreSQL Scrum
devs group GmbH
1 Jahr 10 Monate
2022-06 - 2024-03


Senior Software Engineer Frontend Typescript Angular React ...
Senior Software Engineer Frontend

  • Requirements Engineering: Collaborated with Abraxas stakeholders to define technical requirements.
  • Angular to React Migration: Continued development of an existing Angular application before leading the seamless transition to React, prioritizing optimization and minimal service disruption.
  • Custom Flowable Component Development: Developed user-friendly, customized Flowable components with React to Abraxas's specific needs, utilizing Material-UI 5.
  • Unit Testing and Storybook Documentation: Implemented unit tests for reliability and robustness; documented components in Storybook for configurability and ease of understanding.
  • GraphQL Integration in Front-End Services: Designed and maintained front-end services integrating GraphQL for efficient data retrieval and user experience enhancement.
  • Front-End Team Leadership: Coordinated the front-end team's tasks, including refining user stories with Abraxas, planning, estimating, and resource allocation.
  • User/Customer Training and Support: Provided specific training and support to Abraxas's users and Flowable modellers for effective application usage.

Typescript Angular React Material-UI HTML5 SASS RxJS Flowable Scrum Kanban GraphQL
Abraxas Informatik AG
11 Monate
2021-07 - 2022-05

Development Customer portal

Senior Software Engineer Full-Stack Typescript React HTML5 ...
Senior Software Engineer Full-Stack

  • Collaborated with Bank Gutmann stakeholders to define technical requirements.
  • Using Docker to containerize the application services, improving scalability and ease of deloyment.
  • Developing and consuming RESTful APIs and integrating with other services or components.
  • Working in an Agile environment, following Scrum methodologies.

Frontend Development with React

  • Developing dynamic and responsive user interfaces using React with TypeScript.
  • Styling components with SASS and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.
  • Development of Services for seamless communication with the backend via REST API. Collection, processing and provision of data for visualization and further processing in the application.
  • Writing unit tests to ensure the robustness and functionality of the application and to guarantee a reliable code.

Backend Development with Java

  • Building robust and scalable microservices with Spring Boot.
  • Writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code in Java.
  • Leveraging Spring Data for comprehensive data access and management capabilities.
  • Configuring Spring Security to handle authentication and authorization.

Typescript React HTML5 SASS Docker Scrum Java Spring
Bank Gutmann
2 Jahre 6 Monate
2019-01 - 2021-06

B2B Online Platform

Professional/Senior Software Engineer Full-Stack Typescript Kotlin Angular ...
Professional/Senior Software Engineer Full-Stack

  • Collaborated with Saviva stakeholders to define technical requirements.
  • Using Docker to containerize the application services, improving scalability and ease of deloyment.
  • Developing and consuming RESTful APIs and integrating with other services or components.
  • Working in an Agile environment, specifically with Scrum methodologies.

Frontend Development with Angular

  • Developing dynamic and responsive user interfaces using Angular with TypeScript.
  • Using RxJS and NgRx for efficient data management and state handling.
  • Development of Angular services for seamless communication with the backend via REST API. Collection, processing and provision of data for visualisation and further processing in the application.
  • Ensuring the robustness of the Angular application through Jasmine unit tests customized for Saviva's platform.
  • Implementing HTML5 and SASS styling with a design approach.
  • Implemented SEO optimization strategies to enhance the visibility and search engine ranking.

Backend Development with Kotlin

  • Creating and maintaning backend services using Kotlin, for a robust and scalable infrastructure.
  • Ensuring seamless communication between the frontend and backend through REST API endpoints.
  • Handling the collection, processing, and provision of data in Kotlin backend services to support Saviva's visualization and processing needs.
  • Implementing practices to ensure scalability and maintainability of the Kotlin backend services, aligning with Saviva's growth plans.
  • Implementing Liquidbase for effective database management, ensuring smooth migration and version control customized for Saviva's data needs.

Typescript Kotlin Angular Unit Testing with Jasmine Liquidbase Jooby HTML5 SASS Docker Scrum
Saviva AG
1 Jahr
2018-01 - 2018-12

Relaunch Webpage

Software Engineer Full-Stack JavaScript Java jQuery ...
Software Engineer Full-Stack

  • Collaborated with CRB stakeholders to define technical requirements.
  • Using Docker to containerize the application services, improving scalability and ease of deloyment.
  • Developing and consuming RESTful APIs and integrating with other services or components.
  • Working in an Agile environment, specifically with Scrum methodologies.

Frontend Development with Angular

  • Developing dynamic and responsive user interfaces using Angular with TypeScript.
  • Styling components with SASS and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.
  • Development of Services for seamless communication with the backend via REST API. Collection, processing and provision of data for visualization and further processing in the application.
  • Implemented SEO optimization strategies to enhance the visibility and search engine ranking.
  • Writing unit tests to ensure the robustness and functionality of the application and to guarantee a reliable code.

Backend Development with Java

  • Building robust and scalable microservices with Spring Boot.
  • Writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code in Java.
  • Leveraging Spring Data for comprehensive data access and management capabilities.
  • Configuring Spring Security to handle authentication and authorization.

JavaScript Java jQuery Maven HTML5 SASS Freemarker Template Magnolia CMS Enterprise Scrum
1 Jahr
2017-01 - 2017-12

B2C Renewal

Software Engineer Frontend JavaScript Java jQuery ...
Software Engineer Frontend

  • Requirements Engineering: Collaborated with BANK-now stakeholders to define technical requirements.
  • CMS Migration to Magnolia: Migration process from an outdated CMS to Magnolia CMS, ensuring a seamless transfer of content, structure, and functionality to enhance performance and usability for BANK-now's customers.
  • Customized Magnolia Frontend Components: Implement new and customized Magnolia frontend components with JavaScript and React, integrating HTML5, SASS, and Freemarker Template for enhanced UI/UX on BANK-now's B2C platform
  • Usability and Performance Enhancement: Focusing on improving the overall usability and performance of BANK-now's B2C platform through frontend enhancements and optimizations.

JavaScript Java jQuery React HTML5 SASS Freemarker Template Magnolia CMS Enterprise Scrum
1 Jahr
2016-01 - 2016-12

Relaunch Webpage

Software Engineer Frontend JavaScript Java jQuery ...
Software Engineer Frontend
  • Requirements Engineering: Collaborated with Bank CIC stakeholders to define technical requirements.

  • Magnolia CMS Website Implementation: Implementing the new website using Magnolia CMS, with a focus on user-friendliness and effective content management tailored to Bank CIC's financial services.

  • Custom Magnolia Front-end Components: Developing customised Magnolia front-end components with JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, LESS and Freemarker Template to align with Bank CIC's unique UX/UI requirements, ensuring an engaging user experience for their clients.

  • Customer Onboarding System: Implementing a customer onboarding system within Magnolia to seamlessly integrate new customers, enhancing the introduction process to the banking platform for Bank CIC.

  • Annual Report Implementation: Utilizing Magnolia CMS for the implementation of Bank CIC's annual report, ensuring a consistent and professional presentation of financial information.

  • SEO Optimization: Implemented SEO optimization strategies to enhance the visibility and search engine ranking of Bank CIC's webpage.

  • Magnolia Training: Planning and executing Magnolia training sessions specifically for Bank CIC's staff and users, covering both general Magnolia CMS usage and the custom-developed components.

JavaScript Java jQuery Maven HTML5 LESS Freemarker Template Magnolia CMS Enterprise Scrum
Bank CIC

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

3 Jahre 11 Monate
2012-09 - 2016-07

Business Informatics - Emphasis: Software Engineering

Bachelor of Science - BS, Hochschule Konstanz - Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung
Bachelor of Science - BS
Hochschule Konstanz - Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung

Thesis: Konzeptioneller Entwurf einer Payment-Box zum Verwalten eines Warenvertriebs

3 Jahre 1 Monat
2009-09 - 2012-09

Economy high school

General university entrance qualification, Wessenberg-Schule Konstanz
General university entrance qualification
Wessenberg-Schule Konstanz



Mit einer Berufserfahrung von mehr als 8 Jahren als Frontend-Entwickler verfüge ich über umfassende Fachkenntnisse in verschiedenen Technologien, darunter Angular, React, TypeScript/JavaScript, HTML5 und CSS3 (einschließlich SCSS, LESS und SASS). Neben meinen Hauptqualifikationen im Bereich Frontend-Entwicklung bringe ich auch zusätzliche Expertise in Java und Kotlin. Eine weitere bedeutende Kompetenz meiner beruflichen Tätigkeit liegt in der Frontend-Entwicklung unter Verwendung des Magnolia CMS.




Angular ReactJS Type JavaScript Java Kotlin CSS3 Sass HTML5 Spring Magnolia


Magnolia CMS
Spring Boot

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • HTML5 / CSS3 / LESS / SASS
  • Java / JEE / Spring
  • JavaScript / jQuery / Typescript
  • Freemarker Template, Smarty, Handlebars
  • Angular
  • React
  • Hibernate with JPA
  • Kotlin
  • Docker
  • GraphQL

User Know-how

  • Bootstraps
  • Foundation

Application server:

  • Tomcat

Build tools:

  • Maven
  • Gradle

Version control:

  • Git

Continuous integration:

  • Jenkins


  • XCode
  • IntelliJ
  • Visual Studio Code
  • WebStorm


  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint

Project management:

  • Scrum
  • Kanban
  • Waterfall

Collaboration tools:

  • Atlassian JIRA
  • Atlassian Confluence
  • Atlassian Bitbucket
  • Redmine


  • Magnolia CMS (Certified Magnolia Front-End Developer)


Microsoft SQL Server
Oracle Database



Kreuzlingen (+75km)
Deutschland, Schweiz



7 Monate
2024-08 - heute


Senior Software Engineer TypeScript JavaScript Angular ...
Senior Software Engineer
  • Software Optimization: Focus on software development and optimization.
  • UI Implementation: Specialization in user interface implementation.
  • Use-Focused Design: Ensuring user-friendly and high-quality applications.
  • Client Consultation: Tailored solutions through close collaboration with clients
  • UX Development: Started focusing on delivering high-quality user experience (UX)
  • alongside development tasks.
TypeScript JavaScript Angular HTML5 RXJS NgRX Figma Formly Java Spring Boot Docker Scrum SQL
4 Monate
2024-04 - 2024-07

Blockchain Platform

Senior Software Engineer Vue.js Go TypeScript ...
Senior Software Engineer
  • Collaborated with stakeholders to define technical requirements.
  • Using Docker to containerize the application services, improving scalability and ease
  • of deloyment.
  • Developing and consuming RESTful APIs and integrating with other services or
  • components.
  • Working in an Agile environment, following Scrum methodologies.

Frontend Development with Vue.js 3

  • Developing dynamic and responsive user interfaces using Vue.js 3 with TypeScript.
  • Styling components with Tailwind and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.
  • Development of Services for seamless communication with the backend via REST API.
  • Collection, processing and provision of data for visualization and further processing in
  • the application.
  • Writing unit tests to ensure the robustness and functionality of the application and to
  • guarantee a reliable code.

Backend Development with Golang

  • Building robust and scalable microservices with Golang.
  • Writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code in Golang.
  • Implementing PostgresSQL for effective database management.

Vue.js Go TypeScript HTML5 TailwindCSS PostgreSQL Scrum
devs group GmbH
1 Jahr 10 Monate
2022-06 - 2024-03


Senior Software Engineer Frontend Typescript Angular React ...
Senior Software Engineer Frontend

  • Requirements Engineering: Collaborated with Abraxas stakeholders to define technical requirements.
  • Angular to React Migration: Continued development of an existing Angular application before leading the seamless transition to React, prioritizing optimization and minimal service disruption.
  • Custom Flowable Component Development: Developed user-friendly, customized Flowable components with React to Abraxas's specific needs, utilizing Material-UI 5.
  • Unit Testing and Storybook Documentation: Implemented unit tests for reliability and robustness; documented components in Storybook for configurability and ease of understanding.
  • GraphQL Integration in Front-End Services: Designed and maintained front-end services integrating GraphQL for efficient data retrieval and user experience enhancement.
  • Front-End Team Leadership: Coordinated the front-end team's tasks, including refining user stories with Abraxas, planning, estimating, and resource allocation.
  • User/Customer Training and Support: Provided specific training and support to Abraxas's users and Flowable modellers for effective application usage.

Typescript Angular React Material-UI HTML5 SASS RxJS Flowable Scrum Kanban GraphQL
Abraxas Informatik AG
11 Monate
2021-07 - 2022-05

Development Customer portal

Senior Software Engineer Full-Stack Typescript React HTML5 ...
Senior Software Engineer Full-Stack

  • Collaborated with Bank Gutmann stakeholders to define technical requirements.
  • Using Docker to containerize the application services, improving scalability and ease of deloyment.
  • Developing and consuming RESTful APIs and integrating with other services or components.
  • Working in an Agile environment, following Scrum methodologies.

Frontend Development with React

  • Developing dynamic and responsive user interfaces using React with TypeScript.
  • Styling components with SASS and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.
  • Development of Services for seamless communication with the backend via REST API. Collection, processing and provision of data for visualization and further processing in the application.
  • Writing unit tests to ensure the robustness and functionality of the application and to guarantee a reliable code.

Backend Development with Java

  • Building robust and scalable microservices with Spring Boot.
  • Writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code in Java.
  • Leveraging Spring Data for comprehensive data access and management capabilities.
  • Configuring Spring Security to handle authentication and authorization.

Typescript React HTML5 SASS Docker Scrum Java Spring
Bank Gutmann
2 Jahre 6 Monate
2019-01 - 2021-06

B2B Online Platform

Professional/Senior Software Engineer Full-Stack Typescript Kotlin Angular ...
Professional/Senior Software Engineer Full-Stack

  • Collaborated with Saviva stakeholders to define technical requirements.
  • Using Docker to containerize the application services, improving scalability and ease of deloyment.
  • Developing and consuming RESTful APIs and integrating with other services or components.
  • Working in an Agile environment, specifically with Scrum methodologies.

Frontend Development with Angular

  • Developing dynamic and responsive user interfaces using Angular with TypeScript.
  • Using RxJS and NgRx for efficient data management and state handling.
  • Development of Angular services for seamless communication with the backend via REST API. Collection, processing and provision of data for visualisation and further processing in the application.
  • Ensuring the robustness of the Angular application through Jasmine unit tests customized for Saviva's platform.
  • Implementing HTML5 and SASS styling with a design approach.
  • Implemented SEO optimization strategies to enhance the visibility and search engine ranking.

Backend Development with Kotlin

  • Creating and maintaning backend services using Kotlin, for a robust and scalable infrastructure.
  • Ensuring seamless communication between the frontend and backend through REST API endpoints.
  • Handling the collection, processing, and provision of data in Kotlin backend services to support Saviva's visualization and processing needs.
  • Implementing practices to ensure scalability and maintainability of the Kotlin backend services, aligning with Saviva's growth plans.
  • Implementing Liquidbase for effective database management, ensuring smooth migration and version control customized for Saviva's data needs.

Typescript Kotlin Angular Unit Testing with Jasmine Liquidbase Jooby HTML5 SASS Docker Scrum
Saviva AG
1 Jahr
2018-01 - 2018-12

Relaunch Webpage

Software Engineer Full-Stack JavaScript Java jQuery ...
Software Engineer Full-Stack

  • Collaborated with CRB stakeholders to define technical requirements.
  • Using Docker to containerize the application services, improving scalability and ease of deloyment.
  • Developing and consuming RESTful APIs and integrating with other services or components.
  • Working in an Agile environment, specifically with Scrum methodologies.

Frontend Development with Angular

  • Developing dynamic and responsive user interfaces using Angular with TypeScript.
  • Styling components with SASS and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.
  • Development of Services for seamless communication with the backend via REST API. Collection, processing and provision of data for visualization and further processing in the application.
  • Implemented SEO optimization strategies to enhance the visibility and search engine ranking.
  • Writing unit tests to ensure the robustness and functionality of the application and to guarantee a reliable code.

Backend Development with Java

  • Building robust and scalable microservices with Spring Boot.
  • Writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code in Java.
  • Leveraging Spring Data for comprehensive data access and management capabilities.
  • Configuring Spring Security to handle authentication and authorization.

JavaScript Java jQuery Maven HTML5 SASS Freemarker Template Magnolia CMS Enterprise Scrum
1 Jahr
2017-01 - 2017-12

B2C Renewal

Software Engineer Frontend JavaScript Java jQuery ...
Software Engineer Frontend

  • Requirements Engineering: Collaborated with BANK-now stakeholders to define technical requirements.
  • CMS Migration to Magnolia: Migration process from an outdated CMS to Magnolia CMS, ensuring a seamless transfer of content, structure, and functionality to enhance performance and usability for BANK-now's customers.
  • Customized Magnolia Frontend Components: Implement new and customized Magnolia frontend components with JavaScript and React, integrating HTML5, SASS, and Freemarker Template for enhanced UI/UX on BANK-now's B2C platform
  • Usability and Performance Enhancement: Focusing on improving the overall usability and performance of BANK-now's B2C platform through frontend enhancements and optimizations.

JavaScript Java jQuery React HTML5 SASS Freemarker Template Magnolia CMS Enterprise Scrum
1 Jahr
2016-01 - 2016-12

Relaunch Webpage

Software Engineer Frontend JavaScript Java jQuery ...
Software Engineer Frontend
  • Requirements Engineering: Collaborated with Bank CIC stakeholders to define technical requirements.

  • Magnolia CMS Website Implementation: Implementing the new website using Magnolia CMS, with a focus on user-friendliness and effective content management tailored to Bank CIC's financial services.

  • Custom Magnolia Front-end Components: Developing customised Magnolia front-end components with JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, LESS and Freemarker Template to align with Bank CIC's unique UX/UI requirements, ensuring an engaging user experience for their clients.

  • Customer Onboarding System: Implementing a customer onboarding system within Magnolia to seamlessly integrate new customers, enhancing the introduction process to the banking platform for Bank CIC.

  • Annual Report Implementation: Utilizing Magnolia CMS for the implementation of Bank CIC's annual report, ensuring a consistent and professional presentation of financial information.

  • SEO Optimization: Implemented SEO optimization strategies to enhance the visibility and search engine ranking of Bank CIC's webpage.

  • Magnolia Training: Planning and executing Magnolia training sessions specifically for Bank CIC's staff and users, covering both general Magnolia CMS usage and the custom-developed components.

JavaScript Java jQuery Maven HTML5 LESS Freemarker Template Magnolia CMS Enterprise Scrum
Bank CIC

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

3 Jahre 11 Monate
2012-09 - 2016-07

Business Informatics - Emphasis: Software Engineering

Bachelor of Science - BS, Hochschule Konstanz - Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung
Bachelor of Science - BS
Hochschule Konstanz - Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung

Thesis: Konzeptioneller Entwurf einer Payment-Box zum Verwalten eines Warenvertriebs

3 Jahre 1 Monat
2009-09 - 2012-09

Economy high school

General university entrance qualification, Wessenberg-Schule Konstanz
General university entrance qualification
Wessenberg-Schule Konstanz



Mit einer Berufserfahrung von mehr als 8 Jahren als Frontend-Entwickler verfüge ich über umfassende Fachkenntnisse in verschiedenen Technologien, darunter Angular, React, TypeScript/JavaScript, HTML5 und CSS3 (einschließlich SCSS, LESS und SASS). Neben meinen Hauptqualifikationen im Bereich Frontend-Entwicklung bringe ich auch zusätzliche Expertise in Java und Kotlin. Eine weitere bedeutende Kompetenz meiner beruflichen Tätigkeit liegt in der Frontend-Entwicklung unter Verwendung des Magnolia CMS.




Angular ReactJS Type JavaScript Java Kotlin CSS3 Sass HTML5 Spring Magnolia


Magnolia CMS
Spring Boot

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • HTML5 / CSS3 / LESS / SASS
  • Java / JEE / Spring
  • JavaScript / jQuery / Typescript
  • Freemarker Template, Smarty, Handlebars
  • Angular
  • React
  • Hibernate with JPA
  • Kotlin
  • Docker
  • GraphQL

User Know-how

  • Bootstraps
  • Foundation

Application server:

  • Tomcat

Build tools:

  • Maven
  • Gradle

Version control:

  • Git

Continuous integration:

  • Jenkins


  • XCode
  • IntelliJ
  • Visual Studio Code
  • WebStorm


  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint

Project management:

  • Scrum
  • Kanban
  • Waterfall

Collaboration tools:

  • Atlassian JIRA
  • Atlassian Confluence
  • Atlassian Bitbucket
  • Redmine


  • Magnolia CMS (Certified Magnolia Front-End Developer)


Microsoft SQL Server
Oracle Database

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