C++/Golang/Rust expect with experience in Backend, Gaming, Automotive, Blockchain and other industries. I'm Clean Code and TDD enthusiast.
Aktualisiert am 05.06.2024
Freiberufler / Selbstständiger
Verfügbar ab: 05.06.2024
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davon vor Ort: 10%
Clean Code



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



1 year 6 months
2023-03 - now

Implemented secondary index feature

Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
  • Working on decentralized database DefraDB with privacy and security-first features in Golang and Rust
  • Implemented secondary index feature that allows running complex queries within milliseconds
  • Established communication between Go and Rust through ABI to allow better compilation to WASM
Source Inc.
3 years 9 months
2020-12 - now

Designed modular architecture for an E-commerce platform

  • designed modular architecture for an E-commerce platform that allows easy move them into microservices
  • developed a backend with GoLang by following layered architecture that allowed flexibility in making decisions: allowing switching storage layers for production implemented with MongoDB and testing
  • implemented GraphQL to connect frontend applications with backend services using the Go gqlgen library
  • set up all development infrastructure like containerization with Docker, adjusted continuous integration pipeline on GitLab with multiple stages and employed AWS cloud-based solutions for the hosting
  • implemented an abstraction layer for delivery mechanisms, like HTTP and console, that allowed developing an app for accessing backend via terminal that used goroutines and channels to achieve smooth user experience
  • achieved high security by implementing such features as OAuth 2.0 for authentication and encryption
  • achieved 95% test coverage by following best Test-Driven Development practices using Ginkgo and Gomega
On request
5 years 4 months
2019-05 - now

Improved existing tools and pipelines

Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
  • improved performance of a massively parallel algorithm that runs on GPU under Linux by 8% by making memory transfer between CPU and GPU more efficient using C++ and CUDA
  • succeeded in refactoring of a monolithic and intertwined code by following SOLID principles which resulted in more maintainable and testable code and enabled the whole team to write Integration and Unit Tests.
  • improved existing tools and pipelines using Python and Bash that allowed parallel execution of test scenarios
Argo AI
2 years 6 months
2021-09 - 2024-02

Improved CI/CD Jenkins pipeline

Technical Lead Engineer
Technical Lead Engineer
  • successfully delivered 2 libraries under severe time restrictions that implement secure network communication protocol over UDP for public transportation systems using C++17 with Boost and Qt libraries
  • improved CI/CD Jenkins pipeline by adding few static check that resulted in better code quality checks
Televic GSP
2 years 2 months
2017-03 - 2019-04

Optimized performance

Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
  • optimized performance of the CryEngine?s editor by 18% that allowed faster processing of objects
  • delivered a VCS plugin for the game engine that allows tracking of game assets with complex UI in Qt
  • To reassure sequential execution a job scheduler that heavily utilized multi-threading
  • utilized C++ template meta-programming to make code flexible, readable and type-safe
1 year 11 months
2015-04 - 2017-02

Delivered complex features

Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
  • Delivered complex features for the mobile game Forge of Empires for iOS and Android using a C++ engine
3 years 4 months
2012-02 - 2015-05

delivered GPU-accelerated game engine and a flexible UI framework

Lead Frontend Developer
Lead Frontend Developer
  • built up a team of 8 developers and led it to successful delivery of the browser MMO game Elvenar
  • delivered GPU-accelerated game engine and a flexible UI framework
5 years 1 month
2006-09 - 2011-09

Delivered a MMORPG

Frontend Game Developer
Frontend Game Developer
  • delivered a MMORPG for browsers using frontend technologies like JavaScript
TWX Media Ltd

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

4 years 11 months
2002-09 - 2007-07

M.S. in Computer Science with Minor in Finance (5 years of study)

Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Russia
Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Russia



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



1 year 6 months
2023-03 - now

Implemented secondary index feature

Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
  • Working on decentralized database DefraDB with privacy and security-first features in Golang and Rust
  • Implemented secondary index feature that allows running complex queries within milliseconds
  • Established communication between Go and Rust through ABI to allow better compilation to WASM
Source Inc.
3 years 9 months
2020-12 - now

Designed modular architecture for an E-commerce platform

  • designed modular architecture for an E-commerce platform that allows easy move them into microservices
  • developed a backend with GoLang by following layered architecture that allowed flexibility in making decisions: allowing switching storage layers for production implemented with MongoDB and testing
  • implemented GraphQL to connect frontend applications with backend services using the Go gqlgen library
  • set up all development infrastructure like containerization with Docker, adjusted continuous integration pipeline on GitLab with multiple stages and employed AWS cloud-based solutions for the hosting
  • implemented an abstraction layer for delivery mechanisms, like HTTP and console, that allowed developing an app for accessing backend via terminal that used goroutines and channels to achieve smooth user experience
  • achieved high security by implementing such features as OAuth 2.0 for authentication and encryption
  • achieved 95% test coverage by following best Test-Driven Development practices using Ginkgo and Gomega
On request
5 years 4 months
2019-05 - now

Improved existing tools and pipelines

Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
  • improved performance of a massively parallel algorithm that runs on GPU under Linux by 8% by making memory transfer between CPU and GPU more efficient using C++ and CUDA
  • succeeded in refactoring of a monolithic and intertwined code by following SOLID principles which resulted in more maintainable and testable code and enabled the whole team to write Integration and Unit Tests.
  • improved existing tools and pipelines using Python and Bash that allowed parallel execution of test scenarios
Argo AI
2 years 6 months
2021-09 - 2024-02

Improved CI/CD Jenkins pipeline

Technical Lead Engineer
Technical Lead Engineer
  • successfully delivered 2 libraries under severe time restrictions that implement secure network communication protocol over UDP for public transportation systems using C++17 with Boost and Qt libraries
  • improved CI/CD Jenkins pipeline by adding few static check that resulted in better code quality checks
Televic GSP
2 years 2 months
2017-03 - 2019-04

Optimized performance

Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
  • optimized performance of the CryEngine?s editor by 18% that allowed faster processing of objects
  • delivered a VCS plugin for the game engine that allows tracking of game assets with complex UI in Qt
  • To reassure sequential execution a job scheduler that heavily utilized multi-threading
  • utilized C++ template meta-programming to make code flexible, readable and type-safe
1 year 11 months
2015-04 - 2017-02

Delivered complex features

Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
  • Delivered complex features for the mobile game Forge of Empires for iOS and Android using a C++ engine
3 years 4 months
2012-02 - 2015-05

delivered GPU-accelerated game engine and a flexible UI framework

Lead Frontend Developer
Lead Frontend Developer
  • built up a team of 8 developers and led it to successful delivery of the browser MMO game Elvenar
  • delivered GPU-accelerated game engine and a flexible UI framework
5 years 1 month
2006-09 - 2011-09

Delivered a MMORPG

Frontend Game Developer
Frontend Game Developer
  • delivered a MMORPG for browsers using frontend technologies like JavaScript
TWX Media Ltd

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

4 years 11 months
2002-09 - 2007-07

M.S. in Computer Science with Minor in Finance (5 years of study)

Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Russia
Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Russia

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