Agile Coaching, Agiles Management, Agiles Projektmanagement, Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Rapid Prototyping, Servant Leadership, Confluence, JIRA
Aktualisiert am 02.09.2024
Freiberufler / Selbstständiger
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Agile Coach
Scrum Master
Psychological Safety
Atlassian JIRA
Rapid Prototyping
Design Thinking
business fluent / IELTS certified
native language



Kiel (+50km)
Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich




Engineering Team Lead | Agile Coach | Scrum Master
  • Bei Iress habe ich meine Einstellung als Coach und Scrum Master erfolgreich in einer Teamlead Rolle eingesetzt. Es ist möglich ?Manager? zu sein, aber die Werte aus dem Agilen Coaching nicht zu verlieren. Leader as a Coach funktioniert.
  • Entwicklung und regelmäßige, pünktliche Lieferung von innovativen automatisierten Finanzberatungslösungen und kontinuierliche Verbesserung dieser Lösungen.
  • Aufbau eines Teams von zwei Software Engineers zu einer Gruppe von 18 Fachleuten.
  • Einführung von Kanban und Scrum im Team. Facilitation der Scrum Events bis das Team diese selbständig mit mir als Coach motiviert übernahm.
  • Förderung einer starken Teamkultur und kontinuierlicher Weiterbildung.
  • Etablierung von Good Practices für die agile Softwareentwicklung und Projektmanagement.
  • Sicherstellung der Einhaltung von Qualitätsstandards und termingerechter Lieferung von Projekten.
  • Recruitment und Gehaltsverhandlungen von Festangestellten und Freiberuflern.
  • Coaching und Zusammenarbeit mit den Product Ownern, UX Designern, Business Analysts.
Iress Digital Advice Software
Scrum Kanban Atlassian JIRA Agile Coach Miro Mural Psychological Safety
Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Digital Delivery Lead - Freelancer

Optimised delivery of Digital Marketing and Personalisation initiatives.
Introduced Scrum, Kanban and Lean for delivery of implementations but also for operational and business as usual activities.

The Fulcrum Ltd
Auckland, New Zealand
Manager - Engagement Manager, Scrum Master, Agile Coach
  • Agile Coach and Servant Leader for team of BA?s, FED & BED developers, Creative professionals and client digital     transformation team    
  • JIRA setup for optimal use of Versions/Releases, Epics, Tasks and Sub-Tasks, estimations, time-tracking and reporting    
  • Scrum Events facilitation (Stand-up, Sprint planning, review, retrospective)    
  • Enabling the Dev Team to become a cross-functional and self-organized team through coaching and leading by example    
  • Managing the noise around developers and shield them so that they can focus on creating value for the customer. (Servant leader role)    
  • Removing blockers and managing clients (product owners)   expectations and scope creep Backlog grooming Prioritising by value creation opportunities

Business Development Activities     

  • Supporting Agile Transformation RFP for a large payment     provider        
    • Preparing documents and interview referring to Lean UX and Google Venture Design Sprints for rapid prototyping    
  • Admin and power user for Atlassian?s Confluence a nd JIRA. Coaching and support for other Deloitte departments regarding JIRA.    
  • Short term engagement at a large membership organisation for consolidation of their AU and NZ website into one new ANZ web appearance - Sitecore CMS environment        
    • Scrummaster and Agile coach for a team of BA?s, FED & BED developers and client?s digital and content team
    • Facilitating Scrum ceremonies        
    • Optimising User Stories and Acceptance Criteria        
    • Refining the Definition Of Done
    • Organising a test session for browser and device testing      
    • Optimising the existing JIRA project setup, Epics, User Stories, Workflows, Task types across Deloitte team and client
Deloitte Services Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia
ICT Program Manager
  • Responsible for day-to-day business management including
  • supervising and enabling a team of 20+ integration consultants, developers and service staff.   
  • Lead several eCommerce, 3 rd -Party-Logistics and EDI
    integration projects plus change requests for major brands and retailers like NHP Electrical Engineering Products, Citizen Watches Australia, kikki.K, Kollaras Group, Zimmermann Wear, Drummond Golf, etc.   
  • Successful (agile and waterfall) management of 18 projects
    simultaneously with several stakeholders such as digital
    agencies, vendors, internal and external clients. Projects
    represent over $1M in revenue for the business. Project
    management tasks include:       
    • Business Analysis and scoping projects across multiple
      internal and external stakeholders assigned by the client /
      project sponsor.       
    • Resource planning, budgeting and work scheduling.      
    • WIP communication with all stakeholders in phone and video conferences or face-to-face meetings.       
    • Risks- and Issues management/mitigation       
    • Approving labour for billing   
  • Responsible for ITIL Service Desk implementation, including SLAs and KPIs using the cloud based CRM, PM and Service Desk Autotask       
    • Created the MVP and tested with clients       
    • Improved and rolled out new solution after learning and improvements       
    • Continuous service improvements, inspect and adapt   
  • Key member of the management team that reviewed and developed project lifecycle improvements to create efficient project implementation from sales to support handover. Improvements lead to greater efficiencies, securing customers at risk and increase of repeat business. Responsible for increasing efficiency organisation wide, by implementing Atlassian Confluence and JIRA for communication, documentation, tasks and issues management, planning development sprints for agile projects. Enabling us to execute the whole project lifecycle
    with one suite of tools.
UXC Red Rock Consulting
Sydney, Australia

06/2006 - 12/2014

Senior Customer Technology Solutions Integrator / Global Integration Solutions Consultant ? National and International Projects supporting Global accounts. Senior Project Manager.

09/2001 - 05/2006

Customer Technology Solutions Integrator ? National projects, IT Project Manager in the Business and Customer Technology and Supply Chain Solutions department.

Responsible for growing Siemens AG in Europe from an ad-hoc shipper to FedEx?s largest European customer in 12 months. Revenue increased from ?150K to ?9M a quarter by using the EDI (UN/EDIFACT) solution I scoped and managed the whole systems integration project. This integration made FedEx to an 3PL outperformer in terms of shipment performance and visibility, which in return made FedEx the preferred carrier of Siemens for several regions in the world. I also led the addition of a self-billing file transfer integration. This solution was rolled out in EMEA, USA and Canada. For this Siemens EDI integration I received the highest FedEx departmental recognition, the Supply Chain Solutions ?Impact Award? in 2002 and 2008. Later a migration from UN/EDIFACT to Web Services (SOAP/XML) was implemented for some locations. Porsche AG (North America) was able to close local warehouses in the US and Canada, after I analysed the customers? demands, designed, scoped, planned and lead a bulk-shipment solution project for their spare parts delivery to North America using EDI message exchange with our FedEx Value Added Network. I amended the solution later for faster customs clearance and less paperwork by adding an electronic commercial invoice integration between Porsche and our customs clearance sister company FedEx TradeNetworks. I designed, scoped, planned, executed, monitored and completed this project as the FedEx project manager. I received the EMEA Sales ?Pride Award? for that successful project and highly customized integration solution implementation. Many more systems integration projects and supply chain solutions with clients like BMW, Daimler-Chrysler, Boehringer-Ingelheim, SAP multichannel logistics developers (SALT solutions), Canon (OCE printing systems).

Core Responsibilities:   

  • Designing and scoping systems integration projects with our key account managers, onsite at client locations in Germany, other european countries and globally with remote, virtual teams.
  • Translate, explain, ensure understanding between TECH and NON-TECH staff (internal and external clients) by connecting the dots/people.   
  • Adding significant value to our key accounts by managing the project from scope, execution, scheduling, controlling-monitoring to project completion with resources in different time-zones using online collaboration and virtual meeting tools.   
  • Support for the remote developers, VAN administrators and
    customs clearance teams with business requirements
    documentation, regular WIP calls and web meetings.   
  • Regular international WIP calls and project updates with     clients and internal stakeholders in different time zones,
    countries and cultures.   
  • Living the FedEx Purple Promise (code of conduct), delivering outstanding customer experience.   
  • Using FedEx QDM ? LEAN Quality Driven Management methodologies to improve existing processes, measuring client satisfaction, finding root cause for issues, implement solutions and monitor the outcome.   
  • Embracing the FedEx People-Service-Profit philosophy, by
    putting people first in all business planning and decisions,
    enabling them to do good work, by giving them good work to do, leading to outstanding customer service and profit for the corporation.

FedEx Awards received:
FedEx Pride Award 2009 Q2 for outstanding performance supporting our sales dept., 2009 FedEx Impact Award 2008 for successful amendment of EDI with Siemens AG, 2008 FedEx Pride Award 2008 Q1 for successful systems integration with Porsche AG, 2008 FedEx Bravo Zulu recognition for delivering outstanding Customer Experience, 2006 FedEx Managing Director's Business & Customer Technology Award, 2006 FedEx Impact Award 2002 for successful EDI integration with Siemens AG, 2002

FedEx Management Exam:
I have successfully finished the FedEx ?New Horizon? internal management enablement program. This included an external assessment from ?Caliper Corporation? with a recommendation for a management position

FedEx Express - Federal Express Europe, Inc.
Austria, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung


  • IC Agile - Agile Team Facilitator
  • IC Agile - Business Value Analysis (Product Owner Coaching)
  • ANZSCO ICT Project Manager skills assessment by the Australian Computer Society
  • IIL - FedEx Project Management Approach Certification based on PMP
  • ITIL V3 Foundation - Service Management
  • Team Management / FedEx Management certification ?New Horizon?



Menschenorientierte und Transformationale Führung:

Ich setze menschenorientierte Führung um, inspiriere Teammitglieder, fördere individuelle Entwicklung und intellektuelle Stimulation. Dieser Stil schafft motivierte Teams, die herausragende Produkte und Dienstleistungen liefern.

Delivery Management, Agile Coach & Scrum Master:

Gestaltung von Delivery-Prozessen, die Menschen stärken und Echtzeit-Transparenz für Stakeholder bieten. Optimierung der Wertschöpfung, Team-Effizienz und Entscheidungsfindung durch pragmatisches Coaching und Führung. Schaffung einer Umgebung von gegenseitiger Fürsorge und psychologischer Sicherheit.


Erfahrung in Remote-Arbeit seit 2001, sowohl vor Ort als auch von zu Hause aus, gestärkt durch Autonomie, Meisterschaft und Zweck.

Jira-Administrator / Miro-Facilitator:

Effektive Nutzung von Jira und Miro zur Förderung der Zusammenarbeit und Echtzeit-Einblick in Arbeitsfortschritte und Lieferprognosen.




Agile Coach Scrum Master Teamleading Psychological Safety Lernkultur Atlassian JIRA Lean Kanban Rapid Prototyping Design Thinking Projektmanagement Miro Mural Coaching Scrum

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • Strong people skills, Emotional Intelligence, empathy, creating empowered, entrusted teams   
  • Business analysis, systems and data integration, digital transformation Waterfall project management   
  • Agile management, Scrum, Lean, Google Venture Design Sprints, MVP’s, User Stories mapping, physical and virtual wall boards   
  • Atlassian’s JIRA & Confluence administrator and power user   
  • Trello virtual boards, sharing across teams and virtual teams   
  • Autotask - CRM, Project Management, Service Desk, Billing solution   
  • Systems and data integration EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), UN/EDIFACT, XML & Web Services, SQL, Enterprise Data Warehouse, Value Added Networks   
  • MS-Windows, Apple Macintosh, MS-Office applications (MS-Project and Visio included).   
  • Vendor management, procurement of services and goods

Earlier employment:
7+ years strategic and operational buyer with hands-on experience procuring goods and services in China. Strong affinity with IT by supporting the optimisation of our own ERP buying module development. Reducing BAU work time & efforts by automation.
Start-up experience by creating the whole environment (IT and non-IT) for import and wholesale, product management, procurement, marketing, sales and HR. 5 years field sales representative and key account manager. Real hands-on experience in goods and services import & export, wholesale and retail. European Union 3 months work exchange project in Dublin, Ireland.


Kiel (+50km)
Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



Engineering Team Lead | Agile Coach | Scrum Master
  • Bei Iress habe ich meine Einstellung als Coach und Scrum Master erfolgreich in einer Teamlead Rolle eingesetzt. Es ist möglich ?Manager? zu sein, aber die Werte aus dem Agilen Coaching nicht zu verlieren. Leader as a Coach funktioniert.
  • Entwicklung und regelmäßige, pünktliche Lieferung von innovativen automatisierten Finanzberatungslösungen und kontinuierliche Verbesserung dieser Lösungen.
  • Aufbau eines Teams von zwei Software Engineers zu einer Gruppe von 18 Fachleuten.
  • Einführung von Kanban und Scrum im Team. Facilitation der Scrum Events bis das Team diese selbständig mit mir als Coach motiviert übernahm.
  • Förderung einer starken Teamkultur und kontinuierlicher Weiterbildung.
  • Etablierung von Good Practices für die agile Softwareentwicklung und Projektmanagement.
  • Sicherstellung der Einhaltung von Qualitätsstandards und termingerechter Lieferung von Projekten.
  • Recruitment und Gehaltsverhandlungen von Festangestellten und Freiberuflern.
  • Coaching und Zusammenarbeit mit den Product Ownern, UX Designern, Business Analysts.
Iress Digital Advice Software
Scrum Kanban Atlassian JIRA Agile Coach Miro Mural Psychological Safety
Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Digital Delivery Lead - Freelancer

Optimised delivery of Digital Marketing and Personalisation initiatives.
Introduced Scrum, Kanban and Lean for delivery of implementations but also for operational and business as usual activities.

The Fulcrum Ltd
Auckland, New Zealand
Manager - Engagement Manager, Scrum Master, Agile Coach
  • Agile Coach and Servant Leader for team of BA?s, FED & BED developers, Creative professionals and client digital     transformation team    
  • JIRA setup for optimal use of Versions/Releases, Epics, Tasks and Sub-Tasks, estimations, time-tracking and reporting    
  • Scrum Events facilitation (Stand-up, Sprint planning, review, retrospective)    
  • Enabling the Dev Team to become a cross-functional and self-organized team through coaching and leading by example    
  • Managing the noise around developers and shield them so that they can focus on creating value for the customer. (Servant leader role)    
  • Removing blockers and managing clients (product owners)   expectations and scope creep Backlog grooming Prioritising by value creation opportunities

Business Development Activities     

  • Supporting Agile Transformation RFP for a large payment     provider        
    • Preparing documents and interview referring to Lean UX and Google Venture Design Sprints for rapid prototyping    
  • Admin and power user for Atlassian?s Confluence a nd JIRA. Coaching and support for other Deloitte departments regarding JIRA.    
  • Short term engagement at a large membership organisation for consolidation of their AU and NZ website into one new ANZ web appearance - Sitecore CMS environment        
    • Scrummaster and Agile coach for a team of BA?s, FED & BED developers and client?s digital and content team
    • Facilitating Scrum ceremonies        
    • Optimising User Stories and Acceptance Criteria        
    • Refining the Definition Of Done
    • Organising a test session for browser and device testing      
    • Optimising the existing JIRA project setup, Epics, User Stories, Workflows, Task types across Deloitte team and client
Deloitte Services Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia
ICT Program Manager
  • Responsible for day-to-day business management including
  • supervising and enabling a team of 20+ integration consultants, developers and service staff.   
  • Lead several eCommerce, 3 rd -Party-Logistics and EDI
    integration projects plus change requests for major brands and retailers like NHP Electrical Engineering Products, Citizen Watches Australia, kikki.K, Kollaras Group, Zimmermann Wear, Drummond Golf, etc.   
  • Successful (agile and waterfall) management of 18 projects
    simultaneously with several stakeholders such as digital
    agencies, vendors, internal and external clients. Projects
    represent over $1M in revenue for the business. Project
    management tasks include:       
    • Business Analysis and scoping projects across multiple
      internal and external stakeholders assigned by the client /
      project sponsor.       
    • Resource planning, budgeting and work scheduling.      
    • WIP communication with all stakeholders in phone and video conferences or face-to-face meetings.       
    • Risks- and Issues management/mitigation       
    • Approving labour for billing   
  • Responsible for ITIL Service Desk implementation, including SLAs and KPIs using the cloud based CRM, PM and Service Desk Autotask       
    • Created the MVP and tested with clients       
    • Improved and rolled out new solution after learning and improvements       
    • Continuous service improvements, inspect and adapt   
  • Key member of the management team that reviewed and developed project lifecycle improvements to create efficient project implementation from sales to support handover. Improvements lead to greater efficiencies, securing customers at risk and increase of repeat business. Responsible for increasing efficiency organisation wide, by implementing Atlassian Confluence and JIRA for communication, documentation, tasks and issues management, planning development sprints for agile projects. Enabling us to execute the whole project lifecycle
    with one suite of tools.
UXC Red Rock Consulting
Sydney, Australia

06/2006 - 12/2014

Senior Customer Technology Solutions Integrator / Global Integration Solutions Consultant ? National and International Projects supporting Global accounts. Senior Project Manager.

09/2001 - 05/2006

Customer Technology Solutions Integrator ? National projects, IT Project Manager in the Business and Customer Technology and Supply Chain Solutions department.

Responsible for growing Siemens AG in Europe from an ad-hoc shipper to FedEx?s largest European customer in 12 months. Revenue increased from ?150K to ?9M a quarter by using the EDI (UN/EDIFACT) solution I scoped and managed the whole systems integration project. This integration made FedEx to an 3PL outperformer in terms of shipment performance and visibility, which in return made FedEx the preferred carrier of Siemens for several regions in the world. I also led the addition of a self-billing file transfer integration. This solution was rolled out in EMEA, USA and Canada. For this Siemens EDI integration I received the highest FedEx departmental recognition, the Supply Chain Solutions ?Impact Award? in 2002 and 2008. Later a migration from UN/EDIFACT to Web Services (SOAP/XML) was implemented for some locations. Porsche AG (North America) was able to close local warehouses in the US and Canada, after I analysed the customers? demands, designed, scoped, planned and lead a bulk-shipment solution project for their spare parts delivery to North America using EDI message exchange with our FedEx Value Added Network. I amended the solution later for faster customs clearance and less paperwork by adding an electronic commercial invoice integration between Porsche and our customs clearance sister company FedEx TradeNetworks. I designed, scoped, planned, executed, monitored and completed this project as the FedEx project manager. I received the EMEA Sales ?Pride Award? for that successful project and highly customized integration solution implementation. Many more systems integration projects and supply chain solutions with clients like BMW, Daimler-Chrysler, Boehringer-Ingelheim, SAP multichannel logistics developers (SALT solutions), Canon (OCE printing systems).

Core Responsibilities:   

  • Designing and scoping systems integration projects with our key account managers, onsite at client locations in Germany, other european countries and globally with remote, virtual teams.
  • Translate, explain, ensure understanding between TECH and NON-TECH staff (internal and external clients) by connecting the dots/people.   
  • Adding significant value to our key accounts by managing the project from scope, execution, scheduling, controlling-monitoring to project completion with resources in different time-zones using online collaboration and virtual meeting tools.   
  • Support for the remote developers, VAN administrators and
    customs clearance teams with business requirements
    documentation, regular WIP calls and web meetings.   
  • Regular international WIP calls and project updates with     clients and internal stakeholders in different time zones,
    countries and cultures.   
  • Living the FedEx Purple Promise (code of conduct), delivering outstanding customer experience.   
  • Using FedEx QDM ? LEAN Quality Driven Management methodologies to improve existing processes, measuring client satisfaction, finding root cause for issues, implement solutions and monitor the outcome.   
  • Embracing the FedEx People-Service-Profit philosophy, by
    putting people first in all business planning and decisions,
    enabling them to do good work, by giving them good work to do, leading to outstanding customer service and profit for the corporation.

FedEx Awards received:
FedEx Pride Award 2009 Q2 for outstanding performance supporting our sales dept., 2009 FedEx Impact Award 2008 for successful amendment of EDI with Siemens AG, 2008 FedEx Pride Award 2008 Q1 for successful systems integration with Porsche AG, 2008 FedEx Bravo Zulu recognition for delivering outstanding Customer Experience, 2006 FedEx Managing Director's Business & Customer Technology Award, 2006 FedEx Impact Award 2002 for successful EDI integration with Siemens AG, 2002

FedEx Management Exam:
I have successfully finished the FedEx ?New Horizon? internal management enablement program. This included an external assessment from ?Caliper Corporation? with a recommendation for a management position

FedEx Express - Federal Express Europe, Inc.
Austria, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland

Aus- und Weiterbildung


  • IC Agile - Agile Team Facilitator
  • IC Agile - Business Value Analysis (Product Owner Coaching)
  • ANZSCO ICT Project Manager skills assessment by the Australian Computer Society
  • IIL - FedEx Project Management Approach Certification based on PMP
  • ITIL V3 Foundation - Service Management
  • Team Management / FedEx Management certification ?New Horizon?


Menschenorientierte und Transformationale Führung:

Ich setze menschenorientierte Führung um, inspiriere Teammitglieder, fördere individuelle Entwicklung und intellektuelle Stimulation. Dieser Stil schafft motivierte Teams, die herausragende Produkte und Dienstleistungen liefern.

Delivery Management, Agile Coach & Scrum Master:

Gestaltung von Delivery-Prozessen, die Menschen stärken und Echtzeit-Transparenz für Stakeholder bieten. Optimierung der Wertschöpfung, Team-Effizienz und Entscheidungsfindung durch pragmatisches Coaching und Führung. Schaffung einer Umgebung von gegenseitiger Fürsorge und psychologischer Sicherheit.


Erfahrung in Remote-Arbeit seit 2001, sowohl vor Ort als auch von zu Hause aus, gestärkt durch Autonomie, Meisterschaft und Zweck.

Jira-Administrator / Miro-Facilitator:

Effektive Nutzung von Jira und Miro zur Förderung der Zusammenarbeit und Echtzeit-Einblick in Arbeitsfortschritte und Lieferprognosen.



Agile Coach Scrum Master Teamleading Psychological Safety Lernkultur Atlassian JIRA Lean Kanban Rapid Prototyping Design Thinking Projektmanagement Miro Mural Coaching Scrum

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • Strong people skills, Emotional Intelligence, empathy, creating empowered, entrusted teams   
  • Business analysis, systems and data integration, digital transformation Waterfall project management   
  • Agile management, Scrum, Lean, Google Venture Design Sprints, MVP’s, User Stories mapping, physical and virtual wall boards   
  • Atlassian’s JIRA & Confluence administrator and power user   
  • Trello virtual boards, sharing across teams and virtual teams   
  • Autotask - CRM, Project Management, Service Desk, Billing solution   
  • Systems and data integration EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), UN/EDIFACT, XML & Web Services, SQL, Enterprise Data Warehouse, Value Added Networks   
  • MS-Windows, Apple Macintosh, MS-Office applications (MS-Project and Visio included).   
  • Vendor management, procurement of services and goods

Earlier employment:
7+ years strategic and operational buyer with hands-on experience procuring goods and services in China. Strong affinity with IT by supporting the optimisation of our own ERP buying module development. Reducing BAU work time & efforts by automation.
Start-up experience by creating the whole environment (IT and non-IT) for import and wholesale, product management, procurement, marketing, sales and HR. 5 years field sales representative and key account manager. Real hands-on experience in goods and services import & export, wholesale and retail. European Union 3 months work exchange project in Dublin, Ireland.

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