Expert Software Engineer: Scala, Java, Rust, Groovy, Kotlin, Ruby, Go, Python, Bash, C++, Lua, Javascript, HTML, CSS, SASS.
Aktualisiert am 03.07.2024
Mitarbeiter eines Dienstleisters
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Cape Town (+50km)



Managing Consultant & Software Engineer

Project description: ?The Retail Sales Portal is the modular workstation solution for direct BMW vehicle sales used by all outlets in the German market. The project responsibilities include design and implementation of new user stories, environment management, continuous integration, deployments, technical improvements in platform and development environment, support for dealer merges, handling of defects and hotfixes, project management and operations.? 

Role, task description: ?Improvements to application security posture. Development experience enhancements. Application infrastructure migration from OpenShift to AWS EKS. CI pipeline migration from Jenkins to GitHub Actions. Oracle to PostgreSQL migration.? 

Technology: OpenShift, AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service, Java, Groovy, Docker, Payara, Java EE, Jenkins, GitHub Actions, Oracle Database, PostgreSQL, Maven, Ant, Jira, Confluence, Nexus. 

Atlassian JIRA
OpenShift AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service Java Groovy Docker Payara Java EE Jenkins GitHub Actions Oracle Database PostgreSQL Maven Ant Jira Confluence Nexus.
Cape Town
Senior Software Engineer / Project Lead

Project description: ?ADSS is an Architecture Decision Support System that provides software engineers, developers, technical leads, product owners, and executive leadership with up-to-date situational awareness for the software systems they control and support? 

Role, task description: ?Senior Software Engineer. Design and implementation of a complete rewrite of the primary domain ingestion logic. Implementation of- and migration to a scalable, high-performance data store for large event log data. Addressing general feature requests and driving development process and quality improvements.? 

Technology: Scala, Java, Akka, Cats, PostgreSQL, Apache Cassandra, Kubernetes, Apache Kafka. 

Scala Java Akka Cats PostgreSQL Apache Cassandra Kubernetes Apache Kafka.
Cape Town
Software Engineer

Project description ?Service Quotas is an AWS service that helps you manage your quotas for many AWS services, from one location.?  

Role, task description: ?Software Engineer/Project Lead. Lead the development effort to bring automated service quota increase requests for all EC2 VPC and EBS quotas, from proposal and motivation to design, implementation and operating in production. ? 

TechnologyRuby on Rails, AWS DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, Service Quotas and CloudFormation. ? ?

Ruby on Rails AWS DynamoDB SNS SQS Service Quotas and CloudFormation.
Cape Town
Senior Software Developer/Architect

Project description ?5DT is a high technology company specializing in training simulators, virtual reality (VR) and machine learning. Design and development of a scriptable modular component library to rapidly prototype, iterate and deliver new vehicle physics simulations. Included a mathematically accurate real-time library of vehicle drive-train and articulated as well as rigid body physics components. ?  

Role, task description: ?Senior Software Developer/Architect. Lead the design, implementation, and maintenance of the library. Facilitated developer adoption and training.? 

Technology: ?C++11, Bullet Physics, Newton Dynamics, Boost, Lua. ? 

C++11 Bullet Physics Newton Dynamics Boost Lua.
Cape Town
Cape Town
Software Engineer

Project description ?Development of various underground and surface mining vehicle training simulators, deployed in on-site? shipping container installations.  

Role, task description: ?Software developer. Development and real-time physics simulation, environment modelling, E-learning material, graphics, skeletal animation.? 

Technology: ?C++, Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library, DirectX 9, Autodesk 3ds Max? 

C++ Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library DirectX 9 Autodesk 3ds Max
Cape Town



Senior Software Engineer / Engineer




Distributed Systems: high-availability, eventual consistency, scalability.
Live data migrations
Application Security
Continuous integration and delivery
Dynamic/runtime configuration in distributed systems
Feature flags/gradual enablement
Resource/rate limits
Asynchronous workflows
Real-time physics, vehicle drive-train modeling and simulation

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

AWS: EKS, IAM, Keyspaces, EC2, Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, RDS. Java EE.


Windows, Linux (Amazon Linux/RHEL/Ubuntu), Mac OS


Scala, Java, Rust, Groovy, Kotlin, Ruby, Go, Python, Bash, C++, Lua, Javascript, HTML, CSS, SASS


Apache Cassandra, Amazon DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Apache Kafka, Oracle DB

Berechnung / Simulation / Versuch / Validierung

Cats, Shapeless, Monix, ZIO, Akka, Play Framework, Slick, Doobie, Datastax, JDBC, AWS SDK, Payara 5 Scalatest, Junit, Kotlin-test, TestNG, Cypress, RSpec, Mockito, Scalamock, Selenium Webdriver DirectX 9/11, Boost. Microsoft MFC

Design / Entwicklung / Konstruktion

SBT, Scalafmt, Gradle, Maven, Ant, FindBugs, Checkstyle, Rake, Rubocop, Jq, Git, Subversion IntelliJ, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code CI/CD: GitHub Actions, Jenkins


Cape Town (+50km)


Managing Consultant & Software Engineer

Project description: ?The Retail Sales Portal is the modular workstation solution for direct BMW vehicle sales used by all outlets in the German market. The project responsibilities include design and implementation of new user stories, environment management, continuous integration, deployments, technical improvements in platform and development environment, support for dealer merges, handling of defects and hotfixes, project management and operations.? 

Role, task description: ?Improvements to application security posture. Development experience enhancements. Application infrastructure migration from OpenShift to AWS EKS. CI pipeline migration from Jenkins to GitHub Actions. Oracle to PostgreSQL migration.? 

Technology: OpenShift, AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service, Java, Groovy, Docker, Payara, Java EE, Jenkins, GitHub Actions, Oracle Database, PostgreSQL, Maven, Ant, Jira, Confluence, Nexus. 

Atlassian JIRA
OpenShift AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service Java Groovy Docker Payara Java EE Jenkins GitHub Actions Oracle Database PostgreSQL Maven Ant Jira Confluence Nexus.
Cape Town
Senior Software Engineer / Project Lead

Project description: ?ADSS is an Architecture Decision Support System that provides software engineers, developers, technical leads, product owners, and executive leadership with up-to-date situational awareness for the software systems they control and support? 

Role, task description: ?Senior Software Engineer. Design and implementation of a complete rewrite of the primary domain ingestion logic. Implementation of- and migration to a scalable, high-performance data store for large event log data. Addressing general feature requests and driving development process and quality improvements.? 

Technology: Scala, Java, Akka, Cats, PostgreSQL, Apache Cassandra, Kubernetes, Apache Kafka. 

Scala Java Akka Cats PostgreSQL Apache Cassandra Kubernetes Apache Kafka.
Cape Town
Software Engineer

Project description ?Service Quotas is an AWS service that helps you manage your quotas for many AWS services, from one location.?  

Role, task description: ?Software Engineer/Project Lead. Lead the development effort to bring automated service quota increase requests for all EC2 VPC and EBS quotas, from proposal and motivation to design, implementation and operating in production. ? 

TechnologyRuby on Rails, AWS DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, Service Quotas and CloudFormation. ? ?

Ruby on Rails AWS DynamoDB SNS SQS Service Quotas and CloudFormation.
Cape Town
Senior Software Developer/Architect

Project description ?5DT is a high technology company specializing in training simulators, virtual reality (VR) and machine learning. Design and development of a scriptable modular component library to rapidly prototype, iterate and deliver new vehicle physics simulations. Included a mathematically accurate real-time library of vehicle drive-train and articulated as well as rigid body physics components. ?  

Role, task description: ?Senior Software Developer/Architect. Lead the design, implementation, and maintenance of the library. Facilitated developer adoption and training.? 

Technology: ?C++11, Bullet Physics, Newton Dynamics, Boost, Lua. ? 

C++11 Bullet Physics Newton Dynamics Boost Lua.
Cape Town
Cape Town
Software Engineer

Project description ?Development of various underground and surface mining vehicle training simulators, deployed in on-site? shipping container installations.  

Role, task description: ?Software developer. Development and real-time physics simulation, environment modelling, E-learning material, graphics, skeletal animation.? 

Technology: ?C++, Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library, DirectX 9, Autodesk 3ds Max? 

C++ Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library DirectX 9 Autodesk 3ds Max
Cape Town


Senior Software Engineer / Engineer



Distributed Systems: high-availability, eventual consistency, scalability.
Live data migrations
Application Security
Continuous integration and delivery
Dynamic/runtime configuration in distributed systems
Feature flags/gradual enablement
Resource/rate limits
Asynchronous workflows
Real-time physics, vehicle drive-train modeling and simulation

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

AWS: EKS, IAM, Keyspaces, EC2, Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, RDS. Java EE.


Windows, Linux (Amazon Linux/RHEL/Ubuntu), Mac OS


Scala, Java, Rust, Groovy, Kotlin, Ruby, Go, Python, Bash, C++, Lua, Javascript, HTML, CSS, SASS


Apache Cassandra, Amazon DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Apache Kafka, Oracle DB

Berechnung / Simulation / Versuch / Validierung

Cats, Shapeless, Monix, ZIO, Akka, Play Framework, Slick, Doobie, Datastax, JDBC, AWS SDK, Payara 5 Scalatest, Junit, Kotlin-test, TestNG, Cypress, RSpec, Mockito, Scalamock, Selenium Webdriver DirectX 9/11, Boost. Microsoft MFC

Design / Entwicklung / Konstruktion

SBT, Scalafmt, Gradle, Maven, Ant, FindBugs, Checkstyle, Rake, Rubocop, Jq, Git, Subversion IntelliJ, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code CI/CD: GitHub Actions, Jenkins

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