IT-Architekur DevOps Expertise in Cloud-Infrastrukturen (AWS, Azure), CI/CD, Infrastruktur als Code
Aktualisiert am 15.12.2023
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Infrastructure as a Service
Continuous Integration
Mother tongue
Mother tongue



Berlin (+50km) Muenchen (+50km)



2 Jahre 4 Monate
2022-05 - heute

Concept Cloud first Infrastructure for e-Commerce

Senior Devops Engineer / Lead Architekt Kubernetes AWS Helmcharts ...
Senior Devops Engineer / Lead Architekt
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH is the largest manufacturer of home appliances in Europe and one of the leading companies in the sector worldwide.
  • Concept Cloud first Infrastructure for e-Commerce Microservice based application architecture
  • Design and migrate Infrastructure/Architecture for AWS with several Cloud Services
  • Design and implement Infrastructure as Code
  • Introduce and Integrate Git Ops paradigm.
  • Technical leadership shaping the IT-Infrastructure
  • successfully transitioned infrastructure to a highly available multi-region (worldwide) HA EKS Kubernetes cluster
  • Introduce Gitub Workflows
  • Implement CI/CD pipelines with GitHub and Argo CD
  • Integrate NewRelic for monitoring
  • Help to introduce internal caching and routing solutions

  • Java/Spring boot B2C/B2B Apps
  • Node.js framework based Frontend applications
  • GraphQl backend application
  • Several middleware and core microservices

Technical stacks and environment
  • Aws, EKS Kubernetes,
  • Helm charts/Kustomize ..
  • GraphQl Server/ Apollo Client
  • Terraform/ Terragrunt based infrastructure as code
  • CI and CD pipeline with GitHub Enterprise
  • Argocd/ Argoflow
  • Secret management/ Vault /Sealed
  • Grafana , Prometheus, fluentd ?
  • Elasticsearch/ Redis/ MySQL
Kubernetes AWS Helmcharts Graphql CI CD Argocd Git Grafana prometheus
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH
Munich (Germany)
3 Jahre 1 Monat
2019-05 - 2022-05

Adopt Microservice architecture

CTO/ Senior DevOps Aws/Azure AKS Soap Api Client/Server ...
CTO/ Senior DevOps
  • Adopt Microservice architecture
  • Design Application Ruby API GraphQl/Server
  • Integrate Third Party service (soap/Xml/Rest..)
  • Technical leadership shaping the IT-Infrastructure
  • extend Team capacities with nearshore resources
  • migrate Infrastructure to High available Azure Kubernetes cluster
  • Design Application infrastructure including ci/cd
  • Help to recruit process for high efficiency
  • Leading interview and recruitment
  • Code base standard and Application monitoring
  • Setup global coding guidance.
  • Introducing event driven architecture with A Highly efficient PubSub infrastructure

  • Ruby based B2C/B2B Apps
  • React Native apps
  • JS framework based Frontend applications
  • Several middleware and core microservices

Technical stacks and environment
  • Aws/Azure, AKS,
  • Soap Api Client/ Server
  • GraphQl Server/ Appollo Client
  • Rest Api Server
  • Terraform based infrastructure as code
  • CI and CD pipeline with Bitbucket and Jenkins
  • Grafana, Prometheus, fluent ?
  • Elasticsearch/ Memcached/ Redis/ MySQL
  • Ruby/ ROR/ NodeJS/ ReactJS/ PHP/ go
Aws/Azure AKS Soap Api Client/Server Terraform CI and CD pipelines Argocd Grafana Elastic Search Ruby on Rails Redis MySQL
Berlin (Germany)
1 Jahr
2019-07 - 2020-06

E-Commerce and Business Operations

  • Leading two Engineering E-Commerce and Business Operations Department
  • Help to Develop and improve a 200+ Mi. sales e-Commerce platform
  • Scale Department from 4 to 8 Teams each
  • actively accompany the further growth of the IT-Organization
  • 40 % External and 60 % internal FTE
  • Coding and setup application design for best performance
  • Introducing Eventdriven Structure
  • Apache Kafka event sourcing

Main applications
  • App-(IOS and Android)
  • e-Commerce (Java + PHP + NodeJS) (200+ m. sales)
  • BOE Logistics, fulfillment ? (.Net, C#)

Technical stacks and environment
  • Microservices platform with a mix of domain driven
  • Services using PHP, .net, java, NodeJS, ?
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch
  • Infrastructure as Code Terraform
  • AWS/ Azure
Automotive/ E-commerce
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2017-11 - 2019-06

Practical developments

CTO/ Head of Department
CTO/ Head of Department
  • Hands-on Developer
  • Leading 6 Developer Teams
  • App-(IOS and Android)
  • Backend Core (Ruby + ROR)
  • Frontend Consumer (PHP)
  • Frontend Services (ReactJS + Rails)
  • Building developer Teams
  • Migration of the infrastructure to Check24
  • Redesign of the applications and infrastructure to meet the business requirement focusing on Scale-ability
  • Redesign the development process and establish a quality assurance.
  • Introducing Elasticsearch
  • Setting Middleware concept to scale infrastructure
  • Implementing Stripe-Payment and setting Roadmap milestone for monetization.

Technical stacks and environment
  • Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Symfony
  • MySQL, Postgres, Elasticsearch
  • Debian Linux,
  • AWS EC2 Cloud6 Elastic beanstalk
Service provider
Berlin (Germany)
4 Jahre 11 Monate
2013-01 - 2017-11

Staff management

  • Staff management, 16 permanent developers with 3 Teams: backend, frontend and performance/test/QS
  • Technical management
  • Scaling the development environment
  • B2B Platform Continental 2017
  • Project management and coordination
  • Design of the IT architecture
  • Development and implementation of various strategies to increase the efficiency of the ERP system based on KBA (Kraftfahrtbundesamt) data
  • Structure, design, scalability
  • Implementation of the backup system
  • Automation of delivery and storage
  • Migration to AWS

Main applications
  • e-Commerce (Ruby on Rails) (50+ m. sales)
  • Logistics, fulfillment.

Technical stacks and environment
  • Microservices platform with a mix of domain driven
  • Services using Ruby PHP, .net, java, NodeJS, ?
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch
  • Infrastructure as Code Terraform
  • AWS/ Azure
Dresden (Germany)




IT-Architekt DevOps kubernetes Azure Infrastructure as a Service terraform Continuous Integration CI CD Migrationskonzept Cloud argocd Kubernetes

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Leading teams
IT Architecture design
GitOps/ Argocd expert
IT Vision
Strong DevOps skills
API Gateway (Kong 5 years)
Mesh Service (ISTIO)
Logging (Loki/Elk/Graylog)
APM (New relic/ sentry ?)



Berlin (+50km) Muenchen (+50km)



2 Jahre 4 Monate
2022-05 - heute

Concept Cloud first Infrastructure for e-Commerce

Senior Devops Engineer / Lead Architekt Kubernetes AWS Helmcharts ...
Senior Devops Engineer / Lead Architekt
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH is the largest manufacturer of home appliances in Europe and one of the leading companies in the sector worldwide.
  • Concept Cloud first Infrastructure for e-Commerce Microservice based application architecture
  • Design and migrate Infrastructure/Architecture for AWS with several Cloud Services
  • Design and implement Infrastructure as Code
  • Introduce and Integrate Git Ops paradigm.
  • Technical leadership shaping the IT-Infrastructure
  • successfully transitioned infrastructure to a highly available multi-region (worldwide) HA EKS Kubernetes cluster
  • Introduce Gitub Workflows
  • Implement CI/CD pipelines with GitHub and Argo CD
  • Integrate NewRelic for monitoring
  • Help to introduce internal caching and routing solutions

  • Java/Spring boot B2C/B2B Apps
  • Node.js framework based Frontend applications
  • GraphQl backend application
  • Several middleware and core microservices

Technical stacks and environment
  • Aws, EKS Kubernetes,
  • Helm charts/Kustomize ..
  • GraphQl Server/ Apollo Client
  • Terraform/ Terragrunt based infrastructure as code
  • CI and CD pipeline with GitHub Enterprise
  • Argocd/ Argoflow
  • Secret management/ Vault /Sealed
  • Grafana , Prometheus, fluentd ?
  • Elasticsearch/ Redis/ MySQL
Kubernetes AWS Helmcharts Graphql CI CD Argocd Git Grafana prometheus
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH
Munich (Germany)
3 Jahre 1 Monat
2019-05 - 2022-05

Adopt Microservice architecture

CTO/ Senior DevOps Aws/Azure AKS Soap Api Client/Server ...
CTO/ Senior DevOps
  • Adopt Microservice architecture
  • Design Application Ruby API GraphQl/Server
  • Integrate Third Party service (soap/Xml/Rest..)
  • Technical leadership shaping the IT-Infrastructure
  • extend Team capacities with nearshore resources
  • migrate Infrastructure to High available Azure Kubernetes cluster
  • Design Application infrastructure including ci/cd
  • Help to recruit process for high efficiency
  • Leading interview and recruitment
  • Code base standard and Application monitoring
  • Setup global coding guidance.
  • Introducing event driven architecture with A Highly efficient PubSub infrastructure

  • Ruby based B2C/B2B Apps
  • React Native apps
  • JS framework based Frontend applications
  • Several middleware and core microservices

Technical stacks and environment
  • Aws/Azure, AKS,
  • Soap Api Client/ Server
  • GraphQl Server/ Appollo Client
  • Rest Api Server
  • Terraform based infrastructure as code
  • CI and CD pipeline with Bitbucket and Jenkins
  • Grafana, Prometheus, fluent ?
  • Elasticsearch/ Memcached/ Redis/ MySQL
  • Ruby/ ROR/ NodeJS/ ReactJS/ PHP/ go
Aws/Azure AKS Soap Api Client/Server Terraform CI and CD pipelines Argocd Grafana Elastic Search Ruby on Rails Redis MySQL
Berlin (Germany)
1 Jahr
2019-07 - 2020-06

E-Commerce and Business Operations

  • Leading two Engineering E-Commerce and Business Operations Department
  • Help to Develop and improve a 200+ Mi. sales e-Commerce platform
  • Scale Department from 4 to 8 Teams each
  • actively accompany the further growth of the IT-Organization
  • 40 % External and 60 % internal FTE
  • Coding and setup application design for best performance
  • Introducing Eventdriven Structure
  • Apache Kafka event sourcing

Main applications
  • App-(IOS and Android)
  • e-Commerce (Java + PHP + NodeJS) (200+ m. sales)
  • BOE Logistics, fulfillment ? (.Net, C#)

Technical stacks and environment
  • Microservices platform with a mix of domain driven
  • Services using PHP, .net, java, NodeJS, ?
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch
  • Infrastructure as Code Terraform
  • AWS/ Azure
Automotive/ E-commerce
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2017-11 - 2019-06

Practical developments

CTO/ Head of Department
CTO/ Head of Department
  • Hands-on Developer
  • Leading 6 Developer Teams
  • App-(IOS and Android)
  • Backend Core (Ruby + ROR)
  • Frontend Consumer (PHP)
  • Frontend Services (ReactJS + Rails)
  • Building developer Teams
  • Migration of the infrastructure to Check24
  • Redesign of the applications and infrastructure to meet the business requirement focusing on Scale-ability
  • Redesign the development process and establish a quality assurance.
  • Introducing Elasticsearch
  • Setting Middleware concept to scale infrastructure
  • Implementing Stripe-Payment and setting Roadmap milestone for monetization.

Technical stacks and environment
  • Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Symfony
  • MySQL, Postgres, Elasticsearch
  • Debian Linux,
  • AWS EC2 Cloud6 Elastic beanstalk
Service provider
Berlin (Germany)
4 Jahre 11 Monate
2013-01 - 2017-11

Staff management

  • Staff management, 16 permanent developers with 3 Teams: backend, frontend and performance/test/QS
  • Technical management
  • Scaling the development environment
  • B2B Platform Continental 2017
  • Project management and coordination
  • Design of the IT architecture
  • Development and implementation of various strategies to increase the efficiency of the ERP system based on KBA (Kraftfahrtbundesamt) data
  • Structure, design, scalability
  • Implementation of the backup system
  • Automation of delivery and storage
  • Migration to AWS

Main applications
  • e-Commerce (Ruby on Rails) (50+ m. sales)
  • Logistics, fulfillment.

Technical stacks and environment
  • Microservices platform with a mix of domain driven
  • Services using Ruby PHP, .net, java, NodeJS, ?
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch
  • Infrastructure as Code Terraform
  • AWS/ Azure
Dresden (Germany)




IT-Architekt DevOps kubernetes Azure Infrastructure as a Service terraform Continuous Integration CI CD Migrationskonzept Cloud argocd Kubernetes

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Leading teams
IT Architecture design
GitOps/ Argocd expert
IT Vision
Strong DevOps skills
API Gateway (Kong 5 years)
Mesh Service (ISTIO)
Logging (Loki/Elk/Graylog)
APM (New relic/ sentry ?)

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