Expert in Frontend Applications (iOS & Android), Flutter/Dart, Swift/ObjectiveC, Keycloak, Python, C, Neos Fusion, SCSS
Aktualisiert am 19.08.2024
Mitarbeiter eines Dienstleisters
Verfügbar ab: 01.09.2024
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Skill-Profil eines fest angestellten Mitarbeiters des Dienstleisters



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



5 Monate
2024-01 - 2024-05

Neos Fusion and SCSS Website implementation

Frontend and Backend Developer
Frontend and Backend Developer
  • Neos Fusion and SCSS Website implementation
  • Maintenance and optimisation
Hivemind Internal
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2023-01 - 2024-05

Setting up a Keycloak domain, implementing automated tests for Keycloak and integrating Keycloak into a microservices landscape and front-end applications

Frontend Developer Flutter Keycloak
Frontend Developer
  • Frontend Flutter Web App and Mobile implementation 
  • TTD with unit tests, integration tests and widget tests
  • Continues test expansion for high test coverage
  • Design and documentation of scenario based user stories
  • Documentation of guidelines
  • Introduction/Onboarding of new FE developer colleagues 
  • Follow MVVM architectural design pattern
  • Implement Material components widgets
  • Implement Responsive and Reactive UI design
  • Implement user authentication, user type management and state management
  • Implement interaction with Backend API Endpoint
  • Improve reusability with common UI, view and model view components
  • Maintenance and optimisation
  • Continues optimisation of software design, development, deployment and team collaboration process by elaborating guidelines and following modern patterns and frameworks
  • Setting up a Keycloak domain, implementing automated tests for Keycloak and integrating Keycloak into a microservices landscape and front-end applications
Flutter Keycloak
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2021-05 - 2022-12

Implement Kafka/Elasticsearch Connector

Backend Developer, DevOps, Infrastructure Engineering Kafka Elastic Search
Backend Developer, DevOps, Infrastructure Engineering
  • Implement Amazon API Gateway with serverless lambda function
  • Implement Kafka/Elasticsearch Connector
  • Implement Kafka/Debezium Connector
  • Implement Kafka/Salesforce Connector and Pipelines
  • Implement Kafka/Kubernetes Streaming solution
  • Implement Kafka Streaming Platform Events Handler
  • Maintenance and optimisation
Kafka Elastic Search
3 Monate
2022-01 - 2022-03

Frontend Flutter Web App and Mobile implementation / Frontend development with functional programming

Frontend Developer
Frontend Developer
  • Frontend Flutter Web App and Mobile implementation 
  • Frontend development with functional programming
  • Implement Responsive and Reactive UI design
7 Monate
2021-08 - 2022-02

Frontend development with functional programming

Frontend Developer
Frontend Developer

? Frontend development with functional programming

? Optimisation and maintenance of existing application

3 Jahre 8 Monate
2018-01 - 2021-08

Development iOS-Applications / Development of backend applications

Frontend Developer and Backend Developer
Frontend Developer and Backend Developer
  • Development of iOS applications 
  • Development of React application
  • Development of Python backend application
  • Conceptual design, TTD and deployment of new applications
  • Modernisation, maintenance, implementation of customer feedback and feature requests of existing applications
  • Design and documentation of user stories, requirements, acceptance criteria, risk assessments, DOD and guidelines for MDR fulfilment 
  • Maintenance and continues expansion of testing for high test coverage
  • Implementation of Continuous Integration
3 Monate
2021-02 - 2021-04

Design and implement OAUTH Services with AWS Cognito / Develop Kafka to PostgreSQL transformer

DevOps, Infrastructure Engineering kubernetes AWS
DevOps, Infrastructure Engineering

? Design and implement OAUTH Services with AWS Cognito

? Develop Kafka to PostgreSQL transformer

? Develop PostgreSQL user-api

kubernetes AWS



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



5 Monate
2024-01 - 2024-05

Neos Fusion and SCSS Website implementation

Frontend and Backend Developer
Frontend and Backend Developer
  • Neos Fusion and SCSS Website implementation
  • Maintenance and optimisation
Hivemind Internal
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2023-01 - 2024-05

Setting up a Keycloak domain, implementing automated tests for Keycloak and integrating Keycloak into a microservices landscape and front-end applications

Frontend Developer Flutter Keycloak
Frontend Developer
  • Frontend Flutter Web App and Mobile implementation 
  • TTD with unit tests, integration tests and widget tests
  • Continues test expansion for high test coverage
  • Design and documentation of scenario based user stories
  • Documentation of guidelines
  • Introduction/Onboarding of new FE developer colleagues 
  • Follow MVVM architectural design pattern
  • Implement Material components widgets
  • Implement Responsive and Reactive UI design
  • Implement user authentication, user type management and state management
  • Implement interaction with Backend API Endpoint
  • Improve reusability with common UI, view and model view components
  • Maintenance and optimisation
  • Continues optimisation of software design, development, deployment and team collaboration process by elaborating guidelines and following modern patterns and frameworks
  • Setting up a Keycloak domain, implementing automated tests for Keycloak and integrating Keycloak into a microservices landscape and front-end applications
Flutter Keycloak
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2021-05 - 2022-12

Implement Kafka/Elasticsearch Connector

Backend Developer, DevOps, Infrastructure Engineering Kafka Elastic Search
Backend Developer, DevOps, Infrastructure Engineering
  • Implement Amazon API Gateway with serverless lambda function
  • Implement Kafka/Elasticsearch Connector
  • Implement Kafka/Debezium Connector
  • Implement Kafka/Salesforce Connector and Pipelines
  • Implement Kafka/Kubernetes Streaming solution
  • Implement Kafka Streaming Platform Events Handler
  • Maintenance and optimisation
Kafka Elastic Search
3 Monate
2022-01 - 2022-03

Frontend Flutter Web App and Mobile implementation / Frontend development with functional programming

Frontend Developer
Frontend Developer
  • Frontend Flutter Web App and Mobile implementation 
  • Frontend development with functional programming
  • Implement Responsive and Reactive UI design
7 Monate
2021-08 - 2022-02

Frontend development with functional programming

Frontend Developer
Frontend Developer

? Frontend development with functional programming

? Optimisation and maintenance of existing application

3 Jahre 8 Monate
2018-01 - 2021-08

Development iOS-Applications / Development of backend applications

Frontend Developer and Backend Developer
Frontend Developer and Backend Developer
  • Development of iOS applications 
  • Development of React application
  • Development of Python backend application
  • Conceptual design, TTD and deployment of new applications
  • Modernisation, maintenance, implementation of customer feedback and feature requests of existing applications
  • Design and documentation of user stories, requirements, acceptance criteria, risk assessments, DOD and guidelines for MDR fulfilment 
  • Maintenance and continues expansion of testing for high test coverage
  • Implementation of Continuous Integration
3 Monate
2021-02 - 2021-04

Design and implement OAUTH Services with AWS Cognito / Develop Kafka to PostgreSQL transformer

DevOps, Infrastructure Engineering kubernetes AWS
DevOps, Infrastructure Engineering

? Design and implement OAUTH Services with AWS Cognito

? Develop Kafka to PostgreSQL transformer

? Develop PostgreSQL user-api

kubernetes AWS

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