Berlin (+200km) Hamburg (+200km) München (+200km) Frankfurt am Main (+200km)
2 Jahre 3 Monate
2022-08 - heute
C++ software stack
Software EngineerC++23EmscriptenImGui...
Software Engineer
For FAIR Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
Working on their new webdriven C++ software stack to control and supervise epxeriments on their Particle Accelerators.
C++23, Emscripten, ImGui, https, MQTT
2 Jahre 3 Monate
2022-08 - heute
Demo to showcase Stereoscopy with Qt3D
Software Engineer and Technical LeadQt3DSerenityOpenGL...
Software Engineer and Technical Lead
For Schneider Digital
Create a Demo to showcase Stereoscopy with Qt3D and a VULKAN driven custom renderer.
Offer 3DConnexion Spacemouse support. Introduce QuadBuffer support in Qt3D and work on Camera Models Qt3D, Serenity, OpenGL, QML, VULKAN, Gerrit, Buildbot, CPACK
2 Jahre 3 Monate
2022-08 - heute
Software Engineer
Software EngineerQt WidgetsECSEBus
Software Engineer
For Amazon
Work on the Engine Editor, implementing new Inputs and improving on existing ones.
Qt Widgets, ECS, EBus
Qt WidgetsECSEBus
Qt WidgetsECSEBus
6 Jahre 5 Monate
2018-06 - heute
Software Engineer and Allrounder
Software Engineer and AllrounderPythonDjangopaypal...
Software Engineer and Allrounder
Basic website, User friendly creation of Events, Reservation Management, Emailing, Online Payment
Python, Django, paypal, sofort, coinbase
Facility Management and Maintenance
Zirkus Mond
3 Monate
2022-06 - 2022-08
Software Engineer and Technical Lead
Software Engineer and Technical LeadPythonscrapysplash...
Software Engineer and Technical Lead
Scraping Job Data to form statistics about employee diversity. Python, scrapy, splash, GraphQL, Docker
6 Monate
2019-08 - 2020-01
Software Engineer
Software EngineerC++14QT embeddedPOSIX...
Software Engineer
- Firmware, Controller and UI programming - de?ning source management and automatic builds - Implement networking, code reduction, modernisation and logging - Application Support Front and Backoffice - Quality management - Setting up tests and developing environments - Developing with PM Methodologies like Agile, SCRUM, Kanban, Waterfall, etc. - Tools and Software: C++14, QT embedded, POSIX, svn to git, cmake, Docker
C++14QT embeddedPOSIXsvn to gitcmakeDocker
C++14QT embeddedPOSIXsvn to gitcmakeDocker
Löwenstein Medical
Bad Ems
2 Jahre
2017-04 - 2019-03
Software Engineer
Software EngineerDockerNginxgitlab-ci...
Software Engineer
Web Services
- Setup and maintenance of GitLab, Mattermost, Nextcloud and VPN containers - Git and GitLab education and introduction of companywide continuous integration - Sprint planning, IT-PMO project lead - Server maintenance and installation - Developing with PM Methodologies like Agile, SCRUM, Kanban, Waterfall, etc. - Application Support Front and Backoffice - Quality management - Setting up tests and developing environments - Tools and Software: Docker, Nginx, gitlab-ci, ArchLinux, Let?sEncrypt
2 Jahre
2017-04 - 2019-03
Software EngineerPythonScrapyPandas...
Software Engineer
Web Scraping - Implementing online inquiries for multiple Websites - Data-Cleaning, -Analysis, -Matching and -Export - Sprint planning, IT-PMO participant - Developing with PM Methodologies Agile, SCRUM, Kanban, Waterfall, etc. - Application Support Front and Backoffice - Quality management - Tools and Software: Python, Scrapy, Pandas, SQLalchemy, Flask, Docker, Splash
1 Jahr 3 Monate
2017-05 - 2018-07
Software Engineer
Software EngineerC++ with OpenCVC++/CLI and C# with WPFDataFlow...
Software Engineer
Object Recognition - Implementation of Image Analysis in C++ and a C++/CLI Interface - Maintenance of the clustered computation - Sprint planning, IT-PMO participant - Server maintenance and installation - Developing with PM Methodologies like Agile, SCRUM, Kanban, Waterfall, etc. - Application Support Front and Backoffice - Quality management - Setting up tests and developing environments - PC Backup recovery, re-imaging, installation using Image/SCCM - Tools and Software: C++ with OpenCV, C++/CLI and C# with WPF, DataFlow, EntityFramework and Transact Sql
C++ with OpenCVC++/CLI and C# with WPFDataFlowEntityFramework and Transact Sql
C++ with OpenCVC++/CLI and C# with WPFDataFlowEntityFramework and Transact Sql
6 Jahre 8 Monate
2011-12 - 2018-07
Software Engineer
Software EngineerC++ with OpenCVC++/CLI and C# with WPFDataFlow...
Software Engineer
Object Recognition - Implementation of Image Analysis in C++ and a C++/CLI Interface - Maintenance of the clustered computation - Sprint planning, IT-PMO participant - Server maintenance and installation - Developing with PM Methodologies like Agile, SCRUM, Kanban, Waterfall, etc. - Application Support Front and Backoffice - Quality management - Setting up tests and developing environments - PC Backup recovery, re-imaging, installation using Image/SCCM - Tools and Software: C++ with OpenCV, C++/CLI and C# with WPF, DataFlow, EntityFramework and Transact Sql
O?ce Software - Feature implementation for employee and contractor management - Inception and implementation of attribute-based Database access according to Repository Pattern - Floorwalking, OnSite Migration - 1st, 2nd and 3rd Level Support - Tools and Software: C# with WPF, VBA
GKL IM - Spreadsheet Software - Working with little lag on big tables with complex cells - Storing values and styling guidelines in video memory and full layouting and rendering on GPU - Floorwalking, OnSite Migration - 1st, 2nd and 3rd Level Support - Creating Use Cases - Creating knowledge database - Setting up services on Smartphones (mainly iOS), printer and peripherals - Tools and Software: C++, OpenGL 4.3 and Qt5
GKL MM - UI for OpenCV
- A Program to use and combine various image processing and feature detection functions dynamic execution on regions and OpenGL rendering - Sprint planning, IT-PMO participant - Server maintenance and installation - Developing with PM Methodologies like Agile, SCRUM, Kanban, Waterfall, etc. - Application Support Front and Backoffice - Quality management - Setting up tests and developing environments - Adjusting layouts, plausibility check - Coding block scripts - Tools and Software: C++, Qt4 later Qt5, OpenCV and OpenGL 4.3
C++ with OpenCVC++/CLI and C# with WPFDataFlowEntityFramework and Transact SqlC++OpenGL 4.3 and Qt5Qt4 later Qt5OpenCV and OpenGL 4.3
C++ with OpenCVC++/CLI and C# with WPFDataFlowEntityFramework and Transact SqlC++OpenGL 4.3 and Qt5Qt4 later Qt5OpenCV and OpenGL 4.3
Softwareengineer and technical Lead. Also a lot of DevOps activities.
Berlin (+200km) Hamburg (+200km) München (+200km) Frankfurt am Main (+200km)
2 Jahre 3 Monate
2022-08 - heute
C++ software stack
Software EngineerC++23EmscriptenImGui...
Software Engineer
For FAIR Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
Working on their new webdriven C++ software stack to control and supervise epxeriments on their Particle Accelerators.
C++23, Emscripten, ImGui, https, MQTT
2 Jahre 3 Monate
2022-08 - heute
Demo to showcase Stereoscopy with Qt3D
Software Engineer and Technical LeadQt3DSerenityOpenGL...
Software Engineer and Technical Lead
For Schneider Digital
Create a Demo to showcase Stereoscopy with Qt3D and a VULKAN driven custom renderer.
Offer 3DConnexion Spacemouse support. Introduce QuadBuffer support in Qt3D and work on Camera Models Qt3D, Serenity, OpenGL, QML, VULKAN, Gerrit, Buildbot, CPACK
2 Jahre 3 Monate
2022-08 - heute
Software Engineer
Software EngineerQt WidgetsECSEBus
Software Engineer
For Amazon
Work on the Engine Editor, implementing new Inputs and improving on existing ones.
Qt Widgets, ECS, EBus
Qt WidgetsECSEBus
Qt WidgetsECSEBus
6 Jahre 5 Monate
2018-06 - heute
Software Engineer and Allrounder
Software Engineer and AllrounderPythonDjangopaypal...
Software Engineer and Allrounder
Basic website, User friendly creation of Events, Reservation Management, Emailing, Online Payment
Python, Django, paypal, sofort, coinbase
Facility Management and Maintenance
Zirkus Mond
3 Monate
2022-06 - 2022-08
Software Engineer and Technical Lead
Software Engineer and Technical LeadPythonscrapysplash...
Software Engineer and Technical Lead
Scraping Job Data to form statistics about employee diversity. Python, scrapy, splash, GraphQL, Docker
6 Monate
2019-08 - 2020-01
Software Engineer
Software EngineerC++14QT embeddedPOSIX...
Software Engineer
- Firmware, Controller and UI programming - de?ning source management and automatic builds - Implement networking, code reduction, modernisation and logging - Application Support Front and Backoffice - Quality management - Setting up tests and developing environments - Developing with PM Methodologies like Agile, SCRUM, Kanban, Waterfall, etc. - Tools and Software: C++14, QT embedded, POSIX, svn to git, cmake, Docker
C++14QT embeddedPOSIXsvn to gitcmakeDocker
C++14QT embeddedPOSIXsvn to gitcmakeDocker
Löwenstein Medical
Bad Ems
2 Jahre
2017-04 - 2019-03
Software Engineer
Software EngineerDockerNginxgitlab-ci...
Software Engineer
Web Services
- Setup and maintenance of GitLab, Mattermost, Nextcloud and VPN containers - Git and GitLab education and introduction of companywide continuous integration - Sprint planning, IT-PMO project lead - Server maintenance and installation - Developing with PM Methodologies like Agile, SCRUM, Kanban, Waterfall, etc. - Application Support Front and Backoffice - Quality management - Setting up tests and developing environments - Tools and Software: Docker, Nginx, gitlab-ci, ArchLinux, Let?sEncrypt
2 Jahre
2017-04 - 2019-03
Software EngineerPythonScrapyPandas...
Software Engineer
Web Scraping - Implementing online inquiries for multiple Websites - Data-Cleaning, -Analysis, -Matching and -Export - Sprint planning, IT-PMO participant - Developing with PM Methodologies Agile, SCRUM, Kanban, Waterfall, etc. - Application Support Front and Backoffice - Quality management - Tools and Software: Python, Scrapy, Pandas, SQLalchemy, Flask, Docker, Splash
1 Jahr 3 Monate
2017-05 - 2018-07
Software Engineer
Software EngineerC++ with OpenCVC++/CLI and C# with WPFDataFlow...
Software Engineer
Object Recognition - Implementation of Image Analysis in C++ and a C++/CLI Interface - Maintenance of the clustered computation - Sprint planning, IT-PMO participant - Server maintenance and installation - Developing with PM Methodologies like Agile, SCRUM, Kanban, Waterfall, etc. - Application Support Front and Backoffice - Quality management - Setting up tests and developing environments - PC Backup recovery, re-imaging, installation using Image/SCCM - Tools and Software: C++ with OpenCV, C++/CLI and C# with WPF, DataFlow, EntityFramework and Transact Sql
C++ with OpenCVC++/CLI and C# with WPFDataFlowEntityFramework and Transact Sql
C++ with OpenCVC++/CLI and C# with WPFDataFlowEntityFramework and Transact Sql
6 Jahre 8 Monate
2011-12 - 2018-07
Software Engineer
Software EngineerC++ with OpenCVC++/CLI and C# with WPFDataFlow...
Software Engineer
Object Recognition - Implementation of Image Analysis in C++ and a C++/CLI Interface - Maintenance of the clustered computation - Sprint planning, IT-PMO participant - Server maintenance and installation - Developing with PM Methodologies like Agile, SCRUM, Kanban, Waterfall, etc. - Application Support Front and Backoffice - Quality management - Setting up tests and developing environments - PC Backup recovery, re-imaging, installation using Image/SCCM - Tools and Software: C++ with OpenCV, C++/CLI and C# with WPF, DataFlow, EntityFramework and Transact Sql
O?ce Software - Feature implementation for employee and contractor management - Inception and implementation of attribute-based Database access according to Repository Pattern - Floorwalking, OnSite Migration - 1st, 2nd and 3rd Level Support - Tools and Software: C# with WPF, VBA
GKL IM - Spreadsheet Software - Working with little lag on big tables with complex cells - Storing values and styling guidelines in video memory and full layouting and rendering on GPU - Floorwalking, OnSite Migration - 1st, 2nd and 3rd Level Support - Creating Use Cases - Creating knowledge database - Setting up services on Smartphones (mainly iOS), printer and peripherals - Tools and Software: C++, OpenGL 4.3 and Qt5
GKL MM - UI for OpenCV
- A Program to use and combine various image processing and feature detection functions dynamic execution on regions and OpenGL rendering - Sprint planning, IT-PMO participant - Server maintenance and installation - Developing with PM Methodologies like Agile, SCRUM, Kanban, Waterfall, etc. - Application Support Front and Backoffice - Quality management - Setting up tests and developing environments - Adjusting layouts, plausibility check - Coding block scripts - Tools and Software: C++, Qt4 later Qt5, OpenCV and OpenGL 4.3
C++ with OpenCVC++/CLI and C# with WPFDataFlowEntityFramework and Transact SqlC++OpenGL 4.3 and Qt5Qt4 later Qt5OpenCV and OpenGL 4.3
C++ with OpenCVC++/CLI and C# with WPFDataFlowEntityFramework and Transact SqlC++OpenGL 4.3 and Qt5Qt4 later Qt5OpenCV and OpenGL 4.3
Softwareengineer and technical Lead. Also a lot of DevOps activities.