Frontend focused Senior Fullstack Developer mit über 5 Jahren Erfahrung
Aktualisiert am 12.04.2024
Mitarbeiter eines Dienstleisters
Verfügbar ab: 01.05.2024
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davon vor Ort: 10%
Skill-Profil eines fest angestellten Mitarbeiters des Dienstleisters



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



11 Monate
2023-10 - heute


ReactJS React Native Typescript ...
MyBNA is a cutting-edge banking platform designed to provide users with a seamless and secure banking experience. Built with modern technologies and best practices in mind, MyBNA aims to revolutionize the way customers interact with their finances.
  • Develop shared Banking business modules
  • Integrate responsive and customized UI components
  • Configure and integrate processes and dynamic forms
  • Perform code reviews for quality and correctness
  • Set up unit tests and E2E tests for quality, reliability, and regression testing
  • Setup authentication and API Gateway for secure user access and communication
  • ClickUP Tickets Reporting

ReactJS React Native Typescript Chakra-UI KeyCloack FormIO Lerna gitlab CI Jest Redux
11 Monate
2023-02 - 2023-12

Tasmu Symptoms

Frontend Team Lead React Native ReactJS NestJS Lerna ...
Frontend Team Lead

An AI-powered symptom checker that can help people understand their health issues and navigate them to the appropriate site of care.
  • Configured React Native project in monorepo for code sharing and collaboration
  • Initiated shared libs and state management for React and React Native for code reuse
  • Handled dynamic questions from AI REST API
  • Performed code reviews for quality and correctness
  • Set up Makefile deployment for web in Azure EkS for automation and reduced manual errors
  • Set up unit tests and E2E tests for quality and reliability
  • Implemented domain-driven design for scalability and maintainability
  • Participated in elaborating living documentation for accuracy
  • Added anti-abuse API mechanism (Re-captcha V3) for prevention of abuse

React Native ReactJS NestJS Lerna NodeJS Gitlab CI Azure terraform Jest Detox Chakra-UI Redux ToolKit
4 Monate
2022-11 - 2023-02

The chef´s guide

Frontend Team Lead React Native Bitbucket HTML/CSS ...
Frontend Team Lead

A complete guide for private chefs and top-rated restaurants by WeAreOnA in a Fullstack project.
  • Integrating (Map services, Local DB, Redux toolkit state Management)
  • UI/UX Figma to code
  • Navigation Flow integration
  • Handle Geo-Coding and reverse Coding
  • Setup filter/Search functionalities
  • Stripe module integration
  • Animation and gesture handler
  • Login and register flow
  • Develop backend features and handled frontend integration

React Native Bitbucket HTML/CSS NodeJS Android Swift Google Services Geoapify Watermelon DB
5 Monate
2022-07 - 2022-11

CelebrateApp - Share photos and videos

Frontend Team Lead React Native Redux Rest API ...
Frontend Team Lead

Working as a React Native developer in an internationally managed project team enhancing a closed-group, media sharing mobile application called Celebrate based in Germany.

Tasks performed:

  • Participating in product decision-making and prioritization
  • Creating tickets and estimating efforts
  • Responsible for ensuring feasibility in product decisions
  • Integrating the company's APIs and Backend
  • Review team members' code and pull requests
  • Innovate and refactor already existing components (deeplinking, notifications, security, ?)

React Native Redux Rest API Typescript Jest Detox Axios React Native IAP Visual Studio JIRA Figma BitBucket Git Slack Miro Sentry Bitrise AWS Swagger
8 Monate
2021-07 - 2022-02

My Health App

React Native React JS Git (Gitlab / Bitbucket) ...
My Health 2.0 previously called VCP is an application for telemedicine and providing remote health care services for UAE under the UAE DOH control (checking health records, booking in-person, tele-consultation appointments ?).
  • Integrating an isolated secure Module flow Navigation Malaffi
  • Adding Biometric Auth (Fingerprint / FaceID)
  • UI REVAMP (Migration from flat design to 3D Illustrations design)
  • Integrating Realtime Communication flow.
  • Integrating InstaBug SDK
  • Code Review
  • Handle Merge Request and conflicts
  • Schedule Meetings
  • Jira Tickets Reporting
React Native React JS Git (Gitlab / Bitbucket) HTML/CSS Android Swift Twilio Firebase Services
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2019-11 - 2021-06

Bankerise React native version

React Native Lerna monoRepo Redux-saga ...
Bankerise® is an Omnichannel Digital Banking Solution that helps Retail & Corporate Banks seamlessly join the Digital Bank 3.0 era.
  • UI integration
  • Web services integration
  • Implementing Native charts And Adding Animated UI API
  • Review Code
  • CI/CD for Automatic Deploy with Fastlane and firebase App Distribution (iOS/Android)
  • Setting React Native Bankerise
  • Mapping ATMs locations
  • "ATM Branches API" to enable efficient management and retrieval of ATM branch information
  • Implemented features for proximity-based search using coordinates and concise branch descriptions
  • Maintaining the core App

React Native Lerna monoRepo Redux-saga Firebase cloud service Java
7 Monate
2019-04 - 2019-10

Co-Voiturise App

React Native Redux-tool Kit OneSignal
A carpooling app for company?s employee so that they can match randomly to share a ride for a specific destination (home Area district/ event / bootcamp ?).
  • Planning and Pilot project (FSD Document)
  • Integrating UI Screens + UI REVAMP
  • Applying Navigation flow
  • Handling Security Access Issue and Integration the Application with LDAP Auth
  • Integrating OneSignal for Real time notification
React Native Redux-tool Kit OneSignal
1 Jahr
2018-04 - 2019-03

RTA Dubai drive

Cordova/BackboneJS IBM mobileFirst NodeJS ...
The RTA Dubai Drive application is exclusively designed to provide a personalized experience for Road Users, Car Owners and Driving License Holders in Dubai, to help meet their needs. It helps you manage your Driving License, Vehicles, Fines, Parking, Salik, Plates and Certificates.
  • Dealing with Change Request and Implementing new Design changes
  • Implementing Elasticsearch Module Service
  • Adding Speech To text module
  • Code Refactor and performance Enhancement
  • Testing and deploy SOAP web services
  • Maintaining IBM Mobile First integration
Cordova/BackboneJS IBM mobileFirst NodeJS ElasticSearch/Kibana Google Cloud services
6 Monate
2017-10 - 2018-03

Commercial Pipeline

ReactJS bootstrap CSS ...
A platform for forecasting company?s data and handling its own clients billing and monitor projects status with a dynamic Dashboard.
  • UI integration
  • Creating Reusable Components
  • Consume CRUD Rest API

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung





Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

AWS Services
Azure Cloud


React Native





Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



11 Monate
2023-10 - heute


ReactJS React Native Typescript ...
MyBNA is a cutting-edge banking platform designed to provide users with a seamless and secure banking experience. Built with modern technologies and best practices in mind, MyBNA aims to revolutionize the way customers interact with their finances.
  • Develop shared Banking business modules
  • Integrate responsive and customized UI components
  • Configure and integrate processes and dynamic forms
  • Perform code reviews for quality and correctness
  • Set up unit tests and E2E tests for quality, reliability, and regression testing
  • Setup authentication and API Gateway for secure user access and communication
  • ClickUP Tickets Reporting

ReactJS React Native Typescript Chakra-UI KeyCloack FormIO Lerna gitlab CI Jest Redux
11 Monate
2023-02 - 2023-12

Tasmu Symptoms

Frontend Team Lead React Native ReactJS NestJS Lerna ...
Frontend Team Lead

An AI-powered symptom checker that can help people understand their health issues and navigate them to the appropriate site of care.
  • Configured React Native project in monorepo for code sharing and collaboration
  • Initiated shared libs and state management for React and React Native for code reuse
  • Handled dynamic questions from AI REST API
  • Performed code reviews for quality and correctness
  • Set up Makefile deployment for web in Azure EkS for automation and reduced manual errors
  • Set up unit tests and E2E tests for quality and reliability
  • Implemented domain-driven design for scalability and maintainability
  • Participated in elaborating living documentation for accuracy
  • Added anti-abuse API mechanism (Re-captcha V3) for prevention of abuse

React Native ReactJS NestJS Lerna NodeJS Gitlab CI Azure terraform Jest Detox Chakra-UI Redux ToolKit
4 Monate
2022-11 - 2023-02

The chef´s guide

Frontend Team Lead React Native Bitbucket HTML/CSS ...
Frontend Team Lead

A complete guide for private chefs and top-rated restaurants by WeAreOnA in a Fullstack project.
  • Integrating (Map services, Local DB, Redux toolkit state Management)
  • UI/UX Figma to code
  • Navigation Flow integration
  • Handle Geo-Coding and reverse Coding
  • Setup filter/Search functionalities
  • Stripe module integration
  • Animation and gesture handler
  • Login and register flow
  • Develop backend features and handled frontend integration

React Native Bitbucket HTML/CSS NodeJS Android Swift Google Services Geoapify Watermelon DB
5 Monate
2022-07 - 2022-11

CelebrateApp - Share photos and videos

Frontend Team Lead React Native Redux Rest API ...
Frontend Team Lead

Working as a React Native developer in an internationally managed project team enhancing a closed-group, media sharing mobile application called Celebrate based in Germany.

Tasks performed:

  • Participating in product decision-making and prioritization
  • Creating tickets and estimating efforts
  • Responsible for ensuring feasibility in product decisions
  • Integrating the company's APIs and Backend
  • Review team members' code and pull requests
  • Innovate and refactor already existing components (deeplinking, notifications, security, ?)

React Native Redux Rest API Typescript Jest Detox Axios React Native IAP Visual Studio JIRA Figma BitBucket Git Slack Miro Sentry Bitrise AWS Swagger
8 Monate
2021-07 - 2022-02

My Health App

React Native React JS Git (Gitlab / Bitbucket) ...
My Health 2.0 previously called VCP is an application for telemedicine and providing remote health care services for UAE under the UAE DOH control (checking health records, booking in-person, tele-consultation appointments ?).
  • Integrating an isolated secure Module flow Navigation Malaffi
  • Adding Biometric Auth (Fingerprint / FaceID)
  • UI REVAMP (Migration from flat design to 3D Illustrations design)
  • Integrating Realtime Communication flow.
  • Integrating InstaBug SDK
  • Code Review
  • Handle Merge Request and conflicts
  • Schedule Meetings
  • Jira Tickets Reporting
React Native React JS Git (Gitlab / Bitbucket) HTML/CSS Android Swift Twilio Firebase Services
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2019-11 - 2021-06

Bankerise React native version

React Native Lerna monoRepo Redux-saga ...
Bankerise® is an Omnichannel Digital Banking Solution that helps Retail & Corporate Banks seamlessly join the Digital Bank 3.0 era.
  • UI integration
  • Web services integration
  • Implementing Native charts And Adding Animated UI API
  • Review Code
  • CI/CD for Automatic Deploy with Fastlane and firebase App Distribution (iOS/Android)
  • Setting React Native Bankerise
  • Mapping ATMs locations
  • "ATM Branches API" to enable efficient management and retrieval of ATM branch information
  • Implemented features for proximity-based search using coordinates and concise branch descriptions
  • Maintaining the core App

React Native Lerna monoRepo Redux-saga Firebase cloud service Java
7 Monate
2019-04 - 2019-10

Co-Voiturise App

React Native Redux-tool Kit OneSignal
A carpooling app for company?s employee so that they can match randomly to share a ride for a specific destination (home Area district/ event / bootcamp ?).
  • Planning and Pilot project (FSD Document)
  • Integrating UI Screens + UI REVAMP
  • Applying Navigation flow
  • Handling Security Access Issue and Integration the Application with LDAP Auth
  • Integrating OneSignal for Real time notification
React Native Redux-tool Kit OneSignal
1 Jahr
2018-04 - 2019-03

RTA Dubai drive

Cordova/BackboneJS IBM mobileFirst NodeJS ...
The RTA Dubai Drive application is exclusively designed to provide a personalized experience for Road Users, Car Owners and Driving License Holders in Dubai, to help meet their needs. It helps you manage your Driving License, Vehicles, Fines, Parking, Salik, Plates and Certificates.
  • Dealing with Change Request and Implementing new Design changes
  • Implementing Elasticsearch Module Service
  • Adding Speech To text module
  • Code Refactor and performance Enhancement
  • Testing and deploy SOAP web services
  • Maintaining IBM Mobile First integration
Cordova/BackboneJS IBM mobileFirst NodeJS ElasticSearch/Kibana Google Cloud services
6 Monate
2017-10 - 2018-03

Commercial Pipeline

ReactJS bootstrap CSS ...
A platform for forecasting company?s data and handling its own clients billing and monitor projects status with a dynamic Dashboard.
  • UI integration
  • Creating Reusable Components
  • Consume CRUD Rest API

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung





Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

AWS Services
Azure Cloud


React Native



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