Data Consultant
Aktualisiert am 10.06.2024
Mitarbeiter eines Dienstleisters
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Skill-Profil eines fest angestellten Mitarbeiters des Dienstleisters






1 Jahr 1 Monat
2023-08 - heute

Graph-based software delivery

Graph-based software delivery
  • Data integration workflows
  • Testing workflow results with SPARQL
International telecommunications company
3 Monate
2023-10 - 2023-12

Automated compilation of documentation for software components

Automated compilation of documentation for software components
  • Ontology engineering
  • Integrating data from software config files
  • Teaching how to use, and how to create workflows in, eccenca Corporate Memory
International telecommunications company
7 Monate
2023-06 - 2023-12

Knowledge graph for validation of data from power metering points

Knowledge graph for validation of data from power metering points
  • Ontology engineering
  • SPARQL-based data integration
  • UIs in Metaphactory
  • Data validation with SPARQL
International energy and utilities company
2 Monate
2023-07 - 2023-08

Recruitment platform

  • Goal: Recommendation of promising candidates and relevant competences for management positions
  • Building the knowledge graph (data integration with ETL pipeline, ontology engineering)
  • Graph analytics
4 Monate
2022-11 - 2023-02

Consolidation of product information sources, linking of industry classification

Consolidation of product information sources, linking of industry classifi-cation
  • Ontology and taxonomy engineering
  • Data integration (ETL pipeline, RDF mapping)
International retail chain
8 Monate
2022-06 - 2023-01

Supply chain management and overview

Supply chain management and overview
  • Analytical SPARQL queries about existing and potential supply chains
  • Integration and plausibility checks of supply chain CO2 footprint data
  • Ontology engineering and alignment
International automotive supplier



Data Consultant



Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

The candidate is an expert in the areas of linked data, semantic web, knowledge graphs, ontologies and data integration. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Information Science and Language Technology from the University of Düsseldorf. He has worked with clients in the automotive, retail and energy industries as a consultant for linked data business cases, architecture and implementation.

  • Linked Data & Semantic Web
  • Ontology engineering
  • Data integration
  • Python development
  • Web development (SEO, accessibility, usability, structured data)
  • Information architecture

  • Standards
    • RDF
    • RDFS
    • OWL
    • SPARQL
    • SHACL
    • SKOS
    • RML
  • Tools
    • Jena/riot
    • tarql
    • SPARQL Any-thing
    • standard Unix command-line tools
  • Platforms
    • Eccenca Corporate Memory
    • Metaphactory
    • Semantic MediaWiki
  • Graph databases
    • GraphDB
    • Stardog
    • Virtuoso
    • Fuseki






1 Jahr 1 Monat
2023-08 - heute

Graph-based software delivery

Graph-based software delivery
  • Data integration workflows
  • Testing workflow results with SPARQL
International telecommunications company
3 Monate
2023-10 - 2023-12

Automated compilation of documentation for software components

Automated compilation of documentation for software components
  • Ontology engineering
  • Integrating data from software config files
  • Teaching how to use, and how to create workflows in, eccenca Corporate Memory
International telecommunications company
7 Monate
2023-06 - 2023-12

Knowledge graph for validation of data from power metering points

Knowledge graph for validation of data from power metering points
  • Ontology engineering
  • SPARQL-based data integration
  • UIs in Metaphactory
  • Data validation with SPARQL
International energy and utilities company
2 Monate
2023-07 - 2023-08

Recruitment platform

  • Goal: Recommendation of promising candidates and relevant competences for management positions
  • Building the knowledge graph (data integration with ETL pipeline, ontology engineering)
  • Graph analytics
4 Monate
2022-11 - 2023-02

Consolidation of product information sources, linking of industry classification

Consolidation of product information sources, linking of industry classifi-cation
  • Ontology and taxonomy engineering
  • Data integration (ETL pipeline, RDF mapping)
International retail chain
8 Monate
2022-06 - 2023-01

Supply chain management and overview

Supply chain management and overview
  • Analytical SPARQL queries about existing and potential supply chains
  • Integration and plausibility checks of supply chain CO2 footprint data
  • Ontology engineering and alignment
International automotive supplier



Data Consultant



Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

The candidate is an expert in the areas of linked data, semantic web, knowledge graphs, ontologies and data integration. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Information Science and Language Technology from the University of Düsseldorf. He has worked with clients in the automotive, retail and energy industries as a consultant for linked data business cases, architecture and implementation.

  • Linked Data & Semantic Web
  • Ontology engineering
  • Data integration
  • Python development
  • Web development (SEO, accessibility, usability, structured data)
  • Information architecture

  • Standards
    • RDF
    • RDFS
    • OWL
    • SPARQL
    • SHACL
    • SKOS
    • RML
  • Tools
    • Jena/riot
    • tarql
    • SPARQL Any-thing
    • standard Unix command-line tools
  • Platforms
    • Eccenca Corporate Memory
    • Metaphactory
    • Semantic MediaWiki
  • Graph databases
    • GraphDB
    • Stardog
    • Virtuoso
    • Fuseki

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