Cloud Architect, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, ML Ops, DevOps, AWS, Azure, Kubernetes, Docker, Python, Scala, R, Julia.
Aktualisiert am 13.05.2024
Freiberufler / Selbstständiger
Verfügbar ab: 13.05.2024
Verfügbar zu: 100%
davon vor Ort: 10%
Cloud Architekt AWS Azure Kubernetes
Machine Learning Engineer and DevOps Python Scala
Data Science High Performance Computing R Python Julia
Mother tongue






2 years 11 months
2021-10 - now

various Projects

Senior Data/ML Consultant & Technical Lead
Senior Data/ML Consultant & Technical Lead
Mathematical optimization for scheduling
Role: Software Engineer & Applied Mathematician

The constraint-optimization problem was build for a flexible scheduling tool, as well as its interaction with the frontend.
Duration: 1 months
Team setting: Team of 2, remote

JuMP, julia, Pluto, svelte, javascript, typescript, jetbrains space, terraform, nomad

Building scalable Data Science compute cluster from scratch
Role: Software & Cloud & Web Engineer

For the product a data science compute cluster was build on top of kubernetes. This includes securing container runtimes, authorization of running jobs, autoscaling, integration with version control, and building of front-end to spawn individual scalable data science environments.
Duration: 13 months
Team setting: Team of 1, on-site

terraform, kubernetes, docker, k8s ingress, k8s services, k8s rbac, kyverno, k8s networking, k8s volumes, k8s configs, k8s secrets, k8s jobs, k8s deployments, argocd, longhorn, k3s, k3s disaster recovery, etcd, keycloak, s3, dns, certificates, julia, pluto, javascript, tailwind, astro, npm, parcel, preact, mui, jwt, aws sqs, aws rds, python, GitLab, GitHub

Custom ChatGPT service
Role: AI & Web Engineer

A state of the art user-interface was build upon on generative AI,
including backend and frontend.
Duration: 1 months
Team setting: Team of 2, remote

python, poetry, langchain, tailwind, chatgpt api, flask, fastapi, tailwind

Central datalake setup and ingestion
Role: Architect & Data Engineer

The client had several different data sources for customer and orders, which
should be centralized for several usecases. As a solution a big data lake
on top of AWS S3 and Apache Hudi was setup and first data ingestions
pipelines completed. In production.
Duration: 9 months
Team setting: Team of 5, remote

Infrastructure-as-code, aws cdk, python, boto3, PySpark, AWS Glue, IAM, S3, ECS, Fargate, Lambda, Apache Hudi, DeltaLake, Databricks, GitHub, Jira, Miro

PoC Julia migration of scikit-decide
Role: Software Engineer

Scikit-decide is an open source tool by Airbus for reinforcement learning and
scheduling. The core was translated from Python to Julia to demonstrate
feasibility and benchmark performance improvements.
Duration: 1 months
Team setting: Team of 2, remote

python, julia, GitHub in Munich
2 years 3 months
2019-01 - 2021-03

Machine Learning Reply in Munich

Senior Data Science Consultant & Technical Lead
Senior Data Science Consultant & Technical Lead
Supporting Usecase Development on Datalake
Role: Lead Developer & Architect

Guidance was provided for architectural decisions, adapting access
policies, and debugging routing issues. A specific GDPR treatment
ingestion processes was implemented and rolled-out. In production.
Duration: 6 months
Team setting: Team Lead, Team of 2, remote

Infrastructure-as-code, cloudformation, sceptre, python, boto3,PySpark, scala, Spark, AWS Glue, AWS Secrets, AWS IAM, S3, SNS,Kubernetes, Docker, AWS VPC, AWS Networking, GitHub, Jira

20 ETL Pipelines on AWS
Role: Lead Developer & Architect

Replacing an CRM required the development of about 20 ETL pipelines
to replace existing systems with new data-flows. Including one
REST API. In production.
Duration: 10 months
Team setting: Team Lead, Team of 3, remote

AWS Glue, PySpark, python, boto3, pandas, AWS SNS, AWSSQS, SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, AWS DocumentDB,Salesforce, AWS API Gateway, AWS Cognito, AWS Lambda,infrastructure-as-code, cloudformation, sceptre, GitHub, Jira

Building Multitenant Datalake on AWS
Role: Lead Developer & Architect

Implementing from scratch a datalake platform on AWS which is
deployed in several countries using InfrastructureAsCode as the key
technology. A key focus was GDPR conformity. In production.
Duration: 5 months
Team setting: Team Lead, Team of 2, remote with a few on-side workshops

Infrastructure-as-code, cloudformation, sceptre, python, boto3, PySpark, scala, Spark, AWS SageMaker, AWS Glue, AWS Secrets, AWS IAM, S3, SNS, Lambda, Kubernetes, Docker, EKS, Kafka, MSK, AWS VPC, AWS Transit Gateway, AWS Networking, AWS EC2, AWS Session Manager, AWS CloudWatch, AWS Sagemaker, GitHub, Jira
Industries included automotive
1 year 6 months
2018-07 - 2019-12

Data Reply in Munich

Senior Data Science & Engineering Consultant
Senior Data Science & Engineering Consultant
Unification of Existing Time Series Analytics
Role: Core Developer

Several custom anomaly detection solutions on time series were refactored and unified into a generic framework which can be easily deployed to new usecases and new infrastructures (AWS tested). In production.
Duration: 9 months
Team setting: Team of 15, on-site, Scrum

Python, PySpark, (PL)SQL, Hive, HBase, Oracle, Tableau, Nifi, Kubernetes, Docker, Azure, Gitlab

Recommender System
Role: Data Science Developer

Designed, implemented, and deployed Big Data recommendation system, now running in production for Millions of daily customers. In production.
Duration: 7 months
Team setting: Team of 1, on-site, weekly reviews

On-premise, R, Scala, SBT, Spark, Yarn, HDFS, Bitbucket, Jira, Grafana, Prometheus, Elastic Stack, Kibana

Review: Custom Datascience Framework
Role: Quality Assurance & Adviser

Infrastructure review and code review of a framework implemented build by one of our customers.
Duration: 2 months
Team setting: Team of 1, mixed remote & on-site


Workshop: Developing with Apache Spark
Role: Teacher

Four one-day workshops at customers, two introductory, the other two advanced. Contents: Performance optimization, monitoring, interfacing Scala-R-Python, best practices.
Duration: 4 × 1 day
Setting: Group of 15 persons, sole presenter

R, Python, Spark
loyalty program, telecommunication and clothing/accessories
1 year 9 months
2016-11 - 2018-07

Data Reply in Munich

Data Science Consultant
Data Science Consultant
Fraud Detection
Role: Data Science Developer

Draft, development, implementation, evaluation and deployment of an anomaly detection system to detect previously unkown types of fraud.
Duration: 14 months
Team Setting: Team of 1, on-site, review once every three months

R, Scala, Spark, Yarn, Bitbucket, Jira, Elastic Stack, Kibana

Callcenter and Webcontent Optimization using Speech Analytics
Role: Data Science Developer

A 3 dimensional content detection system was setup for written conversations. Given only plain text, it identifyed customer specific product entities, services, and problems.
Duration: 6 month
Team Setting: Team of 3, on-site, reviews every week

Python, NLP, spacy, GitHub, Elastic Stack, Kibana
telecommunication, bonus program, and media
1 year 1 month
2015-09 - 2016-09

Build Django based web-dashboard

Student Employee
Student Employee
Web Visualization
Role: Web Developer

Build Django based web-dashboard with Bokeh based interactive data analysis visualization.

Duration: 4 month
Team Setting: Team of 1, remote, steady exchange with CEO

Python, Django, Bokeh, Gitlab

Data Parsing
Role: Python Developer

Build parser to extract time series data from customer specific text data formats.
Duration: 8 month
Team Setting: Team of 1, remote, steady exchange with CEO

Python, PyParsing, Cython, Gitlab
municipal utilities, with forecasts of all kinds
Trufflebit in Nijmegen, Netherlands
1 year
2013-04 - 2014-03

Building an Autonomous Robot - Academic hands-on project

Computer vision & Object recognition ROS Gazebo Python ...
Computer vision & Object recognition
Programmed robot with wheels and arms to grab a muffin from the receptionist on first floor, take the elevator, and bring it to the robotics lab.
Duration: 12 month
Team Setting: Team of 14, on-site, Scrum

ROS Gazebo Python C++ OpenCV Git
University of Osnabrück, Germany

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

2 years 1 month
2014-09 - 2016-09

M.Sc. Applied Stochastics

Master in mathematics with specialisation in probability theory and (Bayesian) statistics, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Master in mathematics with specialisation in probability theory and (Bayesian) statistics
Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
very good

1 year 11 months
2013-10 - 2015-08

M.Sc. Cognitive Science

M.Sc. Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück
M.Sc. Cognitive Science
University of Osnabrück
Specialisation in computational neuroscience, symbolic AI, robotics and
philosophy of mind.
3 years 3 months
2011-10 - 2014-12

B.Sc. Mathematik/Informatik

B.Sc. Mathematik/Informatik, University of Osnabrück
B.Sc. Mathematik/Informatik
University of Osnabrück
Foundations of computer science and mathematics
3 years
2010-10 - 2013-09

B.Sc. Cognitive Science

B.Sc. Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück
B.Sc. Cognitive Science
University of Osnabrück
Foundations of neuroinformatics, robotics, symbolic AI, neuroscience
and neurobiology, psychology, (computer) linguistics, and philosophy of



Senior Data Science & Engineering Consultant




Cloud Architekt AWS Azure Kubernetes Machine Learning Engineer and DevOps Python Scala Data Science High Performance Computing R Python Julia Frontend React Astro JavaScript Python Julia R Scala Kubernetes k3s bash Linux

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

  • full stack lead data science consultant and cloud architect, specialized on big data, high performance, probabilistic computing and scientific machine learning.
  • 10+ years experience in data science, 7+ years in consulting, 2 years in leading small teams
  • He has an outstanding master of cognitive science, master of statistics, and bachelor of informatics. Since 2017 he worked with Big Data systems, since 2018 on clouds
  • architected cloud-based data solutions for several businesses with AWS, Azure and Kubernetes
  • implemented several machine learning use cases in production using Python, R, Scala, and Julia
  • worked for several big companies, like Adidas, Fielmann, O2, Payback, Telefonica, VW

  • CDK 
  • SageMaker 
  • Glue 
  • EMR
  • Lambda 
  • EC2 
  • S3 
  • ECS
  • Fargate 
  • EKS 
  • MSK 
  • IAM
  • VPC 
  • API Gateway 
  • Cognito
  • System Manager 
  • Cloudformation

  • Databricks 
  • Azure Machine Learning
  • Azure Data Lake Storage 
  • Terraform
  • Active Directory 
  • Web App Service

Big Data & Realtime
  • Spark 
  • DeltaLake 
  • Hudi
  • Databricks
  • Kubernetes 
  • Kafka
  • Flink

Low Code
  • Apache 
  • Nifi 
  • DataIku 
  • DataRobots
  • Tableau 
  • Kibana

Automation & Productionalization
  • Gitlab CICD 
  • Github Actions 
  • dvc
  • Docker 
  • Kubernetes 
  • k3s 
  • Nomad
  • ArgoCD 
  • Kubeflow 
  • Airflow
  • MLFlow 
  • Longhorn 
  • Kyverno
  • Prometheus 
  • Grafana 
  • Elastic Stack

Data Science & Deep Learning
  • JuMP.jl 
  • flux.jl
  • pytorch 
  • tensorflow
  • keras 
  • tfp 
  • stan 
  • pymc3 
  • turing.jl
  • pandas 
  • numpy 
  • scipy 
  • yellowbrick
  • d3 
  • bokeh
  • plotly 
  • dash

General Coding
  • git 
  • bash 
  • vim 
  • tmux 
  • make
  • ssh 
  • IntelliJ 
  • PyCharm
  • RStudio
  • Jupyter 
  • Pluto 
  • Atom 
  • VSCode

  • HTML 
  • CSS 
  • tailwind
  • javascript
  • typescript 
  • react 
  • preact
  • mui
  • svelte 
  • astro 
  • vite 
  • parcel

Agile Tools
  • Miro 
  • Jira 
  • GitHub 
  • Gitlab
  • Jetbrains 
  • Space 
  • Kanban 

  • lead
  • visionary 
  • team player
  • caregiver 
  • self reflection
  • high quality 
  • clean code 
  • clean setup
  • clean infrastructure
  • state-of-the-art
  • Julia
  • Python
  • Matlab 
  • Scala
  • Spark 
  • Haskell 
  • Nix 
  • ROS 
  • AWS
  • cloud 
  • DevOps 
  • cicd 
  • automation
  • Statistics 
  • AI 
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Probabilistic Modelling
  • Expert Systems 
  • Optimization
  • Time Series 
  • Recommendation
  • Fraud & Anomalies 
  • Computer Vision
  • NLP 
  • Planning










2 years 11 months
2021-10 - now

various Projects

Senior Data/ML Consultant & Technical Lead
Senior Data/ML Consultant & Technical Lead
Mathematical optimization for scheduling
Role: Software Engineer & Applied Mathematician

The constraint-optimization problem was build for a flexible scheduling tool, as well as its interaction with the frontend.
Duration: 1 months
Team setting: Team of 2, remote

JuMP, julia, Pluto, svelte, javascript, typescript, jetbrains space, terraform, nomad

Building scalable Data Science compute cluster from scratch
Role: Software & Cloud & Web Engineer

For the product a data science compute cluster was build on top of kubernetes. This includes securing container runtimes, authorization of running jobs, autoscaling, integration with version control, and building of front-end to spawn individual scalable data science environments.
Duration: 13 months
Team setting: Team of 1, on-site

terraform, kubernetes, docker, k8s ingress, k8s services, k8s rbac, kyverno, k8s networking, k8s volumes, k8s configs, k8s secrets, k8s jobs, k8s deployments, argocd, longhorn, k3s, k3s disaster recovery, etcd, keycloak, s3, dns, certificates, julia, pluto, javascript, tailwind, astro, npm, parcel, preact, mui, jwt, aws sqs, aws rds, python, GitLab, GitHub

Custom ChatGPT service
Role: AI & Web Engineer

A state of the art user-interface was build upon on generative AI,
including backend and frontend.
Duration: 1 months
Team setting: Team of 2, remote

python, poetry, langchain, tailwind, chatgpt api, flask, fastapi, tailwind

Central datalake setup and ingestion
Role: Architect & Data Engineer

The client had several different data sources for customer and orders, which
should be centralized for several usecases. As a solution a big data lake
on top of AWS S3 and Apache Hudi was setup and first data ingestions
pipelines completed. In production.
Duration: 9 months
Team setting: Team of 5, remote

Infrastructure-as-code, aws cdk, python, boto3, PySpark, AWS Glue, IAM, S3, ECS, Fargate, Lambda, Apache Hudi, DeltaLake, Databricks, GitHub, Jira, Miro

PoC Julia migration of scikit-decide
Role: Software Engineer

Scikit-decide is an open source tool by Airbus for reinforcement learning and
scheduling. The core was translated from Python to Julia to demonstrate
feasibility and benchmark performance improvements.
Duration: 1 months
Team setting: Team of 2, remote

python, julia, GitHub in Munich
2 years 3 months
2019-01 - 2021-03

Machine Learning Reply in Munich

Senior Data Science Consultant & Technical Lead
Senior Data Science Consultant & Technical Lead
Supporting Usecase Development on Datalake
Role: Lead Developer & Architect

Guidance was provided for architectural decisions, adapting access
policies, and debugging routing issues. A specific GDPR treatment
ingestion processes was implemented and rolled-out. In production.
Duration: 6 months
Team setting: Team Lead, Team of 2, remote

Infrastructure-as-code, cloudformation, sceptre, python, boto3,PySpark, scala, Spark, AWS Glue, AWS Secrets, AWS IAM, S3, SNS,Kubernetes, Docker, AWS VPC, AWS Networking, GitHub, Jira

20 ETL Pipelines on AWS
Role: Lead Developer & Architect

Replacing an CRM required the development of about 20 ETL pipelines
to replace existing systems with new data-flows. Including one
REST API. In production.
Duration: 10 months
Team setting: Team Lead, Team of 3, remote

AWS Glue, PySpark, python, boto3, pandas, AWS SNS, AWSSQS, SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, AWS DocumentDB,Salesforce, AWS API Gateway, AWS Cognito, AWS Lambda,infrastructure-as-code, cloudformation, sceptre, GitHub, Jira

Building Multitenant Datalake on AWS
Role: Lead Developer & Architect

Implementing from scratch a datalake platform on AWS which is
deployed in several countries using InfrastructureAsCode as the key
technology. A key focus was GDPR conformity. In production.
Duration: 5 months
Team setting: Team Lead, Team of 2, remote with a few on-side workshops

Infrastructure-as-code, cloudformation, sceptre, python, boto3, PySpark, scala, Spark, AWS SageMaker, AWS Glue, AWS Secrets, AWS IAM, S3, SNS, Lambda, Kubernetes, Docker, EKS, Kafka, MSK, AWS VPC, AWS Transit Gateway, AWS Networking, AWS EC2, AWS Session Manager, AWS CloudWatch, AWS Sagemaker, GitHub, Jira
Industries included automotive
1 year 6 months
2018-07 - 2019-12

Data Reply in Munich

Senior Data Science & Engineering Consultant
Senior Data Science & Engineering Consultant
Unification of Existing Time Series Analytics
Role: Core Developer

Several custom anomaly detection solutions on time series were refactored and unified into a generic framework which can be easily deployed to new usecases and new infrastructures (AWS tested). In production.
Duration: 9 months
Team setting: Team of 15, on-site, Scrum

Python, PySpark, (PL)SQL, Hive, HBase, Oracle, Tableau, Nifi, Kubernetes, Docker, Azure, Gitlab

Recommender System
Role: Data Science Developer

Designed, implemented, and deployed Big Data recommendation system, now running in production for Millions of daily customers. In production.
Duration: 7 months
Team setting: Team of 1, on-site, weekly reviews

On-premise, R, Scala, SBT, Spark, Yarn, HDFS, Bitbucket, Jira, Grafana, Prometheus, Elastic Stack, Kibana

Review: Custom Datascience Framework
Role: Quality Assurance & Adviser

Infrastructure review and code review of a framework implemented build by one of our customers.
Duration: 2 months
Team setting: Team of 1, mixed remote & on-site


Workshop: Developing with Apache Spark
Role: Teacher

Four one-day workshops at customers, two introductory, the other two advanced. Contents: Performance optimization, monitoring, interfacing Scala-R-Python, best practices.
Duration: 4 × 1 day
Setting: Group of 15 persons, sole presenter

R, Python, Spark
loyalty program, telecommunication and clothing/accessories
1 year 9 months
2016-11 - 2018-07

Data Reply in Munich

Data Science Consultant
Data Science Consultant
Fraud Detection
Role: Data Science Developer

Draft, development, implementation, evaluation and deployment of an anomaly detection system to detect previously unkown types of fraud.
Duration: 14 months
Team Setting: Team of 1, on-site, review once every three months

R, Scala, Spark, Yarn, Bitbucket, Jira, Elastic Stack, Kibana

Callcenter and Webcontent Optimization using Speech Analytics
Role: Data Science Developer

A 3 dimensional content detection system was setup for written conversations. Given only plain text, it identifyed customer specific product entities, services, and problems.
Duration: 6 month
Team Setting: Team of 3, on-site, reviews every week

Python, NLP, spacy, GitHub, Elastic Stack, Kibana
telecommunication, bonus program, and media
1 year 1 month
2015-09 - 2016-09

Build Django based web-dashboard

Student Employee
Student Employee
Web Visualization
Role: Web Developer

Build Django based web-dashboard with Bokeh based interactive data analysis visualization.

Duration: 4 month
Team Setting: Team of 1, remote, steady exchange with CEO

Python, Django, Bokeh, Gitlab

Data Parsing
Role: Python Developer

Build parser to extract time series data from customer specific text data formats.
Duration: 8 month
Team Setting: Team of 1, remote, steady exchange with CEO

Python, PyParsing, Cython, Gitlab
municipal utilities, with forecasts of all kinds
Trufflebit in Nijmegen, Netherlands
1 year
2013-04 - 2014-03

Building an Autonomous Robot - Academic hands-on project

Computer vision & Object recognition ROS Gazebo Python ...
Computer vision & Object recognition
Programmed robot with wheels and arms to grab a muffin from the receptionist on first floor, take the elevator, and bring it to the robotics lab.
Duration: 12 month
Team Setting: Team of 14, on-site, Scrum

ROS Gazebo Python C++ OpenCV Git
University of Osnabrück, Germany

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

2 years 1 month
2014-09 - 2016-09

M.Sc. Applied Stochastics

Master in mathematics with specialisation in probability theory and (Bayesian) statistics, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Master in mathematics with specialisation in probability theory and (Bayesian) statistics
Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
very good

1 year 11 months
2013-10 - 2015-08

M.Sc. Cognitive Science

M.Sc. Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück
M.Sc. Cognitive Science
University of Osnabrück
Specialisation in computational neuroscience, symbolic AI, robotics and
philosophy of mind.
3 years 3 months
2011-10 - 2014-12

B.Sc. Mathematik/Informatik

B.Sc. Mathematik/Informatik, University of Osnabrück
B.Sc. Mathematik/Informatik
University of Osnabrück
Foundations of computer science and mathematics
3 years
2010-10 - 2013-09

B.Sc. Cognitive Science

B.Sc. Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück
B.Sc. Cognitive Science
University of Osnabrück
Foundations of neuroinformatics, robotics, symbolic AI, neuroscience
and neurobiology, psychology, (computer) linguistics, and philosophy of



Senior Data Science & Engineering Consultant




Cloud Architekt AWS Azure Kubernetes Machine Learning Engineer and DevOps Python Scala Data Science High Performance Computing R Python Julia Frontend React Astro JavaScript Python Julia R Scala Kubernetes k3s bash Linux

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

  • full stack lead data science consultant and cloud architect, specialized on big data, high performance, probabilistic computing and scientific machine learning.
  • 10+ years experience in data science, 7+ years in consulting, 2 years in leading small teams
  • He has an outstanding master of cognitive science, master of statistics, and bachelor of informatics. Since 2017 he worked with Big Data systems, since 2018 on clouds
  • architected cloud-based data solutions for several businesses with AWS, Azure and Kubernetes
  • implemented several machine learning use cases in production using Python, R, Scala, and Julia
  • worked for several big companies, like Adidas, Fielmann, O2, Payback, Telefonica, VW

  • CDK 
  • SageMaker 
  • Glue 
  • EMR
  • Lambda 
  • EC2 
  • S3 
  • ECS
  • Fargate 
  • EKS 
  • MSK 
  • IAM
  • VPC 
  • API Gateway 
  • Cognito
  • System Manager 
  • Cloudformation

  • Databricks 
  • Azure Machine Learning
  • Azure Data Lake Storage 
  • Terraform
  • Active Directory 
  • Web App Service

Big Data & Realtime
  • Spark 
  • DeltaLake 
  • Hudi
  • Databricks
  • Kubernetes 
  • Kafka
  • Flink

Low Code
  • Apache 
  • Nifi 
  • DataIku 
  • DataRobots
  • Tableau 
  • Kibana

Automation & Productionalization
  • Gitlab CICD 
  • Github Actions 
  • dvc
  • Docker 
  • Kubernetes 
  • k3s 
  • Nomad
  • ArgoCD 
  • Kubeflow 
  • Airflow
  • MLFlow 
  • Longhorn 
  • Kyverno
  • Prometheus 
  • Grafana 
  • Elastic Stack

Data Science & Deep Learning
  • JuMP.jl 
  • flux.jl
  • pytorch 
  • tensorflow
  • keras 
  • tfp 
  • stan 
  • pymc3 
  • turing.jl
  • pandas 
  • numpy 
  • scipy 
  • yellowbrick
  • d3 
  • bokeh
  • plotly 
  • dash

General Coding
  • git 
  • bash 
  • vim 
  • tmux 
  • make
  • ssh 
  • IntelliJ 
  • PyCharm
  • RStudio
  • Jupyter 
  • Pluto 
  • Atom 
  • VSCode

  • HTML 
  • CSS 
  • tailwind
  • javascript
  • typescript 
  • react 
  • preact
  • mui
  • svelte 
  • astro 
  • vite 
  • parcel

Agile Tools
  • Miro 
  • Jira 
  • GitHub 
  • Gitlab
  • Jetbrains 
  • Space 
  • Kanban 

  • lead
  • visionary 
  • team player
  • caregiver 
  • self reflection
  • high quality 
  • clean code 
  • clean setup
  • clean infrastructure
  • state-of-the-art
  • Julia
  • Python
  • Matlab 
  • Scala
  • Spark 
  • Haskell 
  • Nix 
  • ROS 
  • AWS
  • cloud 
  • DevOps 
  • cicd 
  • automation
  • Statistics 
  • AI 
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Probabilistic Modelling
  • Expert Systems 
  • Optimization
  • Time Series 
  • Recommendation
  • Fraud & Anomalies 
  • Computer Vision
  • NLP 
  • Planning





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