2021 - today: various projectsCustomer: on request
Role: Fullstack React.js Developer
Projects:9 months: Carbon footprint calculation web software (SaaS). In the application, users will enter all the variables related to production: materials, production steps, material transport, losses, etc. and, based on these, the carbon footprint for the product will be calculated. Users will be able to view and export to PDF reports for individual products, production steps or materials.
- Creating an authorization and authentication mechanism
- Developing a module for adding, editing and deleting products
- Creating a module for calculating the carbon footprint based on the amount of products produced
- Working on a payment module
- Developing templates for creating emails
- Developing the admin panele
- Creating a module for suppliers and sourcing of production materials
- Working on module for calculating carbon footprint based on distance between customers and supplier
- Code reviews
- Bug fixing
- Creating documentation
- Conducting E2E tests with Cypress
Skills:React, React Query, Mantine, Cypress, Stripe, Mapbox, TypeScript, JavaScript, Zustand, Vide, Styled Components
4 months: A cloud-based TMP - transport management platform whose main goal is to reduce processes and logistics costs. It contains several modules of this platform, but for now, the main one is Tour Planner. It?s an algorithm-based route planning software that helps plan routes more efficiently and minimizes transport and planning costs.
- Developing new features
- Map-related module (Bing Maps) for calculating distances between points on the map
- Creating templates of forms for suppliers and customers with data (e.g. company data)
- Creating a module for managing supplier networks and relationships
- Maintaining the interface application
- Fixing bugs
- Styling
- Developing backend of the application
- Database maintenance
Skills: React, Webpack 5, GraphQL, Nest.JS, Node.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
3 months: An application project that communicates with the ChatGPT API, allows it to learn materials from selected text documents and fluently talk about the sent context. There is a microservice architecture thanks to which the application can be easily scaled when its load is higher, Google Oauth is implemented and in order to speed up conversations with ChatGPT there is a special optimization on PostrgeSQL.
- Developing new features
- Creating a microservice architecture on the backend - rewriting from a monolith
- Creating communication between microservices using the BullMQ bus
- Creating a generic communication module
- Adapting and rebuilding the architecture is in accordance with business requirements
- Maintaining the interface application
- Fixing bugs
- Styling
- Cooperating with other team members
Skills:Nest.js, React.js, PostgreSQL, Reddis, node
4 months: Application that offers hybrid solutions that integrate Office365 and Google Workspace to connect your workplace calendar, collaboration software, and technology, resulting in valuable data insights and improved employee experiences.
- Maintaining the interface application
- Creating a communication module between the app and external devices (IoT). Sensors send information including how many people are currently in the room, temperature, humidity
- Fixing bugs
- Styling
- Cooperation with other team members
- Database main
- Working on cross-service communication using RabbitMQ
Skills:React, JavaScript, SCSS, HTML5, Nodejs, Nest, Unit/e2e tests, AWS server setup/management, microservices
2 months: Application enabling printing of documents at industrial printing facility capable of dispatching letters wrapped into envelopes.
- Process automation in complex corporate network environment.
- Development of printer driver in node.js.
Skills:Node.js, JavaScript, React, ready solution in C++/C#
14 months: Web app to manage gig workers. System for managing shifts, working time, task scoping
- Creating new features
- Creating a module for defining working time
- Work on the personnel management module
- Creating the work schedule module
- Maintaining the interface application
- Being responsible for the entire frontend part
- Styling
Skills:Node.js, React.js, TypeScript, Redux, Styled components
3 months: Application that allows you to make video-audio calls between two users - therapist and patient.
- Providing frontend development.
- Having direct contact with a client.
- Code review.
- Working on software architecture.
Skills:JavaScript/TypeScript, React.js, Node.js, Next.js, npm, create-react-app, styled-components, Twilio
2019 - 2021 (18 months): Electronic document circulation systemCustomer: ICT company
Role: Frontend Developer
Tasks:Electronic Document Circulation System, which ensure an organized and efficient exchange of documents between users.
- Development and implementation of functionalities
- Fixing bugs
- Styling
Skills:React, JavaScript, SCSS, HTML5
2018 - 2019: various projectsCustomer: Software House
Role: Fullstack Developer
Projects:12 months: Application for principals who want to order services form mandatories. Every service or order can be saved in application. Later it can be displayed on the list of services or find by other users.
- Working on display/filtering
- Developing services ? adding, updating, deleting services or orders
- Creating users profile module and auth module
- Fixing bugs
- Styling
- Cooperating with designers and other team members
- Writing tests
Skills:React, Redux, JavaScript, SCSS, HTML5, Unit/e2e tests
12 months: Application for maintaining cold storages. Currently it is used for checking current properties of cold storages in Africa. App consists of two parts. First for presentation of device?s current values, second for connection with cold storages by MQTT protocol.
- Working on MQTT connection with devices module.
- Creating cold storages data presentation (frontend+backend).
- Developing authorization module (frontend and backend).
- Working on alarms and warnings about cold storages problems reported by users by website and email module (frontend and backend).
Skills: React, Redux, SCSS, Node.js, Nest.js, MQTT for Node, MySQL, NATS, Typescript
Website (business card) of company ? the owner of alcohol shops in whole Poland
- Application maintaining and bug fixing,
- Creating texting (SMS).
- Working on password reminder.
Skills:Angular 7, rxjs, SCSS, Bootstrap, Typescript, primeng
2017 - 2018: Online shop and shops creator of sport gear for teamsCustomer: Web and Mobile Software Development
Role: Frontend Developer
Tasks:- Working on shop creation module
- Development and implementation of functionalities
- Choosing gear module
- Maintaining shop module, auth module and notification users module
- Fixing bugs
- Styling
- Cooperating with designers and other team members
- Writing tests
Skills:React, JavaScript, SCSS, HTML5, testing
2016 - 2017: various projectsCustomer: Software Development Company
Role: Frontend Developer
Selected projects:Authorization module for CRM Applications.
Application for travel agency, it automates creating, editing and confirming contracts between hotels and travel agencies.
- Working on authorization module.
- Creating contract creation module.
- Working on MSSQL migrations.
Web application which represents current state of boiler located in user?s home. It informs about temperatures, water state and alarms connected with central heating.
- Working on states representation interfaces.
Skills: HTML, CSS, Knockoutjs
2013 - 2016: Microcontroller developmentCustomer: Microprocessor-based Consumer Electronics
Role: Trainee Developer during studies